Vaccinations thread.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
Couldn't find a generic vaccine thread so I'll put this here:
Indonesian ‘vaccine fatwa’ sends measles immunization rates plummeting
Millions of parents around Indonesia have eschewed the vaccine in recent months, after Islamic clerics declared the MR vaccine "haram," or forbidden under Islamic law because pig components are used in its manufacturing. Vaccine coverage has plummeted as a result, alarming public health experts who worry that the world's largest Muslim-majority country could see new waves of measles and more miscarriages and birth defects resulting from rubella infections during pregnancy.
Couldn't find a generic vaccine thread so I'll put this here:
Indonesian ‘vaccine fatwa’ sends measles immunization rates plummeting
Millions of parents around Indonesia have eschewed the vaccine in recent months, after Islamic clerics declared the MR vaccine "haram," or forbidden under Islamic law because pig components are used in its manufacturing. Vaccine coverage has plummeted as a result, alarming public health experts who worry that the world's largest Muslim-majority country could see new waves of measles and more miscarriages and birth defects resulting from rubella infections during pregnancy.


"Why would you want people not to believe in religion? It makes them feel better."

...because of crap like this.
Couldn't find a generic vaccine thread so I'll put this here:
Indonesian ‘vaccine fatwa’ sends measles immunization rates plummeting
Millions of parents around Indonesia have eschewed the vaccine in recent months, after Islamic clerics declared the MR vaccine "haram," or forbidden under Islamic law because pig components are used in its manufacturing. Vaccine coverage has plummeted as a result, alarming public health experts who worry that the world's largest Muslim-majority country could see new waves of measles and more miscarriages and birth defects resulting from rubella infections during pregnancy.

They omitted the rest (and most important part, imo) of the story. The Imams went on to find:

“The use of the MR Vaccine product from the Serum Institute of India (SII), at present, is permissible because of:
a) There is a condition of compulsion (declared syar'iyyah).
b) There are no halal and sacred MR vaccines yet.
c) There is information from competent and trusted experts about the dangers caused by not being immunized and the absence of halal vaccines.”

They then recommended that the government prioritize the creation of a halal vaccine, and note that once this option is available, the permissibility loophole for the existing vaccine will be closed.


Clearly the full message isn't being heard across Indonesia.

Quite. His use of the n-word in comparison was juvenile at best and pretty idiotic. Still, I'm not sure using "spaghetti" to refer to an Italian American is your personal finest hour. I see whut ya dun thur.
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@Dennisch, you're absolutely right for the second two. My "Team America" accent doesn't really read to well. For the first... not sure what's wrong with that. Reads Yorkshire to me.

Off to see what Tumblr is.
Retards. No, really...retards.

"Hey, let's go back to a time when we couldn't manage perfectly manageable diseases."

At the extremes are legislators like Jonathan Stickland, a pro-National Rifle Association, Christian conservative in the Texas Legislature, who has described vaccines as “sorcery” while personally attacking Baylor College of Medicine scientist Peter Hotez, who has a daughter with autism and works on vaccines for neglected tropical diseases. “Parental rights mean more to us than your self-enriching 'science,'" Stickland tweeted at Hotez earlier this month.

I....don't think there's a gif for this kind of stupid
Perhaps parts of the USA should be considered to be 2nd or 3rd world countries so that the UN will free up money to educate that bunch of asswipes.
Perhaps parts of the USA should be considered to be 2nd or 3rd world countries so that the UN will free up money to educate that bunch of asswipes.
Waste of money. I propose branding (a big "IDIOT" on the forehead should be sufficient) and expulsion to a big idiot island to keep the general public safe from the spread of their stupidity.
Waste of money. I propose branding (a big "IDIOT" on the forehead should be sufficient) and expulsion to a big idiot island to keep the general public safe from the spread of their stupidity.
Who do we need to speak to in order to mass deport to Antarctica?
I would rather my child die than grow up autistic.

This is the logic that is used by the most significant group of anti-vaxers if you throw your brain out of the window and humour their misbelief in science and evidence. As a genuine curiosity, are there any significant anti-vaccination groups that aren't because of either this or because of dumb religious reasons?