UEFA Euro 2012

  • Thread starter AlexGTV
He definitely slipped, nice chance by Ronaldo there. Half time now.
Portugal will be tired before the end of the match. 1 counter for the Czech, and it's bye bye Ronaldo.

Don't forget your diving equipment.
Cech is playing better now. Probably because his defence consists of 10 players again.

Come on Czech Republic ! Knock the divers prima donnas out.

Baros is a bit crap.
Cech and Czech are having a very good match, and I love a good upset I do.. ;)

C'mon C(z)ech :D

Great save by Cech there.
Hey i tell you who i like in the czech team..its gebre sellasie..i think hes a good little right back!
The commentators on the BBC are funny, whenever Ronaldo makes a mistake they always think of a couple of excuses, yet when someone else makes a mistake "that was a shocking header" "he really should be doing better there"
It's amazing how biased they are towards Ronaldo 👎
Woah, that incident looked nasty... Cech would make a good kick boxer with that knee kick :lol:

Agreed, Pagey. Everbody seems to totally pamper Ronaldo.
Portugal should at least be 2-0 up by now! such is their dominence and good chances!
Too true Pagey, Nani's a great example of there bias. When he got the yellow card in the first half the commentators said; "And that's a great bit of role reversal there by both players", and then it turned out Nani whacked him on the head. And about 3 minutes ago they said "The referee's made a terrible decision not giving a corner", and the replay showed it hit Ronaldo and went out. To which they replied; "Great spot to see that it was a goal kick".

Great saving tackle on Nani there 👍
1-0 Courtesy of Ronaldo just as I started considering extra time :(
RRRRRRRRRrrrrroooooonnnnnnaaaallllllldddddoooooooooooooooooooo!! its been coming!!!

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