Two more maintenance periods, 7th & 9th July

  • Thread starter MatskiMonk
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Thanks for the heads up. Looks like it starts around 11pm for us kiwis so I'm will be sound asleep while all the kinks are being worked on during the maintenance :)

At the following time we will perform maintenance on the servers for Gran Turismo 6:

From UK Site:
Start: 07/07/2015 12:00 BST (GMT +1)
Finish: 07/07/2015 20:00 BST (GMT +1)

Start: 09/07/2015 12:00 BST (GMT +1)
Finish: 09/07/2015 20:00 BST (GMT +1)

From USA Site:
Start: 07/07/2015 07:00 EDT
Finish: 07/07/2015 15:00 EDT

Start: 07/09/2015 07:00 EDT
Finish: 07/09/2015 15:00 EDT

During the maintenance, it will not be possible to connect to any of the online services.

8 Hour periods?
Ok, this is gonna be funny ... popcorn please! :cool: :lol: :P
Well, combining this with words spoken by mods; "Do I know anything? Sure. All I'll say is...don't focus so much on what's happening now." this seems to be a build up to something - and we know of a few somethings that aren't in the game yet.

Now it's really a question of when this "something" is happening - it seems pretty clear that it'll be soon, though now it's within a human definition rather than PD's.
All aboard the hype plane...

Ooops I mean train...

Does updating the servers have anything to do with making online play easier to use? Does maintenance to servers prepare the network for greater online activity? I say, the FiA events are to begin, are the seasonals and network tests to see how many players will be online at any given time? I'm only asking for info.
And the times are at a different period then usual, but similar to last years infamous double maintenance period start time. The times translate to 20:00 - 04:00 in Japan. Skeleton Shift, much?
No, they're obviously pulling two all-nighters, Le Mans style. We're through the looking-glass! 7/1 was only the beginning!

Do not stand in the way of the Hype Train!

8 hours? :eek: I wonder what it could be. It's definitely online related. Let's wait and see.
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8 hours? :eek: I wonder what it could be. It's definitely online related. Like someone said, they're either going to bring back the share feature, or they're preparing the online for the Course Maker or maybe both. Let's wait and see.
Who said anything about a share feature? PD certainly didn't...
Who said anything about a share feature? PD certainly didn't...
back in GT5 you could share cars, tracks made with the generator, suits, helmets with your friends and they didn't bring it back with the community feature, so they might have not said anything about it, but it was part of GT and would make perfect sense to bring it back so that people can share they're tracks. That is IF they give us the Course Maker.
back in GT5 you could share cars, tracks made with the generator, suits, helmets with your friends and they didn't bring it back with the community feature, so they might have not said anything about it, but it was part of GT and would make perfect sense to bring it back so that people can share they're tracks. That is IF they give us the Course Maker.
I'm aware it was in GT5. That, however, doesn't really mean anything to GT6. Unlike the Course Creator, which is confirmed by PD, no such share feature has been announced by anyone.
Why more hype? Did no one see what happened 2 days ago? What I get from the word "Maintenance" is just maintenance (that will hopefully fix online even though I rarely ever use it anymore)
back in GT5 you could share cars, tracks made with the generator, suits, helmets with your friends and they didn't bring it back with the community feature, so they might have not said anything about it, but it was part of GT and would make perfect sense to bring it back so that people can share they're tracks. That is IF they give us the Course Maker.

Maintenance period = Must be bringing back a feature they cut from a previous game and never even said they'd bring it back...

Seems legit.

If they are preping the servers for allot of traffic. it would not be the corse maker but the FIA series thing thay got going on!
The only thing I expect is 27 metric tonnes of 🤬 to hit the fan.

The only thing I expect is to go play Project CARS, then go to bed, and then read through this thread tomorrow and get a good giggle. Thanks in advance guys ;)
when i think that the last maintenance made my day [i like read the posts ,when the hype is on the way], quickly 2 not 1 but 2 !! maintenances both very close.
I can't image how many f5 pressures on my laptop:dopey:
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