Trophies (now with list of supported games)

  • Thread starter Scaff
You are right Shivering isles it is indeed on the US store. However knight of the nine is not. and none of them is on the EU store.
Thats because knights of the nine is included in the PS3 version. Not trying to be mean but check your facts before calling a developer out.
Well the fact is that for customers in EU who bought the original PS 3 version there is no way to get the expansion without buying the game once more (The game of the year edition)

Also there is a glitch in the Game of the year edition wich makes it imposibel to get a cure if you become a vampire. For the Xbox there was a patch to fix this isue as far as I know, but none where ever made for PS3.

Those are the facts, and wichever way you are trying to discredit what I am saying, it is still a fact. Therefor I think it is ok to say that so far Bethesda did not seem to threat the PS3 customers the same way as the do with the Xbox.

Also how dificult could it be to implement those trophies, or at the least give a confermation that they will indeeed make trophies later with a patch.

Its been a couple of month's now with trophies on PS3, and honestly it should not be a surprise for any developer that customers want them in new games.

Other games developers has been able to implement trophies in their games, and some are working patches for it. The Xbox version will have achivement's, but the PS3 version will not have trophyes.

So far Bethesda are continuing down that road. Make a game to PS3 sell as many as they can and then dont do anything to fix isues with he game as the customers already payd for the game, so there is no more money in it.
Actually I think the dev's treated the PS3 quite well, the game was far superior to its 360 counterpart in terms of graphics and explorable space due to the added Blu Ray capacity..... as for everything after the initial release I can't really speak but I do feel they did a good job with the PS3 version.

As for trophies I think its stupid that not all previous games and future games should not be patched.... Sony should make it a law or something, I guess with first party dev's it is for upcoming games.

Thats really a shame. I gues i wont buy this game until they update it with trophies if they ever do.
Here is a question (or three): Is the game fun? Is it worth playing? If we never got a trophy system would you have still played it then?

If the game is worth playing, why do trophies matter? If you buy a nearly equal running multi-platform title on the 360, instead of the PS3, for achievements I can understand that. If you delay it because trophies are coming, I can understand that.

But if you ditch a game just because it will never have trophies, then I have to wonder why you wanted to play it in the first place. It obviously isn't just because you wanted to.

If you want to play the game, play the game. If you don't, then don't. Trophies should have nothing to do with it.

For example, I want to play Civilization Revolution. I am planning to get it from Gamefly due to the reported issues of the multiplayer that I have seen around so I can decide if it is a deal breaker or not. I lowered it on my list to wait and see what the trophy status would be. Once it was confirmed there would not be trophies it moved to the top of my list. Now, I am just waiting for it to be available for me to rent. But I am still going to play it, and if I like it buy it. Trophies only affected my timing.

As for trophies I think its stupid that not all previous games and future games should not be patched.... Sony should make it a law or something, I guess with first party dev's it is for upcoming games.
Sony has to be reasonable with developers. Some games have been in development for years, others finished for years, and trophies require more than just adding a bell and icon. It requires a statistic tracking system. That is slightly more complex than I think many people realize.

So far, four games have been patched: Super Stardust HD, Uncharted, Buzz: Quiz TV, and Warhawk.

I don't have Buzz, but I do have the other three. While I cannot speak for Buzz, every other game that was patched already had a statistics tracking system. Heck, Uncharted even went so far as to just directly copy their current in-game stuff.

PAIN! got their trophies and expansion delayed specifically because they readjusted the trophies to make them less unpossible. Unfortunately that delayed everything else they were putting out at the same time, because the new stuff was all coded already with the new stats system. And here is the real kicker; PAIN! already has a stats system, but it didn't work the way they needed for trophies. So, even if a game has a stats system it doesn't mean it is easier.

What is Sony going to do? Tell the developers of Resistance that if it doesn't get trophies they won't let it play on the system anymore? Or better yet, tell EA that if Madden 07 doesn't get trophies they won't carry Madden ever again?

Developers have moved on and some teams are even two games down the line at this point.

Sure, a developer could increase sales on past games, but at this point it is just as likely to only increase rentals.

I mean, I have a Gamefly subscription. Why would I buy a two-year-old game, that I didn't want to play when it was new, when I can just rent it without paying a single extra penny?

