- 527
- deimos256
the best part of ANY episode is when the british dude gets so excited about driving the cars he nearly has an orgasm
well put it this way Bugatti wanted to race a Veyron against a Mclaren F1. Mclaren agreed but only if the Veyron had all its driver aids turned off, so that it would be fair. Bugatti declined the offer.fideles1986in the show jeremy said that if he let the McLaren F1 get to 100mph he could beat it to 200mph with the bugatti. do you guys think that is possible?
someone who works for mclarenlive4speedWhere did you hear that?
thats kph not mphfideles1986that's crazy, i would defenetly want to see that. I watched a video where a veyron reached 210mph in less than 8 seconds.
very end of the video
you do have a point on why they would wanna ask mclaren for a loan of an F1...considering the guy that runs bugatti owns a mclaren f1live4speedWell not to be an ass but I sim[ply don't believe that story, it makes no sense, what makes the Veyron so fast can't be switched off, and if VW did want to stage a race they'd get hold of an F1 McLaren probably would say no if asked, but that wouldn't stop VW from staging a race. It makes no sense for VW to ask McLaren for an F1, it makes no sense for McLaren to say "okay" even if theres a "but" in there, and it makes the least ammount of sense at all for that "but" to be a you have to turn the driving aids off though, because the traction control and 2wd are always on in the Veyron. Whoever told you that is most likely, simply being biased to McLaren to a degree that they have to make things up.
sorry/ i actually thought it was that fast. lolHoldenhsvgtsrthats kph not mph
yeah but how would you feel if someone came up to you if you had an F1 and said "excuse me but can we borrow your F1 we just wanna give it to some mad racing driver so he can race it against a veyron"live4speedI don't think the F1 would have a chance on a circuit, the driving aids on the Veyron can't be switched off so anycomparing requiring them to be off is stupid, they're always on. The F1 get's hammered on a track by the Enzo, CCX, MC12, Zonda F and more, all of which I think the Veyron could beat on some tracks too. The fact that the owner of Bugatti owns an F1 simply adds to my point, theres is simply no reason VW would ask McLaren to do something that's entirely against McLarens interests, even if he didn't own one, fining one to use wouldn't be too hard. And there's no reason anyone would ask for any driving aids to be turned off in the Veyron, because as I said, you simply can't turn them off. Thhe McLaren F1 was great round a track for the mid 90's, but compared to todays sueprcars it's still got the straight line perfomance, but not the cornering ability. The F1 is officially a legend, it's came, it conquered, it held out for so long, but like all legends, it's time finally came.
yep a friendly debatelive4speedNah, that's not agression, it's just a debate.
look at the headlights on the veyron then the ones on a fabialive4speedThat'd be a funny marketing campaign, we have the same key's as a Veyron, buy a Skoda today. Or even better. The new Bugatti Veyron. Quad turbo, 8 liter, 16 cyliner, mulitple record breaking car, inspired by Skoda.
live4speedVW just havent let them yet, the car is probably simply too expensive to risk it with the losses they're already making per car and all. Hopefully they will let them run one eventually, or a private owner will offer to let them use theirs like what happened with the Enzo.