Trophies (now with list of supported games)

  • Thread starter Scaff
Hah, I have to admit I kinda cheated with the co-op one. I only have 1 controller, but my parents have another PS3 so I borrowed their one and played the co-op all by myself... I just didn't shoot anything and kept the ships together, only moving them if rocks are going to fly towards me.

Umm I wouldnt consider that cheating, as that sounds a lot more difficult hahaha.
Umm I wouldnt consider that cheating, as that sounds a lot more difficult hahaha.
Nah... if you don't shoot them on certain planets (forgotten the one I did -I think it was the 5th one) the waves of asteriods stop falling after a while and becomes very easy to do.
Eden is out today, the trophy list is out too, some of them seem HARD to get.
The Eden demo was entertaining, but I am still undecided.

I am confused as to exactly what kind of trophies you can get.
The Eden demo was entertaining, but I am still undecided.

I am confused as to exactly what kind of trophies you can get.

Probably some reguarding collecting all the spectra and what not. But yea that demo was fun and very casual, but at the same time it was really difficult.
The Eden trophies mainly focus around collecting spectra, opening seeds and pollen multipliers.

I had a quick go on the full game last night and while its very enjoyable, its also bloody difficult and at times quite frustrating. However its a very nice change from driving or shooting stuff.

I've also updated the first post to include its release.


I managed to get 1 trophy out of eden yesterday, all seeds in level 1. It's hard guys but it dose completly change the way you aproach a level, becomes more about keeping the harmonic tuned (time limit toped up) and actualy exploreing the level. Looking foreward to some of the older titles getting trophy suport as it should breath new life into them if it's implimented as well as Eden. Also theres not many silver and gold trophys available in Eden, could mean later expansion packs or a shift by sony to reduce the number of trophys in PSN games?
I just got pain after hearing it was getting trophies, it was on sale for $5.00. I'm updating Burnout since i just got it and that one has trophies coming I've heard.
Burnout Paradise is hands down the arcade racer of the generation, thus far. Nothing comes remotely close.

Edit: I see you're playing right now :) Good stuff!
why would ratchet and clank be rumored to support trophies? i beat the game and didnt really find anything trophy worthy lol. Uncharted yes, cause of all of the rewards and stuff, but wait i have a question. Say i already beat the game, mgs4, and already got big-boss extreme badge and all the rest, i have to go and do it all over again??
Ratchet and Clank (Both Tools of Destruction, and Quest For Booty) are not planned to have trophies at this time. It's POSSIBLE that Q4B may get trophies down the line, but very unlikely that Tools of Destruction will get a patch.

That said, the game has plenty to offer for trophies. "Trophy Worthy" must be one of those ridiculous new internet meme's.

Lastly, yes, 90% of all trophy patches will not be retroactive, unless the save file is LOCKED. Anything that has an open save file (aka you can trade) will NOT have retroactive trophies.

Burnout Paradise, Warhawk, and Pain will all have retro active trophies.
I dont really care about retroactive trophies, I just want them. If i have to beat a game over again, Ill just look at like, im getting my money's worth. I have games that are just sitting there anyways. But will suck is for games that I bought/rented, and beat, but then returned them, I may have to rent them again, even though I have the save game. Which, yes, that sucks, but hey Ill live.
A good reason to do them again. I heard a pod cast from the ign boys that said achieving trophies in Uncharted is well worth doing the awards all over again. I may pick up Uncharted soon once i save some cash after buying my Kawasaki Z1000. I like and dislike expansion trophies in Super Star dust. I dont see the draw to the "Solo Expansion" besides Endless.
A good reason to do them again. I heard a pod cast from the ign boys that said achieving trophies in Uncharted is well worth doing the awards all over again. I may pick up Uncharted soon once i save some cash after buying my Kawasaki Z1000. I like and dislike expansion trophies in Super Star dust. I dont see the draw to the "Solo Expansion" besides Endless.

Endless and Survival are amazing. I think Custom Soundtracks come with the Solo-Pack as well. Time attack is also very fun (if you're into leader boards).

The Team-Pack, however, wasn't worth it, but I bought it anyway.

The Solo-Pack is more than worth it's money for anyone who's a fan of SSHD.
so if i beat mgs4 with all of the badges, i beat it yesterday, it wont be on my trophy list? when it comes out?

MGS4 isn't getting trophy support.

If it did, you would have to complete those achievements after the patch, even if you already earned them.
o come on, is it not retroactive? i actually just beat the game yesterday, i have to do it all over again?

Im in the US, so lol i dont have it yet. But why would MGS4 not support trophy?
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o come on, is it not retroactive? i actually just beat the game yesterday, i have to do it all over again?

The only games that will feature retrospective trophies are those that store details on-line (such as Warhawk) and those that have a save that is locked to a single PSN account (as in Burnout).

Anything else will require you to play through the game again, its been done to stop a repeat of the silly free-for-all that happened with the 360's achievements system, when people were buying and selling game saves to boost points.



BTW - please don't double post, if you notice you have missed something out and no one else has posted after you, then please use the edit button to add to your post. I've merged your two together, but please don't double post in the future. Thanks.
o ok, ill just beat the game again when it supports tophies in the US, Im still playing it, although it only took me 6 hours to beat lol. Now you said the games bought at the store, what about rocketman?
Burnout Paradise, Warhawk, and Pain will all have retro active trophies.
Unless something has changed since the last developers post on the PAIN blog the trophies won't be retroactive, because they won't be the same as the in-game trophies either. So, unless it uses your current stats to see if you have already done something it's hard to see how it will be retroactive.

Apparently they want them to be tricky so that it isn't like Super Stardust where anyone just repeating things over and over until they manage it can get them all. It'll actually require you to properly learn the skill tricks of the game.
o ok, ill just beat the game again when it supports tophies in the US, Im still playing it, although it only took me 6 hours to beat lol. Now you said the games bought at the store, what about rocketman?

Take a look at the very first post in this thread and you will find a complete list of those games that already support trophies, those we know will on release or by patch, those that are only rumours and those we know will never support them.

At present nothing at all has been said about Rocketman at all, so currently it would have to be no trophies, obviously if we come across any news then this thread would get updated.


o ok thanks. Do you know if Siren will have trophies, i didnt see it in the first post. I played the demo and thought it was awesome. o and does anyone here have superstardust. i want to know if its worth buying or not
Agreed, Super Star Dust is a very good twin sticks shooter that is IMO better that Geometry Wars 1/2. I've been playing it more lately and it had little to do with trophies, its just that good. I'm currently trying to beat all my friends scores besides Jeremy, just not going to happen. But 26mil is not out of reach.
lol, you can beat my score! You should see G.T's score, ridiculous. I've made good in Endless and Bomber, but I just can't be bothered to do those extremely long runs in arcade mode, it get's so tedious, and I just don't have the time to do it anymore.

Oh, about PAIN trophies, I hadn't been keeping up. Originally it was planned to use the trophy data from the game, but I suppose they scrapped that idea. Good stuff too, because I really like pain, I just hope it isn't ridiculous stuff, like "Bomb Bikini Girl 5 Times in Block Party". That is stupid hard.