Sony making them mandatory for anything that comes out after a certain time frame is much more reasonable for everyone than taking "old" games or nearly completed games and making them get patched up.

By the way, Scaff, you may want to update Warhawk's listing on the main page.
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Here is a question (or three): Is the game fun? Is it worth playing? If we never got a trophy system would you have still played it then?

If the game is worth playing, why do trophies matter? If you buy a nearly equal running multi-platform title on the 360, instead of the PS3, for achievements I can understand that. If you delay it because trophies are coming, I can understand that.

But if you ditch a game just because it will never have trophies, then I have to wonder why you wanted to play it in the first place. It obviously isn't just because you wanted to.

If you want to play the game, play the game. If you don't, then don't. Trophies should have nothing to do with it.

To anwser your questions.

I dont know if the game is fun or not yet, as the game is not released yet. It looks interesting / fun, but I will wait and see until release.

The trophies are a great way of enhancing already good games. I Wouldent buy a crap game just because it had trophies, but if there are two good games I am thinking about buying then i will get the one with trophies. The trophies add a great deal of competition and replay value single player games.

For exampel in a racing game do you think it would be fun to do time trials over and over, if there was not leadersboards or someway of competition but you would only race agasint your own time, although it could be fun for a while, but imo it wouldent last long.

There are a lot of interesting games coming out this fall. I will only buy quality games, and one of my personal critirias for quality is trophies. Simply sending a message to developers, stop making half assed crap games.

They should try and learn from what Naughty Dog did with Uncharted.
It was already one of the best selling games, and for a reason because the game has one of the best stories combined with some of the best graphics we seen on the PS3 so far, and the game has no major bugs, and on top of that they went and made a patch with included trophies, for a game that was already over the hill. Now that is what i call customer service.

And one more thing I am really not interested to argue with you about it you are absolutely entitled to have you opinion. So this is pretty much my last post on the subject.
Well the fact is that for customers in EU who bought the original PS 3 version there is no way to get the expansion without buying the game once more (The game of the year edition)

Also there is a glitch in the Game of the year edition wich makes it imposibel to get a cure if you become a vampire. For the Xbox there was a patch to fix this isue as far as I know, but none where ever made for PS3.

Those are the facts, and wichever way you are trying to discredit what I am saying, it is still a fact. Therefor I think it is ok to say that so far Bethesda did not seem to threat the PS3 customers the same way as the do with the Xbox.

Also how dificult could it be to implement those trophies, or at the least give a confermation that they will indeeed make trophies later with a patch.

Its been a couple of month's now with trophies on PS3, and honestly it should not be a surprise for any developer that customers want them in new games.

Other games developers has been able to implement trophies in their games, and some are working patches for it. The Xbox version will have achivement's, but the PS3 version will not have trophyes.

So far Bethesda are continuing down that road. Make a game to PS3 sell as many as they can and then dont do anything to fix isues with he game as the customers already payd for the game, so there is no more money in it.

I have to agree with Robin on this one. I think that Bethesda did a great job with Oblivion on the PS3. It had better graphics in general, better load times due to Blu-ray, and less pop in trees and other objects. It included the Knights of the Nine content, and the Shivering Isles was made available via download from the Playstation store. Now, if the European Playstation Store didnt get the content, its most likely Sony's fault rather than Bethesda. And even so, there are ways to purchase US content from Europe, and no limitations as to what PS store you access.

That said, it is an annoyance that the glitch will go unpatched, but thats only the GoTY edition, and it is a relatively small glitch when you compare it to all of the other aspects of the game.

As for trophies go, you dont seem to understand the fact that on a game as huge as Fallout 3, the development cycle could be 3 to four years. The game is due out relatively soon, which most likely means that its close to completion. So with so much done in the game, and then all of the sudden, Sony comes out with trophies, its no wonder that the developers dont have time to implement them into the game. It takes time and money and just resources in general that the company didnt account for when setting the development cycle.

Its absolutely ridiculous for you to claim that you wont play the game due to something as trivial as that.

If you want to attack a game developer, pick one like EA who consistently makes games for the PS3 with a noticeable quality difference, not Bethesda who are doing their best to support an older game as well as creating an amazing new one, and getting it completed on time.

Here is a question (or three): Is the game fun? Is it worth playing? If we never got a trophy system would you have still played it then?

