Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
el flexo
cant beleive stigy crashed a £415,000 car! bet koenigzegzegzegzegzeg have their heads in their hands!
You weren't paying attention. It's not exactly good publicity for them to have it crashing in the hands of a racing driver. Jermey announced that Koenigsegg are going to stick a wing on the back and then give it back to the Stig to do another lap (which the Stig says will be 4 seconds quicker.)
It's not exactly good publicity for them to have it crashing in the hands of a racing driver. Jermey announced that Koenigsegg are going to stick a wing on the back and then give it back to the Stig to do another lap (which the Stig says will be 4 seconds quicker.)
Exactly, it was a big off as well. It didn't sound like the people at Koenigsegg were too upset, seeing as how they let him tank it round a circuit in the first place, but they are also going to fix it AND modify the car itself, just to keep the Top Gear lot happy! :crazy:

Amazing car though, and I've started to saving up for one already... which reminds me, daan - can I have that £400,000 you owe me?
Touring Mars
Amazing car though, and I've started to saving up for one already... which reminds me, daan - can I have that £400,000 you owe me?


daan: Very sensible point. We shall see just how much faster it is, 4 seconds isn't a trifle.
last night was a work of absolute genius. i haven't laughed so loudly in ages - the car wash just had me rolling around.

easily one of the top 3 all time episodes. looks like this series is gonna be a belter
Heh, that was a great episode, really funny. And the Koenigsegg CCX, what a car! It actually looks better than the older Segg's and lordy it is quick, to best the previous Segg by more than 20mph in the impromtu runway top speed test is something indeed, considering how fast the old ones were.....

Can't wait for the rest of the series.
Robin ///////
Hmmmm it maybe the Koenigsegg CCX new fast thing to rival the Veyron....

Yippee! I guess it right.... I cannot believe stig crashed that! can you imagine if they crashed the Veyron!, this is why they wont give tg one! If its that fast a can why doesnt it have any wings for downforce on the back..... seems abit stupid to me, but having said that Koningssegg (I seriously cannot spell it!) said they would put a wing on it and try again!

I have to say the episode was more of a comedy this time! I was brilliantly funny...... Hammond with the paper bag over his head in the pink micra! I mean seriously... can you even buy it in that colour, and who would want to!

I loved the convertable espace!... it was just the directors having such fun with them! hahahaha, the speed test! and the look on their faces when the found out they had to go through a carwash!!!.....as they were entering they were like oh thats not mist comming in thats condensation! :lol: power of a force 5 hurricane! Although the fire wasnt real it was funny seeing them escape!

The tea party to try out the new reasonably priced car (clarkson : "there you go,,, £££ of reasonable-ness!" :lol:) was just such a wierd collection of people...... I love the bit where they are just sitting there having tea as the car comes flying over the hump on the last corner and screeches thorugh!

But the one point which I think let the show down was that poor dog... I really felt sorry for it and I hope they dont make it have to do the show again... it looked so unhappy and afraid of people, its just pointless and cruel and I wouldnt be suprised if they get complaints about it..... This is a car show for god sakes! Maybe if the dog was more active (like blue peter style dogs, not that I watch it anymore.... but) it would be better but seriously let the dog go home because it looked really upset.....

But all in all good episode.....
Robin ///////
Yippee! I guess it right.... I cannot believe stig crashed that! can you imagine if they crashed the Veyron!, this is why they wont give tg one!

I partly think it's because Bugatti are chickens**t, I mean hell the Veyron has a rear wing, a big one and if it's got the downforce to keep that sucker to the road at 253mph, than going round a track shouldn't be a problem.
I can't wait until the CCX comes back with a wing, although I'll be upset if it beats the Zonda from the top spot. So ladies and gents.... decision time. Would you rather have a Veyron or CCX, considering the CCX is close to half the price, and nearly as fast as the jumped up Bugatti.

Me personally I'd have the CCX, but get Koenigsegg to fit a damn wing on it. lol
I would rather have the CCX too. It looks nicer and i would hope that it would last a little longer than the Veyron. Might i go as far as to assume that the Veyron is a little overrated?

The Bugatti is an absolutely stonking car though.
It's the same situation as with the Enzo, Ferrari wouldn't let them track one, eventually they got a private one to use, it might happen with the Veyron. Personally, I'd ove to see it, but I'm not getting my knickers in a twist if I don't, it's Bugatti's call and I can't blame them.
Crazy thing is the CCX develops 900bhp when tuned for use on bio-fuel according to Clarkson...

