Version 1.02 Out

  • Thread starter EL_ZISSOU
I honestly think that's a very minor issue. It might get fixed, but there are bigger issues at hand - jagged shadows, the birthday glitch - that need to be corrected before Polyphony set about remedying an incorrect description.

I won't disagree, but the fact that it exists and got through Lord knows how many levels of QA speaks to the nature of the problem. I've seen several reviews go the route of "They spent 5 years on...what?"

Or perhaps I'm just nitpicking, but to me it's indicative of something slapped together at the last minute, which makes one wonder.
Do you thiunk PD will release patches int he coming months with prze and XP winning race events for online?

I mean, interactive play on the PSP could yeild big payouts, why should it be so hard to get any rewards on GT5 online, harldy seems interesting.

I say keep the patches coming.

And I've noticed the SST description on other cars as well.

Edit: and I didn't lose my 3 golden goblets after the patch.
Hey, can someone fill me in. What exactly is the birthday glitch? Its referenced several times that I've seen here and in other forums, but I have no idea what it is.
Hey, can someone fill me in. What exactly is the birthday glitch? Its referenced several times that I've seen here and in other forums, but I have no idea what it is.
It's a glitch that allows people to get extra cars and money by exploiting the delivery of a gift car on your birthday. It doesn't break the game - you cannot get hyper-powered supercars with it and nor can you sell the cars for much money - but it basically amounts to cheating by exploiting a loophole in the game's coding.
Just as an FYI, that is actually a carryover screwup from GTPSP. And it is far from the only one.

That makes me sad. Carrying over errors, even trivial ones, from a previous database without correcting them...very sloppy. But thanks for the FYI.
It's a glitch that allows people to get extra cars and money by exploiting the delivery of a gift car on your birthday. It doesn't break the game - you cannot get hyper-powered supercars with it and nor can you sell the cars for much money - but it basically amounts to cheating by exploiting a loophole in the game's coding.

Oh ok. Wow. I didn't even realize it kept track of that kinda thing. Thank you for filling me in!!! :)
LOL Love this

an update has been released for gran turismo 5


Funny IMO

Sweet, that's what I wanted to know thank you.

What kind of cars do you get on your birthday?

You get a random car from the year you were born :)
What kind of cars do you get on your birthday?
Usually a production car from the year that you were born. If you enter 1992 as your birth date, you're not going to get a Group C racing car - you'll get a car that entered production that year. And the roster of cars and the years they are available seems to be fixed.

That sounds super exploitable as some of the semi rare cars are the only cars of their year.
It's not. There's only a fixed range of cars available and you can only sell so many. At most, you'll get about 15,000 credits from it, and you'll be able to earn that amount from racing much faster.
It's not. There's only a fixed range of cars available and you can only sell so many. At most, you'll get about 15,000 credits from it, and you'll be able to earn that amount from racing much faster.

Yeah but it also gives you a realy strong car at the start
especially if you used 2010 as your birth date (only race cars)
even if you can't sell them it gave you a huge unfair advantage in online races and in a-spec and b-spec since you can use any car in your garage no mater the level
Aargh! My GT5 has crashed now, the loading screen just stalls every time I start up... will it help to uninstall the game?

Ouch. Maybe it's just a PSN issue. Have you tried disconnecting from the Playstation network and seeing if it loads? (Go to Account Management and hit triangle). The game will ask you several time if you want to connect. Tell it no, just to see if you can start up single player.
Anyone elses game freeze during loading earlier, then restart to find this update?

Never had that happen in any other game, kinda odd. Or it was a giant coincidence.
Re: The Birthday present. I've never been asked for my DOB, is this the one that is in the details of your user profile? Is it also in real time (ie, I'll get mine on 2nd July 2011), or game time (day xxx)?
LOL, been playing since 9pm tonight and haven't stopped once. Didn't notice the update was out until I checked GT Planet. I'm letting it download now while I go to bed. The power and weight restrictions are a MUST for online racing. Thank god!!

To me the most annoying issues have been that which according to this thread are now fixed and the fully customizable transmissions not being able to be edited ratio by ratio. Anyone know if that bug is fixed in this update?

And it seems a little naive for them to have setup their initial datacenter to accept only 500k connections for a game that they knew would sell over a million units world wide very fast. Seems like a huge oversight.

Anyway, good job for PD to reacting quickly to all the issues and sending out patches quickly. It shows their commitment. If they fix the Transmission issues and let standard cars change and paint rims I'll have zero things to complain about.
It's not. There's only a fixed range of cars available and you can only sell so many. At most, you'll get about 15,000 credits from it, and you'll be able to earn that amount from racing much faster.

Hmmm... Where does it get my Birth Date info I wonder! It won't be long for me anyway, i'm 17 in January ;)

Can't remember putting the data in GT5, must be from the PSN account. What's more, I wonder what car i'll get for being born in 1994.... :scared:
I disabled my network since I got the game and it will stay that way till all the online issues have been ironed out till PD sorts out keeping the game stable after an update. I have read too many horror stories on here about losing data and game crashes etc..
A changelog would have been appreciated, though.
I'd like to know what has been changed/fixed other than some online features.

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