Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
I couldn't beat a 1'54 with aids on, and G.T couldn't beat a 1'43 with aids off. I have a sneaking suspicion that Jezza has either played GT4 before, or it wasn't him on gt4 when he got that lap.
I couldn't beat a 1'54 with aids on, and G.T couldn't beat a 1'43 with aids off. I have a sneaking suspicion that Jezza has either played GT4 before, or it wasn't him on gt4 when he got that lap.

I did a 1'38.803 on my 6th lap in the standard NSX '01 on S2s with no aids. Clarkson's lap was pretty good, he's obviously played the game before.

edit: I've no doubt that Div 1 or good Div 2 drivers could do quite a bit better than me, perhaps a 1'35 or 1'36.
Might be an idea to suggest that as one of the future WRS's, see how many can beat Jeremy and by how much.
I haven't had a chance to give it a try (its going to be difficult since I managed to wipe all my gt4 data :mad: :banghead: :ouch: ) JC looked like he picked the car form arcade mode so its unlikely he made any modifications to it
I haven't had a chance to give it a try (its going to be difficult since I managed to wipe all my gt4 data :mad: :banghead: :ouch: ) JC looked like he picked the car form arcade mode so its unlikely he made any modifications to it

Yeah, he did pick it from Arcade Mode, but there's still scope for some modifications (+20% power, -10% weight, any tyres from N1 up to S3), but I'd guess he left it "standard" (i.e. default power, weight and tyres (S2s)) as he thought this would be the best match to real life. Switching to N2 or N3 tyres would have been more realistic, but we don't know for certain whether or not that's what he did.
I'm pretty sure he has played it before because he wrote an article on gt4 for the guardian I think
Yes he did, can't remember what he said since I didn't read the whole thing, but he did write it.
I could do a 1:37-ish if I tried. I would do it with the Standard-Road tires. Much more realistic that way. Obviously no electronic aids. And I got the wheel!

I'd like to see that...
I could do a 1:37-ish if I tried. I would do it with the Standard-Road tires. Much more realistic that way. Obviously no electronic aids. And I got the wheel!
then do try and stop talking. :D
I managed to get 1.41.909 with road tires but it wasn't that easy, JC must have used sports tires
He must have, because it's posible to do that time with road tyres, excuse me for not getting that logic. How do you know he's not simply good at the game. The chances are he used sports tyres and didn't change anything but we don't know if he did or didn't.
I looked through a few of the past pages and didn't find it...

I'm looking for the two different times clarkson provided on the GT4 vs Real life episode.

The GT4 NSX @ Laguna lap time.
The R/L NSX @ Laguna lap time.

Also, just for the record, I ran the NSX Type S ('01 model I think).
1'38.090 with plenty to come off if I stuck with it (I'm feeling like I could do a high 1'36 with a bit more work).

Anyway, back later when I have (hopefully) been answered. :cheers:

Just on a hunch, I checked the honda dealer... Sure enough, there is a plain "NSX '01" that I haven't bought.
It's 20 kg heavier than the Type S so I may have to go back to laguna with a new NSX just to see what happens. :D
He got a 1'41 in GT4 and a 1'57 was the fastest he managed in real life.
He must have, because it's posible to do that time with road tyres, excuse me for not getting that logic. How do you know he's not simply good at the game. The chances are he used sports tyres and didn't change anything but we don't know if he did or didn't.

Well the sports tyres are on as default with which I managed to get 1.41 comfortably, anyone who has been playing the game for a while can get that time and I'm sure there are plenty of people who can do better, but with road tires it was more more difficult, it took a lot of laps to get that time I'm sure JC is good but I don't think he would invested that much time to get that lap I could be wrong 👍

Still the segment was good and I'm glad he used GT4
He must have, because it's posible to do that time with road tyres, excuse me for not getting that logic. How do you know he's not simply good at the game.
Ask anyone if the WRS if they use buttons for steering... Buttons for steering.. Puhleease...
Ask anyone if the WRS if they use buttons for steering... Buttons for steering.. Puhleease...
I use the D-pad, Famine uses the D-pad, ROAD_DOGG333333333333333 uses the D-pad. Imo I get more control using the D-pad, I find the analogue stick either doesn't give enough turning or too much on some corners. The D-pad isn't a worse way to play the game, just an alternate one.
I use the D-pad, Famine uses the D-pad, ROAD_DOGG333333333333333 uses the D-pad. Imo I get more control using the D-pad, I find the analogue stick either doesn't give enough turning or too much on some corners. The D-pad isn't a worse way to play the game, just an alternate one.
Seriously ?.... I have NEVER been able to use the Dpad for steering - It's far to unprecise for my liking....

I retract my statement then.. Sorry...
Like I said, it's personal preference, I can get under 7 mins on the Ring in a stock Speed 12 with the D-pad ;) a fact I'm proud of, but it is my most used car in the game.
Well, it seems alot of us will beat JC's time then! I got a 1'42 in a normal NSX myself.
I'll tel you in an hour, it's being repeated now, BBC2 in the UK.
I don't think he did. From the breif clip at the start of the show the roof looked like it was blue.

*edit* Hmm...he was shown as choosing a regular NSX from the menu, but the one he drove in GT4 was definitely a Type-R. The one he drove in real life definitely had a blue roof, so I think it's a regular NSX. 👍