Robin ///////
Hmmmm it maybe the Koenigsegg CCX new fast thing to rival the Veyron....
Yippee! I guess it right.... I cannot believe stig crashed that! can you imagine if they crashed the Veyron!, this is why they wont give tg one! If its that fast a can why doesnt it have any wings for downforce on the back..... seems abit stupid to me, but having said that Koningssegg (I seriously cannot spell it!) said they would put a wing on it and try again!
I have to say the episode was more of a comedy this time! I was brilliantly funny...... Hammond with the paper bag over his head in the pink micra! I mean seriously... can you even buy it in that colour, and who would want to!
I loved the convertable espace!... it was just the directors having such fun with them! hahahaha, the speed test! and the look on their faces when the found out they had to go through a carwash!!! they were entering they were like oh thats not mist comming in thats condensation!

power of a force 5 hurricane! Although the fire wasnt real it was funny seeing them escape!
The tea party to try out the new reasonably priced car (clarkson : "there you go,,, £££ of reasonable-ness!"

) was just such a wierd collection of people...... I love the bit where they are just sitting there having tea as the car comes flying over the hump on the last corner and screeches thorugh!
But the one point which I think let the show down was that poor dog... I really felt sorry for it and I hope they dont make it have to do the show again... it looked so unhappy and afraid of people, its just pointless and cruel and I wouldnt be suprised if they get complaints about it..... This is a car show for god sakes! Maybe if the dog was more active (like blue peter style dogs, not that I watch it anymore.... but) it would be better but seriously let the dog go home because it looked really upset.....
But all in all good episode.....