If the game is worth playing, why do trophies matter? If you buy a nearly equal running multi-platform title on the 360, instead of the PS3, for achievements I can understand that. If you delay it because trophies are coming, I can understand that.

But if you ditch a game just because it will never have trophies, then I have to wonder why you wanted to play it in the first place. It obviously isn't just because you wanted to.

If you want to play the game, play the game. If you don't, then don't. Trophies should have nothing to do with it.

For example, I want to play Civilization Revolution. I am planning to get it from Gamefly due to the reported issues of the multiplayer that I have seen around so I can decide if it is a deal breaker or not. I lowered it on my list to wait and see what the trophy status would be. Once it was confirmed there would not be trophies it moved to the top of my list. Now, I am just waiting for it to be available for me to rent. But I am still going to play it, and if I like it buy it. Trophies only affected my timing.

Sony has to be reasonable with developers. Some games have been in development for years, others finished for years, and trophies require more than just adding a bell and icon. It requires a statistic tracking system. That is slightly more complex than I think many people realize.

So far, four games have been patched: Super Stardust HD, Uncharted, Buzz: Quiz TV, and Warhawk.

I don't have Buzz, but I do have the other three. While I cannot speak for Buzz, every other game that was patched already had a statistics tracking system. Heck, Uncharted even went so far as to just directly copy their current in-game stuff.

PAIN! got their trophies and expansion delayed specifically because they readjusted the trophies to make them less unpossible. Unfortunately that delayed everything else they were putting out at the same time, because the new stuff was all coded already with the new stats system. And here is the real kicker; PAIN! already has a stats system, but it didn't work the way they needed for trophies. So, even if a game has a stats system it doesn't mean it is easier.

What is Sony going to do? Tell the developers of Resistance that if it doesn't get trophies they won't let it play on the system anymore? Or better yet, tell EA that if Madden 07 doesn't get trophies they won't carry Madden ever again?

Developers have moved on and some teams are even two games down the line at this point.

Sure, a developer could increase sales on past games, but at this point it is just as likely to only increase rentals.

I mean, I have a Gamefly subscription. Why would I buy a two-year-old game, that I didn't want to play when it was new, when I can just rent it without paying a single extra penny?

Sony making them mandatory for anything that comes out after a certain time frame is much more reasonable for everyone than taking "old" games or nearly completed games and making them get patched up.

By the way, Scaff, you may want to update Warhawk's listing on the main page.

And one more thing I am really not interested to argue with you about it you are absolutely entitled to have you opinion. So this is pretty much my last post on the subject.
I am not trying to argue with you, I am just trying to figure out why trophies are suddenly a criteria to make someone play a game when we have been doing it without them for years.

I'm not attacking you, I just keep seeing that kind of comment come up in the comments of the PlayStation Blog and you are the first person on a site that I regularly post on. But it's like on the Blog everyone was saying how much they loved The Last Guy demo. Then when the full game came out I saw some of the exact same people say, "No trophies? FAIL. I was going to buy this, but not now."

I just don't get it is all. Maybe it is because I have been playing games for nearly 25 years (possibly longer, I can't remember my first game) and until now I never had it. Basically my only criteria to play is: Is it fun? and I have a second criteria for a purchase: Will I continue to play it?

I understand trophies adding replay value to games without them, but normal in-game challenges, like in Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, PAIN! and MGS4, do that just as well. And maybe that is my confusion, because it doesn't add anything other than a way to broadcast your accomplishments.

As for your racing game time trials without a leaderboard example: I call it GT1-GT4.

Maybe it is just a personality difference. I am the type to spend hours upon hours in GT games running time trials, and I enjoy it.

There are a lot of interesting games coming out this fall. I will only buy quality games, and one of my personal critirias for quality is trophies. Simply sending a message to developers, stop making half assed crap games.
I doubt you will improve developers outlooks. They will just be more likely to add trophies to their crap games. Have you seen the Gamefly rental list for some 360 achievement whores? Check it out, user Punch_ur_Mom_n_da_face has all the achievements in My Happy Pony Adventure. In fact, some shovelware was notorious for adding all kinds of easy to get achievements just to take advantage of that.

