Diseases like chickenpox and measles killed people with ease in the past.
Honestly its really thanks to modern day medicine we are not really dying from diseases that killed so many in the past.
I find it stupid people are rejecting vaccines due to some dumb conspiracy theories.
I don't know, I have to admit I'm totally stuck between the two factions. Vaccinations are awesome, we have defeated many of the worst and debilitating illnesses by this method and thus saved countless of lives, it totally works.
On the other hand it is ONE HELL of an infringement on your freedom, on life and well being to be forced to have injections you do not want for whatever reason.
It should not matter why you do not want it.- Its basically the same debate as that idea of having computer chips installed into your body for tracking and other security measures for the greater good - to prevent crime. The latter would probably help a LOT to decrease crime and to track criminals but I bet most people are totally against that idea.
And the other question is, if people can be forced to get vaccination injections, if this limit is overstepped, where does it stop? For example just recently scientists discovered that many well established and awesome anti biotics that have been prescribed for years DRAMATICALLY increase the chances of Parkinsons disease, and some are linked to cause Multiple Sclerosis directly. Well, ooops I guess. Both are illnesses that ruin your life completely and there is no cure.
Also I do suffer from a chronic inflammatory condition, I have been prescribed a dozen different medications over the past few years and I spent a lot of time in the hospital with experts trying to help me.
Let me tell you, we still know shockingly little about the human body, and the effects of most medications are only understood to maybe 50%, there is a lot of stuff happening we simply do not understand even with well established and often prescribed medications. I was prescribed a special drug that shuts down some parts of the immune system, a TNF-Alpha blocker, this has been used to deal with chronic inflammations since 2000, it is the most lucrative medication that has ever been released and it is VERY widely used today.
And then I read the papers about blocking TNF-alpha, there is a list several pages long where TNF-alpha might be involved (especially nerve regeneration) but we simply do not know. So there are several dozens probably very important processes in the body where this is involved, and it we block it with this widely used medication. There is a LOT of fumbling around in the dark, pharmacy is by far more vague and dangerous than most people realize, and we continually find out about really bad side effects from medications we have been using for decades, terrible side effects we never anticipated.
As I said, I'm totally torn here, I cannot deny the fact that vaccinations are simply awesome and that many lives were saved by it, on the other hand I find it hard to trust pharmacy since the effects of most medications are not very well understood, even those that we have been taking for decades. Also, I kind of dislike the idea of forcing people to get injections, or have other parts of their bodies modified against their will. This could open a dark path.....