UKGTP7 - UKGTP International (5th-7th May)

  • Thread starter Famine
Will this fit?

in NL you also have the plugs which are grounded on the side of the plugs i believe,
but then you would also be able so use round unearthed plugs.

Yes these (=pic) fit exactly!
WARNING: you cant use round unearthed plugs as there are 2 notches in the sockets that will prevent the unearthed roud plug to go in!!

Ive got 2 of these

Is there an electric hardware store in Newark? They'd probably have pin plug converters. If not and push came to shove you could buy some 3 pin plugs and re-wire them. (though I think the situation has been resolved).

Also bought 2 flashlights so that i can find my way in the dark alleys of the UK
and a cellphone so that i can phone home if something bad happens.



It's not quite the crime ridden country the press like to make you believe. Though be wary of politicians wanting your vote!
My calfs are going to be huge if I use the pedals.

Any more news on the bloke with the dodgy hand (Touring Mars?) and/or Ashley?
My calfs are going to be huge if I use the pedals.

Any more news on the bloke with the dodgy hand (Touring Mars?) and/or Ashley?

I've got a broken leg - does that count?
How did ya manage that?

Good job you use a DFP eh?
Mrs Faminetta could drive for you....?


The step and I didn't see eye-to-eye on its location in the space-time continuum. I said it was beneath my feet. It said it was implanted in my shin. The bannister interjected to point out that the step was correct and the bannister itself was in my face to drive the point home.

Curse you gravity! You win again!
So you have a bruise and your crying bout it???

Maybe your continuum was on vodka or something....?

Ya know my place is 3 storey right? should be fun watching you head for the bathroom!!!

Ya know my place is 3 storey right? should be fun watching you head for the bathroom!!!

It would seem the funs going to begin when the, probably, intoxicated people try to navigate back down them.

No, she's quite right. The X-rays (five of them! Five!) showed my bones to be sickeningly healthy.

aye, tis but a scratch! Dont know what all the fuss is about :sly: Although i did think it was slightly disturbing that the first thing Famine says to be when he came round was "want to feel my tibia moving?"

well, there's always the drunk proof... we can mash the bruise, and when it stops hurting, you are drunk... works like the formula Ben and I came up to know if we're drunk...
Just started a new GT4 save with none of the driving aids (that's what'll happen next weekend right?) learning quickly. Starting is so different. My phone came today too so I need to get that set-up.
Hi there! It's 8:30am on Tuesday morning, and I've been up a while even though I'm on holiday. Damned jetlag! 👎 Needless to say I'm back on British soil again and pleasantly surprised by the weather!
Looking forward to Sunday and meeting all the new faces and all the familiar folks too! Hope you all have a great day of racing on Saturday and make sure you have debilitating hangovers for Sunday so I've a chance of winning a race or 2! :P

"head for the bathroom...." I said "head" not go to!!!!

*awaits insinuations and comments about head.... :indiff:


Going to could be conceived in two ways.

"Going to the bathroom" as in walking there.
"Going to the bathroom" as in I had a curry last night and it's not going to hold.
Hi there! It's 8:30am on Tuesday morning, and I've been up a while even though I'm on holiday. Damned jetlag! 👎 Needless to say I'm back on British soil again and pleasantly surprised by the weather!
Looking forward to Sunday and meeting all the new faces and all the familiar folks too! Hope you all have a great day of racing on Saturday and make sure you have debilitating hangovers for Sunday so I've a chance of winning a race or 2! :P

Welcome home :)
Its true, it could be conceived in either of those ways...

But i said "Head to the bathroom" so its relevant how??

Because I like to twist words, kind of like David Cameron in that aspect, I can load a dishwasher too!
I've just been looking through the old threads and I'm astonished we only got through 5 events last time out!

I've prepped the memory card for the Saturday just now - 3 events and a spare event. I've got the carlist sorted out for Sunday and Monday's racing too... Getting close and exciting now :D
Absomalutely. Renaultsport Clio V6s again at a yet-to-be-revealed location.
It is really close now isnt it!

Well things are all systems go this end. VEXD has the venue all sorted, we've been and bought some fantastic prizes. Some really good corkers, the others just for fun. We know how to keep your ameba brains occupied!

I do have an announcement to make which i hope doesnt have too much effect on the whole weekend, but i believe it only fair that everyone know and be on equal honest footings. :grumpy: 👍
I am absolutely sick to death of winners being worshipped and praised. There for, those who come last will receive their prizes first. I would also like Famine to remember this when completing his right up of events. :dopey:
Sure does! 👍
Has been a while since i've driven anything more than a Beat round a track on GT tho, so theres no need to worry! I know my driving skills are a problem for those who have attended previously!

You can all relax now! :sly:

Just one likkle question. Does anyone attending on the Friday night have any problems/concerns bout dogs? Have 3, all very friendly (specially if theres bone showing famine), but i will keep them out of the way if anyone is worried by them.
Our lamp posts are grey round here honey, not glow in the dark white! although obviously at night, they glow in the dark!

I think your only concern with my dogs is your odour and the fuzzy hair. they may confuse you with one of their toys!