But I am far from anti-trophy. If a game I am interested in will have trophies I will immediately check them out. Example: the Jeopardy trailer that was on the PS Store last week. I paused it when they showed the trophy presentation.

Which reminds me, if you didn't see that trailer, Jeopardy will have trophies. I just like Jeopardy and it is a game my wife will play with me.
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Well im going to try one more time, even I proberly shouldet, as it seems to be kinda pointless to discuss it, I doubt we will ever agre.

I dont understand why you guys just cant accept that we have diferent opinions without having to call my opinion ridiculius, and make it sound like I am some kind of idiot who dont know that a game is not done in two months. Or that I am somehow making it up and not telling facts. Also i dont know why some of you think I would buy any game just if it has trophies.

About Oblivion..
You can not use the US version of the expansion with a EU game, as they are not combatible with eachother.
For EU customers who bought the Original PS3 version of Oblivion, and now wishes to play the expansion, the only option is to buy the game once more (The game of the year edition)

For all customers PS3 EU+ US who bought the game of the year oblivion there is no way to get cured once you become a Vampire ( Or in fact there is a way, wich requires you to eather buy, rent or loan the original Oblivin, now talk about something that is ridiculous)

On the other systems when this bug was dicovered there was made and update aviable to fix it.

Now that is the fact's about Oblivion.

As for the trophies. You are right developing a game today is no longer done by one guy in the basement on his C64. It takes long time and it cost a lot of money. On the other hand the developers they already knew that the trophie system was going to be implemented on the PS3, and it is not something completely new to them they are already making the achivement's on the Xbox.

Now the question is, how come some game developers where able to make trophies aviable for their games, and others are not within the same timespan ?. Some of the major titles dont have them, and their dont seem to be any reason for the developers to invest money to make them.

Games like GTA4, MGS4. COD4 some of the best selling games why are they not implementing trophies via a patch. One reason alone and you mentioned your self because it cost money, and they already sold the games, if they where to make a trophie patch, that would just be money out of their pocket, simple short term buisness, but not really a great customer service.

Also I dont buy a game just because it has trophies. In fact the only game I have so far with trophies is Uncharted, because it is the only game out of those who have trophie, that interest me. I do have Ferrari challenge also wich will also have trophies with the next patch.

All I was trying to say is I think it is to bad that one game wich I had hoped would be top quality game now lacks one critiria to be a top game.

There is simply to many games who take the short way. The games sell anyway, so why invest more time / money to make the games really good.
The game does not look fun.
Yeah it got pretty poor reviews.
Well, from the comments in the PlayStation Blog a lot of people did not like it after buying it and the producer responded to every one of those comments asking them to try it again after the patch.

Most of them came back happy now.

Apparently it is more than just trophy support. They tweaked the difficulties, added customizable controls, in-game XMB music, and a few other things regarding gameplay and weapon information.

After initial responses I did not want to bother with it, but after seeing this I am really interested in the demo, which won't be out until after a European release.

If I am lucky it will be a demo and a price cut in the same week.
Which reminds me, if you didn't see that trailer, Jeopardy will have trophies. I just like Jeopardy and it is a game my wife will play with me.
Nevermind this. The PS Blog says just in-game trophies. I could have sworn the trailer was showing XMB trophies.

Noticed that Bionic Commando: Rearmed wasn't on your list of games getting a Trophy update. Pretty sure Capcom is looking into it, and it should happen.

Puzzle Fighter, however, probably won't get an update. Also unlikely that DMC4 will receive that treatment (also pretty sure someone on the Capcom boards said that they aren't going to do it).
I think there's a good chance there will be a new Metal Gear Solid 4 next year with Trophy Support. Game of the Year Edition featuring Trophies and a voucher for MGSolid for PS1 and PSP :). Wishful thinking. Sales could possibly increase with that @ $39.99 or $29.99.
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ok, big question, does anyone know if star wars the force unleashed will have Trophies? I just got the game, and i think that there are many places that trophies can go. Oh, and to answer anyones questions about NOVASTRIKE i have it and the trophies are wicked easy, but the game is short and kinda hard and really boring. The last boss is impossible with only 5 lives, but im still trying! HAHA, so, if i had to say, just game share it off of someone that you know. Other wise, they should price cut it to like 5 dollars. Whats the news about the new MGS4? is that you thinking or a rumor?
Joystiq has the list of LBP trophies.