CCX looks much, much better than the Veyron too. And it has the coolest doors ever.
Well thankfully that Espace didn't split in half like JC's previous attempt. :D Brilliant stuff with the fire in the autowash. Just how can they do that?!? XD

The CCX is one badass supercar with a radio in it. That Civic hatchback says future like Clakson say powerrrrrr, and that pink Micra is... oh dear! :ill:

The new reasonably-priced car is nice. A Chevy Lacetti, and the treatment it gets on its first day on the track is hilarious! The only letdown is for the dog, just doesn't seems to fit in all this, plus gets walked over by James and Hamster. :yuck:

But that new studio decor is spiffy! Who wouldn't want a Stig poster in their room? :)
What's wrong with the dog? It's called "Top Gear Dog" for goodness sake :D I don't see the point of having it, but there's no reason not to have it. It just adds another level of randomness to an awesomely random program.
Notice how the dog really doesn't care its now famous.... it just lies there. I loved that part where May and Hammond just walk over it. lol
But the one point which I think let the show down was that poor dog... I really felt sorry for it and I hope they dont make it have to do the show again... it looked so unhappy and afraid of people, its just pointless and cruel and I wouldnt be suprised if they get complaints about it..... This is a car show for god sakes! Maybe if the dog was more active (like blue peter style dogs, not that I watch it anymore.... but) it would be better but seriously let the dog go home because it looked really upset.....
You sound like my little sis :lol: If itw as really bad it would have done a runner. And I'm pretty sure BBC chose the dog knowing how well it handled audiences.
I'm sure the dog is in very good hands. After all Hammond owns several dogs I believe. I'm sure it's very well treated. The BBC would get a hell of a roasting if it were'nt. And as a past dog owner myself he/she (did they say which?) seemed utterly unbothered.

Good show. I'm going to record the repeat tonight and then the rest of the series.

I do think May needs a haircut though. But hey, it's not important.
You sound like my little sis :lol: If itw as really bad it would have done a runner. And I'm pretty sure BBC chose the dog knowing how well it handled audiences.

:lol: ....... Ok I kinda RSPCA-ed it over abit in that paragraph..... but seriously there is no point having him there just to sulk.......

BTW, Im 19 and not in any way girly :lol:
There's no point in the dog on the show, I agree, but the dog seemed perfectly fine fine to me. Great episode.
There's no point in the dog on the show, I agree, but the dog seemed perfectly fine fine to me. Great episode.
There must be some plan for it. It seems too much like a cheap gag otherwise.

I can only think they'll use it to test 'family' cars though.

I like it that they used the toyota hilux 'Endurance version' for the decor
Looked liek they had an entire engine dissassembled aswell and hung up.
I just had a look at the 'be on the show' part of the bbc website of top gear.
Really funny to read :)

"We also ask that groups of people coming to the recordings have a 50/50 male/female split. This is so we don't end up with a bunch of ugly male car geeks ruining everyone's Sunday night."

"Also, most seriously, you'll have to listen to the director and the floor manager making a series of very low quality jokes. We apologise for this. We've tried to stop them, but they just do it anyway."
"We also ask that groups of people coming to the recordings have a 50/50 male/female split. This is so we don't end up with a bunch of ugly male car geeks ruining everyone's Sunday night."

"Also, most seriously, you'll have to listen to the director and the floor manager making a series of very low quality jokes. We apologise for this. We've tried to stop them, but they just do it anyway."

lol.. Ill say the site looks alot better now.

"It's worth remembering we can't allow you into the studio if you're under 18 years of age. This is for two reasons, the first is health and safety. The second is the constant swearing."

Touring Mars
Amazing car though, and I've started to saving up for one already... which reminds me, daan - can I have that £400,000 you owe me?
How did I miss that? Sorry mate, I'll get it right to you. Do you have a paypal account? I'll just mark it with the text, "For services rendered".
I partly think it's because Bugatti are chickens**t, I mean hell the Veyron has a rear wing, a big one and if it's got the downforce to keep that sucker to the road at 253mph, than going round a track shouldn't be a problem.
I can't wait until the CCX comes back with a wing, although I'll be upset if it beats the Zonda from the top spot. So ladies and gents.... decision time. Would you rather have a Veyron or CCX, considering the CCX is close to half the price, and nearly as fast as the jumped up Bugatti.

Me personally I'd have the CCX, but get Koenigsegg to fit a damn wing on it. lol

Its because of the track layout the veyron wont post as fast as a time as people would expect of it on paper and because track specials would beat it. It would still top the topgear list though but not by much.
I'd like to see some more F1 drivers come on for the new reasonably priced car. Martin Brundle, Mark Blundell, David Coulthard, Johnny Herbert, plus the ones who've already been on (Mark Webber, Nigel Mansell and Damon Hill). It'd also be good to see Sabine do a lap.
I'd like to see some more F1 drivers come on for the new reasonably priced car. Martin Brundle, Mark Blundell, David Coulthard, Johnny Herbert, plus the ones who've already been on (Mark Webber, Nigel Mansell and Damon Hill). It'd also be good to see Sabine do a lap.

Don't forget Ide 💡