Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Not just in the states, her mouth is too big, her eyes are too far apart and she's too skinny.

Dude you better look like Johnny Freakin' Depp if you think you can judge a quite good looking person with that level of severity.
Standard fare this week. Felt like too much hoovering and not enough of anything else, but not any worse than half the Top Gear I've seen over the years, which is frequently somewhat painful to watch.

Oh, and yeah, they always place girls behind the presenters/stars. But what nobody's mentioned yet about the one behind Jackman is than in at least one shot you can barely see that the guy behind/next to her has his arm around her waist, and if you check his expression, he's none too happy that she's sharing the camera with Hugh. Now that was both unscripted and funny!
How can some of you guys not like the hover van? When they instantly crashed was classic and destroying everyone's stuff was also funny. There was alot of it in the episode but it moved so slow I'm sure they had a lot of footage.
It was going well I thought until the second part of the hovervan part. Up to then it all felt fairly natural, still scripted of course but not too bad. I did genuinely laugh when they floured James via the hover fan in the garage. The second part of hovervan though, awful. Way too OTT scripted with the obvious actor in the boat and then the drenching of the people at the restaurant. I do wonder if they think the viewers still thinks stuff like that is real or if they know we'll know it's baloney but still find it funny.

I think the idea was pretty good, just poorly executed thanks to the heavy scripted. I'm also not sure why they pretended they built that whole thing themselves, it was clearly done by professionals, the second version at least.
How can some of you guys not like the hover van?

You mentioned one of the reasons why in your own post:

When they instantly crashed was classic and destroying everyone's stuff

Wrecking peoples stuff just made them seem even more irritating than they really ought to be. Crashing as soon as they entered the river was expected too, but they couldn't count on how much it would damage the van.

You may find it funny. I thought much of it was embarrassing.

I think the idea was pretty good, just poorly executed thanks to the heavy scripted. I'm also not sure why they pretended they built that whole thing themselves, it was clearly done by professionals, the second version at least.

First version was rubbish, so my guess it that they did do most of the work on that.

As far as the second one goes, I think they could have planned the design to an extent and chose which engines to use. But nothing more.
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How can some of you guys not like the hover van? When they instantly crashed was classic and destroying everyone's stuff was also funny. There was alot of it in the episode but it moved so slow I'm sure they had a lot of footage.

Wait, so you did think those people at the restaurant were members of the public who didn't know that would happen?
Obviously they were gonna crash or sink at some point in van but it went in and sunk instantly. I didn't think it would be that deep right away. It didn't even try to float. This is classic top gear stuff so if you don't like it than idk how you can like any of top gear. Ya all the people were fake but i don't think everyone was. For example they had many boats and people on the edges the entire time and I don't think everyone was in on it.
Yeah, I figure a lot of what happens is real, and there's a guy that comes around after taking names and handing out money for the inconvenience. And most of the rest of the budget is for insurance at these live shoots.
Yeah, I figure a lot of what happens is real, and there's a guy that comes around after taking names and handing out money for the inconvenience. And most of the rest of the budget is for insurance at these live shoots.

Sarcasm? Because that certainly isn't the case. You can't do what Top Gear supposedly does to innocent members of the public and then just pay them off afterwards. Especially not when you're the BBC, funded by license fee payers.

Of course not everyone is involved, they are filming in public areas but anyone directly involved, ie the guy in the boat and the angry wet people at the restaurant will have all been actors. The BBC wouldn't allow a cheap hidden camera gag show do that for real let alone their flagship entertainment show.
Not quite sarcasm... more that a part of me wants to believe it'd made in this rough and ready fashion. If it were real, yeah, I don't care how much money they have, first time somebody got hurt they'd be shut down, if not by the BBC, then by public opinion.
The guy in the boat was obviously an actor, but those people at the restaurant were more than likely the general public who were just given a brief notice of what was going to happen.

Not the greatest, but I still enjoyed the episode.
The boat guy and restaurant people had to be paid actors. That was too dangerous to just do and pay after. What I am wondering is if that boat they dented was fake or not. They sideswipped it and it had a large damage area than they killed the power before smashing into two other parked boats. I'm thinking the boat they hit was a mistake and real since they had no way to control from jot hitting it.
I wouldn't say I know exactly how that was planned but certainly it would have been, as much as Clarkson likes to act the part of a moron in recent years he would have known how to properly drive that and not speed into the side of the boats.

Again even if they were paying people out for these things you can't go around accidentally damaging public property and not start getting bad press for it. I mean if that was your boat would you just accept whatever money BBC gave you and stay quiet?
I thought it was a decent episode, the Merc and SIARPC were good, the electric SLS is incredible!, The hovervan was a bit meh but there were some funny bits, also your all talking about the people at the restaurant being actors but what about the guy whom they hit his boat and fell into the river? he has to be an actor surely?!
also your all talking about the people at the restaurant being actors but what about the guy whom they hit his boat and fell into the river? he has to be an actor surely?!

shmogt and McLaren did mention him though. It's so obvious that he was in on the gag that it's hardly worth mentioning really. What McLaren said about him and the restaurant-goers is almost certainly true, in any case.
I loved Jeremy's Stig intro last night, 'if he played for Man United, he'd be loyal and not a potato-headed oaf'! :lol:
Funny episode with some funny jokes.
Good Merc segment as well as good SIARPC. The hovervan was a good idea badly excuted and very predictable. The men in the boat was clearly an actor, but not all the people in the restaurant were actors. Those further away from the bank aren't imo.
Closer to classic Top Gear.

I loved Jeremy's Stig intro last night, 'if he played for Man United, he'd be loyal and not a potato-headed oaf'! :lol:

But the best was the Pirelli one on the first episode.
I loved Jeremy's Stig intro last night, 'if he played for Man United, he'd be loyal and not a potato-headed oaf'! :lol:

A half-decent ep,SIARPC was funny the hovervan thing was funny but obviously staged and a bit in ya face with obvious attempts of comedy and the SLS black,E-cell was the best part because it was about reviewing cars.
The hovervan was done pro surely,and that A-team building montage so...
...de ja vu.
I am just lost on this series of Top Gear. I was hoping they'd do a segment similar to the one they did at the Britcar 24hr race based on the 48hr held in Spain this year. I only enjoy the international voyages when they are at least a little factual or show me new places of interest like that spectacular road in Romania. I do feel that they need some fresh ideas but without new heads new ideas won't happen.
I finally got a chance to watch the new episodes I had saved on my DVR. Boy has this show gone downhill.

Even the last "series", only the Africa special was watchable/worth watching again, IMO.
Yet another **** storm brewing? The past two episodes were genuinely entertaining. While I appreciated the angle they took on Spain, the sheer fact they actually took a blooming van and transformed it into a hovercraft was nearly as big as taking a Reliant and rocketing it into space.

As you folks can tell, I rather liked the last two episodes.
Taping Topgear tonight as i'm watching the darts final on Sky Sports, will probably watch it tomorrow..
The caravan segment was a complete farce but I couldn't help but laugh. 20 series in and Clarkson, Hammond and May just get dafter and dafter to the point of absolute ridiculousness.
I feel quite contented having watched that. We all knew what would happen if they were given a couple of caravans to mess around with, but I thought they executed it well enough. Watching them disintegrate was a good laugh.

The 911 and Sesto Elemento segments added to what has been a consistent season, as far as vehicle tests go. Nothing great overall, but this is the sort of episode that I definitely enjoy.
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Thought that was a pretty decent episode. Caravan section was a bit silly, but I actually found it pretty funny.