Due to some AUP violating language in the comments I will not link the story.
But I will quote it.

All 48 LittleBigPlanet trophies revealed
by Griffin McElroy Sep 21st 2008 12:00PM
Filed under: Sony PlayStation 3, Action


Exactly one month stands between us and the release of Media Molecule's ambitious, customizable platformer LittleBigPlanet -- for the masses who've been eagerly anticipating the title since its Go! Team-infused GDC 2007 reveal, that kind of wait could be nigh-unbearable. Being the altruistic so-and-sos we are, we thought we'd help alleviate your impatience with a recently leaked, complete list of LBP trophies (posted after the break) -- though we imagine there's a good chance that further details about the game could only increase your already fevered excitement. If that's the case, we're totally sorry.

Bronze Trophies

  • The Gardens - Complete all levels in The Gardens
  • The Savannah - Complete all levels in The Savannah
  • The Wedding - Complete all levels in The Wedding
  • The Canyon - Complete all levels in The Canyon
  • The Metropolis - Complete all levels in The Metropolis
  • The Islands - Complete all levels in The Islands
  • The Temples - Complete all levels in The Temples
  • Expert Creator - Complete all levels in the tutorials
  • Artist - Place a sticker
  • Homemaker - Place 10 stickers or decorations in your pod
  • Fashion Sense - Choose a costume for your sackperson with at least one item on your head, at least one item on your body, and a material
  • Forager - Collect 25% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
  • Sticky Fingers - Collect 50% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
  • Treasure Hunter - Collect 75% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
  • 2X Multiplier! - Get a 2X Multiplier
  • 8X Multiplier! - Get a 8X Multiplier
  • Incredible Speed! - Travel at incredible speed
  • Incredible Height! - Travel to an incredible height
  • Friendly - Complete a level with more than one player
  • Party Person - Complete a level online with 3 other players who are on your friends list
  • Socialite - Complete a level online with 3 other players who are not on your friends list
  • Top of the Class - Win a 4-player game
  • Traveler - Complete a community level
  • FIRST! - Be among the first 10 people to complete a community level
  • Opinionated - Tag a community level
  • Neighborhood - Watch Heart 5 community levels
  • Networking - Heart 3 authors
  • Talkative - Post a comment on a community level
  • Creator - Build and save a level with the thermometer more than 30% full
  • Team Creator - Build and save a level with more than one player with the thermometer more than 30% full
  • Publisher - Publish a level
  • Look What I Made! - A level you published was played by 5 or more people
  • Trendsetter (Hidden) - Place a sticker or a decoration on another player's sackperson
  • Cranium Collector (Hidden) - Kill 100 Creatures across all levels
  • Secret Stickerist (Hidden) - Unlock the race in First Steps
  • Sackbird (Hidden) - Spend 8 seconds or more in the air

Silver Trophies

  • Just Beginning - Complete all the main path story levels
  • 20X Multiplier! - Get a 20X Multiplier
  • Hi Score - Collect 1,000,000 points over all levels you have played
  • Booty Master - Collect all the prize bubbles on the story levels
  • Dr Frankenstein - Create a living creature with at least 2 eyes, 2 legs or wheels, and a brain
  • Crowd Pleaser - A level you published was played by 50 or more people
  • Feel the Love - A level you published was hearted by 10 or more people
  • Celebrity - You were hearted by 5 or more people as a player

Gold Trophies

  • Play - Complete all story levels without dying, with the exception of those levels that only end when you die
  • Create - A level you published was hearted by 50 or more people and you were hearted by 30 or more people
  • Share - Play 150 community levels, tag 50 community levels and heart 10 community levels

I like the titles of the gold trophies. At least they are keeping up with their theme.
This is getting me more excited about LBP! The wait is too much. Too much! I can't wait for October 21st.

I wonder how hard the Sackbird trophy will be to get.
Adding to the wave of trophy news we have the following on....


Described as due for imminent release we have a whopping 64 trophies for Burnout Paradise City.

