Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
But if you do have a TV and a TV licence I think it is perfectly legal to download an episode of TopGear within the UK.

I've literally just watched last nights episode, great start with the Marcos, I loved that cars interior. The Bugatti was phenominal, hopefully we'll see a power lap but the BBC may have to pay a private owner to allow them to do one like they did with the Enzo. Mind you, I can't think of much better than the Veyron beating an Enzo's lap on national television for free publicity. And regarding the handling, I've heared similar comments about it being sharp and responsive in every test drive. So to everyone that made post after post after post in the Veyron thread that it would be a piece of dung round corners, nob off. I have to say, that was brilliant TV that race, but the best race done so far is still the first in the Aston DB9, nicer looking car and better filmed imo, but thats not to say this one wasn't good. It was superb.
Imagine if the wrecked the Bugatti on a test run :eek: That would be hundreds of times worse than an Enzo.
Well no it'd be less than 1 and a half times worse, the Speed 12's appearance looks like it's been delayed again, I'm doubting it will ever appear and if it does, will the Stig hot lap it, becasue just what DO you do if you mangle a one of a kind. The Veyron is lower volume than the Enzo but still not so low it's irreplacable, moeny i the only object and the BBC could afford to replace one, it's just not something they'd want to do. But then they'd have insurance for that ind of thing, so regardless I don't see any real reason for VAG or the BBC to not want to run it. Ferrari didn't let anyone performance test the Enzo, not magazines, not car shows. Any tests that were done were in privately owned cars, it was kind of a strange thing that for a car based so highly around performance.
Just adding to the above post, did anyone notice the silver Veyron they had in the studio was infact an earlier concept, the vents behind the wheel arches and the larger front intakes give it away. That'll be why they didn't run it around the track.
But if you do have a TV and a TV licence I think it is perfectly legal to download an episode of TopGear within the UK.

That is correct. You are a single-use copyright holder.
I think this episode was only better than the 1st one. The Bugatti is pretty amazing, but the other episodes were more interesting for me.
Ok, some proportion of my tax dollars in Australia goes towards SBS (also the ABC). SBS also raises revenue via between programme advertisements (not during the programmes however). I don't pay any silly TV tax. All you need to watch TV in Australa is... a TV.

As SBS airs Top Gear, do I need to watch their ads to be allowed to download and watch (only once and then delete- of course) an episode of Top Gear, or can I relax knowing my taxes go towards SBS which then buys the rights to air Top Gear from the BBC?
As the advertisements only run prior to and after Top Gear, I could easily mute them or only turn the telly on and off PRECISELY when Top Gear is on, missing the ads. This would be legal, so maybe its legal to just download the programme to watch once anyway?!

Surely its just the same thing as people who use TIVO, or use a VCR to tape shows when they're not home. Only on the internet, the media format is different, but its the same content and the same use (download to watch at user's convenience, delete after seeing it once).

Some TV hosts even condone the use of VCRs to tape the show saying things like "You'll want to get the VCR ready, this'll be good!"

It seems very vague to me. Even if it is technically illegal, no one seems to care too much.
My favourite race was with the SLR another amazing car

Totally agree 👍
I love the SLR and that race was very entertaining.

BTW do you think these races are fixed??
I'm starting to think they are. JC always wins and somehow things always go wrong for Hamster and May even though at the start, the odds seem stacked against JC. And how can these races finish soooo closely even though the race is over 1000's of miles??
The only time i remember JC winning convincingly was with the SLR when Hamster and May destroyed 2 boats.

That thing JC said about the Veyron being the best car someone is ever going to make is wrong. I'm sure in about 7yrs from now someone will make an even faster car. People said the same thing about the Mclaren F1 but after a while it got beaten.
Well no it'd be less than 1 and a half times worse, the Speed 12's appearance looks like it's been delayed again, I'm doubting it will ever appear and if it does, will the Stig hot lap it, becasue just what DO you do if you mangle a one of a kind. The Veyron is lower volume than the Enzo but still not so low it's irreplacable, moeny i the only object and the BBC could afford to replace one, it's just not something they'd want to do. But then they'd have insurance for that ind of thing, so regardless I don't see any real reason for VAG or the BBC to not want to run it. Ferrari didn't let anyone performance test the Enzo, not magazines, not car shows. Any tests that were done were in privately owned cars, it was kind of a strange thing that for a car based so highly around performance.
I was referring to when the Ferrari got side swipped by a bus while out on a TopGear magazine test drive.

And good eyes on the Bugatti Concept 👍
I found out the next ep. Is the last of the lastest series, and also that ep is on a Tuesday. Well after the 27th Dec 05 has passed, we have to wait months again.

Until the next series is on.
I go to a website that lists terrestrial british tv to download and is legal. Top Gear is always on there.

I suppose it wouldn't be appropriate to ask what that website is (since you said it was legal). I'd pay money to the BBC for DVDs of TopGear...I've even sent them an email asking to PAY for it...no reponse. :indiff:
If anyone missed last Sunday's Top Gear, it is repeated on. Tuesday December 20 at 7pm folks.
You saying they aren't there now?

I understand small airfields have much the same design, but this one fits the Test track perfectley....
If anyone missed last Sunday's Top Gear, it is repeated on. Tuesday December 20 at 7pm folks.
I did, and I thought I'd missed the repeat as well... 👍
I suppose it wouldn't be appropriate to ask what that website is (since you said it was legal). I'd pay money to the BBC for DVDs of TopGear...I've even sent them an email asking to PAY for it...no reponse. :indiff:

This may be of interest

Top Gear, Best of series 1 & 2 - DVD

Duke Video deliver worldwide and as long as you can play Region 2 + 4 PAL dvds you're fine (just checked the DVD so the region codes are correct).

You can also go for one of the many Clarkson DVD's that he has made (one a year on average).


Some have been out for quite a while now, so they may be a little dated, but still worth it given that they start at around £6.

Hope that helps (Duke video also stock some other great stuff - I spend far to much money with them.....just don't tell the wife).


JC's - Hot Metal is worth a watch imo. Got that for Christmas last year, it's quite entertaining but is essentially Top Gear without Hamster and Cptn. Slow - ergo less enjoyable.

Noticed there's another JC DVD out this Christmas, might be good, will wait and see if the prices tumble after the Christmas period ends.
lol. That teath whitenining thing is so funny. I cant say i took much notice of his teeth, was more looking at the cars.
That'll keep popping up all through the series, JC won't let it drop.
Damn, I dunno why but I thought the episode on this evening was a new episode. Guess not.
Highlights from the next Ep of Top Gear

Get ready for the motoring equivalent of the Oscars, Emmys and Golden Globes all rolled into one...

Yes, it's the Top Gear Awards, where good cars, great cars and even once-in-a-lifetime cars are filtered through the synapses of the big man himself and stamped with Jeremy Clarkson's seal of approval.

Also on the show, Richard and James settle an argument by pitting the Max Power generation against some crusty classic car owners, while Jeremy plays Gran Tourismo for real in California.

Richard will also be finding out which is faster, a car or a dog, as he races the new Mazda MX-5 against a greyhound.

We'll also be strapping Little Britain's David Walliams into our Reasonably Priced Car to see if he really does drive like a lady.

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