Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Two things caught my attention: I don't know who Joss Stone is, but she's quite the looker, and New Zealand truly is a beautiful country.
Decent episode. The race was cool; I never watch sailing or the America's Cup, and it's interesting to see the team work needed and the sailing they do with those intense looking boats. I liked the hot hatch segment because they actually declared a winner rather than being all wishy-washy about it like they did for a few years.

This series looks like it's going to be good.
Two things caught my attention: I don't know who Joss Stone is, but she's quite the looker, and New Zealand truly is a beautiful country.

Joss Stone is an incredibly talented singer/songwriter.

On the whole I thought it was a good episode, I laughed hard at the "race". Not quite sure in the point of it, but it was funny all the same.

The series is gonna get a joke lot better after Jeremy's tweet this morning.
Meh episode, not bad by any means though,news bit was uneventful and not needed,hot hatch part was good amd a decent enough race
Not the best start to a season, but I got a few laughs from it. Enjoyed both the hot hatch test and the race. I can't really complain much when they decide go and film something in a breathtaking location like NZ.

The RPC choice was definitely surprising, although inviting multiple guests to put the first lap times on the board yet again felt rehashed. Especially when they brought back some of the previous SIARPC contestants. I did find Hammond's attempt to avoid Mike Rutherford and his sheep riding comment funny though, I'll admit.

I don't think many people would have predicted that the reasonably priced car was an Astra!

Tech Line.... with lifetime warranty. Mustn't forget that.
Do you think the bits that Jimmy Carr broke were replaced under warranty?

Not a chance. :lol: Are the terms of the "lifetime warranty" listed anywhere, it'd be fun to read all the "get out" clauses.:dopey:
Episode 2 of 6 - Info | Source: tvguide.co.uk

*Jeremy Clarkson gets behind the wheel of the Ferrari F12 Berlinetta.

*Richard Hammond harnesses the power of motorsport on a quest to find the world's best taxi.

*James May pays tribute to the former BBC Television Centre in White City, London, using a motorcyclist and a pair of parkour runners.

*BAC Mono - an astonishingly fast car with just one seat - is put through its paces on the test track

*Ron Howard goes for a spin in the new Reasonably Priced Car.
It looks like last nights episode was beaten in the ratings by Countryfile!...
The race just wasn't interesting, I didn't care who won and using the joke of a hire car being the only car you drive to the limit didn't work. As I said above when he crashed on purpose the second time I nearly turned it over, so stupid that they expect us to believe Jeremy has forgotten what to do when you encounter another car in the road.
The Mirrors tv critic Ian Hyland gave review of the episode in his column in todays paper, heres some of the things he said

'theres no denying that Top Gear does exactly what it says on the tin but even though the most ardent petrol head must admit that the tin is looking a little rusty these days. And throwing money at it wont help

'was it really worth blowing so much going all the way to New Zealand for a race they could have easily done on the Isle of Wight?

'it was Joss stone I feel most sorry for though. First she had the trauma of discovering two men wanted to break into her house and chop her head off. Then she finds out that Hammond fancies her' :lol:
The thng is whilst the show has always been scripted it never used to be so obvious and poorly acted. At no point did I think he actually fancied her or that basically any of the dialogue during that section was genuine.
I enjoyed the episode. All I want TG to do is make me laugh and provide a little bit of info about cars. It does those two things very well most of the time. That said, TG is at its best with serious features such as the mini Senna documentary a couple of years back.
The thng is whilst the show has always been scripted it never used to be so obvious and poorly acted. At no point did I think he actually fancied her or that basically any of the dialogue during that section was genuine.
That's what led me to dismiss Top Gear u.s.a. after watching a couple episodes. Trying way, way too hard.
I enjoyed the episode. All I want TG to do is make me laugh and provide a little bit of info about cars. It does those two things very well most of the time. That said, TG is at its best with serious features such as the mini Senna documentary a couple of years back.

They're much better at being funny when they're more natural, in recent years it's been too forced in the script. Hammond is an awful actor and the other two aren't much better.
I must admit, I've just watched it on the iPlayer and I was very giddy when Charles Dance (aka Tywin Lannister) showed up. :embarrassed:
I don't see how the new Reasonably Priced Car is well... Reasonable. Also, I think it will be slower than the Kia.
The star in the reasonably priced car is Ron Howard this week, no doubt he'll be there to talk about Rush...
Looking at the info for tonight's episode, it looks set to be pretty jam-packed compared to previous offerings. Normally they have three, maybe four different segments. This time it appears we have five if there's any truth in what I'm reading.
Oh brilliant, Top Gear delayed because some people are hitting balls over nets.
I thought Wimbledon was finished. And as its the final set, they could continue all night. *sigh*