Bronze Trophies

* Repair your car - Awarded for driving through any Auto Repair
* Set a Time Road Rule on any road - Awarded for beating any of the original Time Road Rule scores
* Set a Showtime Road Rule on any road - Awarded for beating any of the original Showtime Road Rule scores
* Win a race - Awarded for winning any Offline Race
* Smash 3 Burnout Billboards - Awarded when you smash through your 3rd pristine Burnout Billboard
* Smash 30 Burnout Billboards - Awarded when you smash through your 30th pristine Burnout Billboard
* Drive through 10 sets of Yellow Smash Gates - Awarded when you drive through your 10th set of Yellow Smash Gates
* Drive through 50 sets of Yellow Smash Gates - Awarded when you drive through your 50th set of Yellow Smash Gates
* Shutdown the Nakamura SI-7 - Awarded when you Shutdown the Nakamura SI-7
* Score a x3 Multiplier in Showtime - Awarded for reaching a x3 Multiplier in Showtime
* Perform 3 Takedowns - Awarded for performing your third Takedown

* Drive through a Repair shop during a Road Rage - Awarded for driving through an Auto Repair during any Offline Road Rage
* Perform a 180 degree Flatspin - Awarded for performing a Flatspin of at least 180 degrees
* Successfully land your first Super Jump - Awarded when you successfully land your 1st Super Jump
* Score a Boost Chain of x2 - Awarded for achieving your first Boost Chain of x2
* Survive a Marked Man - Awarded for winning any Offline Marked Man
* Beat the target score in Stunt Run - Awarded for winning any Offline Stunt Run
* Power Park your car - Awarded for successfully Power Parking your car between two other vehicles
* Set 10 Showtime Road Rules - Awarded when you set your 10th Showtime Road Rule
* Set 10 Time Road Rules - Awarded when you set your 10th Time Road Rule
* Complete 5 Burning Routes - Awarded when you complete your 5th Burning Route
* Drive on the wrong side of the road for 547 yards - Awarded for driving a distance of 547 yards in Oncoming Traffic in one go
* Shutdown the Carson Inferno Van - Awarded when you Shutdown the Carson Inferno Van
* Successfully land 10 Super Jumps - Awarded when you successfully land your 10th Super Jump
* Land a Barrel Roll jump - Awarded for successfully landing a Barrel Roll jump
* Find all the events around Paradise City - Awarded when you have discovered every event in Paradise City
* Visit all the Car Parks in Paradise City - Awarded when you discover every Car Park in Paradise City
* Invite a friend to join you in Paradise City - Awarded for sending an online game invite to another player
* Complete a Freeburn Challenge - Awarded when you complete your 1st Freeburn Challenge
* Visit a Gas Station during a Race - Awarded for driving through a Gas Station during any Offline Race
* Visit a Paint Shop to change your vehicle color - Awarded for driving through any Paint Shop to change your vehicle colour
* Enter a Road Rage in the Carson Inferno Van - Awarded for entering any Offline Road Rage in the Carson Inferno Van
* Visit the Airfield - Awarded for visiting the Airfield in Silver Lake
* Visit the Quarry - Awarded for visiting the Quarry in White Mountain
* Jump Dead Man's Edge - Awarded when you first jump over Dead Man's Edge in White Mountain
* Jump over another player's car - Awarded for jumping over another player's car in an online game
* 8 Players meet in the Wildcats' Baseball Stadium - Awarded for meeting up with 7 other players inside the Wildcats' Baseball Stadium in an online game
* Send a Mugshot or Smugshot - Awarded for sending a Mugshot or Smughot to another player during an online game (requires a USB camera to be connected)
* Take part in an Online Stunt Run - Awarded for taking part in an Online Stunt Run
* Take part in an Online Marked Man - Awarded for taking part in an Online Marked Man
* Be on the Blue team for Online Road Rage - Awarded for taking part in an Online Road Rage as a Runner on the Blue Team
* Be on the Red team for Online Road Rage - Awarded for taking part in an Online Road Rage as a Chaser on the Red Team
* Ride 50 Miles Offline on a bike - Awarded when you reach a total bike distance ridden of 50 miles
* Complete any Bike Day Road Rule - Awarded when you set your 1st Bike Day Road RuleCompl
* Complete any Bike Night Road Rule - Awarded when you set your 1st bike Night Road Rule
* Ride 10 miles on a bike in any 8 player lobby - Awarded for riding 10 miles on a bike in an 8 player online game
* Complete 5 Bike Challenges - Awarded when you complete your 5th Freeburn Challenge on a bike

Silver Trophies

* Drive through 200 sets of Yellow Smash Gates - Awarded when you drive through your 200th set of Yellow Smash Gates
* Earn your 'D' class license - Awarded when you receive your 'D' Class License
* Earn your 'C' class license - Awarded when you receive your 'C' Class License
* Earn your 'B' class license - Awarded when you receive your 'B' Class License
* Earn your 'A' class license - Awarded when you receive your 'A' Class License
* Score a x5 Multiplier in Showtime - Awarded for reaching a x5 Multiplier in Showtime
* Score a Boost Chain of x4 - Awarded for achieving your first Boost Chain of x4
* Score over 50,000 in a stunt run - Awarded for scoring over 50,000 in any Offline Stunt Run
* Drive 750 miles - Awarded when you reach a total car distance driven of 750 miles
* Complete 10 Freeburn Challenges - Awarded when you complete your 10th Freeburn Challenge
* Complete your first Timed Challenge - Awarded when you complete your 1st Timed Challenge
* 24 hours in Paradise on a bike - Awarded for spending a full 24 hour day and night cycle riding a bike

Gold Trophies

* Smash 60 Burnout Billboards - Awarded when you smash through your 60th pristine Burnout Billboard
* Earn your 'Burnout' Driving License - Awarded when you receive your 'Burnout' Driving License
* Complete 10 Timed Challenges - Awarded when you complete your 10th Timed Challenge
* Earn 100% on your Bike License - Awarded when you reach 100% complete on your Bike License

Platinum Trophy

* Awarded for successfully collecting all trophies from Burnout Paradise (excluding Additional Content trophies)

and then for....

Wipeout HD

Transcendence - Earn all the trophies in the game

Uplift - Obtain a medal for every cell in Uplift
Warped - Obtain a medal for every cell in Warped
Frenzy - Obtain a medal for every cell in Frenzy
Vertigo - Obtain a medal for every cell in Vertigo
Head Rush - Obtain a medal for every cell in Head Rush
Speed Freak - Obtain a medal for every cell in Speed Freak
Drop Zone - Obtain a medal for every cell in Drop Zone
Meltdown - Obtain a medal for every cell in Meltdown
1 Gold Medal won, 86 to go… - Obtain your first gold medal
Flatland Flyer - Execute and land a successful barrel roll on Moa Therma
Own the Zone - Get 20 consecutive perfect zones in a single Zone Mode event
Double Kill - Eliminate at least two opponents in any race
Endurance - Finish an online 12 race tournament
Connected 1 - Finish 10 online races

Campaign Legend - Obtain a gold medal for every cell in race Campaign
Airbraker - Reach Zone 50 (Subsonic) in Zone Mode on any track using only airbrakes and sideshift. Motion sensor controls must be tuned off
Connected 2 - Win 10 online races
Lapped Out - Complete 99 laps in a single Racebox, Speed Lap session
AG Assassin - Eliminate 50 online opponents
WipEout Disciple - Obtain 100,000 loyalty points for any team

Elite Campaign Legend - Obtain a gold medal for every cell in Race Campaign on Elite difficulty
Zone Zeus - In Zone Mode, reach Zone 75 on any track
Arcade Perfect - Finish 1st on all 16 tracks in Phantom class Racebox races on Elite difficulty
Beat Zico - Equal or beat the lap time of 30.82 seconds on Anulpha Pass (Forward), Speed Lap, Venom using the Piranha
Livery Liberation - Unlock every ship skin in the game

Which should keep quite a few people busy for quite a while.


Burnout Paradise City has just had the Tropies patch released and its been confirmed that it is NOT retrospective.

If you want all the trophies you will need to delete your game save and start again.


Well thats fine with me, I just started the game two days ago, and I just rented it. My sister works at blockbuster, so all of these games that are coming out with trophies, if I dont own them, I can just rent them for free. :)
Yeah the Uncharted ones got boring... I don't mind the game but I don't have any enthusiasm to keep playing it. I'll probably get around to getting a load more for it eventually when I'm mega bored...
I actually have great drive to finish it, but I have so much more that I'm currently playing (Burnout, Wipeout, PixelJunkEden, Buzz, and PAIN). I'll get to it, but I have to finish my backlog.