VS Racing Series - Series will resume once GT6 arrives!

  • Thread starter Jawehawk
Target aqquired.

Target confirmed as small fishing boat.

Identifying individuals...

MattieM confirmed onboard boat.

Missile lock confirmed.

Arming Trident missiles.

Trident One, away.

Trident Two, away.

Target has activated some kind of shield.

OMG, I've made it mad.

Target has gone on rampage in Middelfart.

End of transmission.

On a less silly note. I plan to have the thread updated today. AND IT WILL BE UPDATED!
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Need any help I'm floating about for half hour. 👍

Nah, I just need a somewhat decent picture of the Jaguar. Beautiful car, but I can't seem to find a good angle on it.

After that, I'll just have to update the OP with race info and the like.
Nah, I just need a somewhat decent picture of the Jaguar. Beautiful car, but I can't seem to find a good angle on it.

After that, I'll just have to update the OP with race info and the like.

I used to have a really nice one before I got YLOD. :(

Looking forward to the thread. 👍
And the OP has finally been updated. The dates aren't finale yet, so be sure to tell me if you'd like them changed. I'll update the event countdown timers when we have decided on dates.

As always. Read the entire OP. It contains vital info that all participants must know.
Looks good, I'm in. Wouldn't be able to make saturdays though.

Also the title for the spa event is incorrect, you missed a [ from the bold. 👍
Looks good, I'm in. Wouldn't be able to make saturdays though.

Also the title for the spa event is incorrect, you missed a [ from the bold. 👍

Surely you can find time for GT5 one saturday evening? It makes no sense to have a 4 hour race a friday, where people are tired from work. Sunday evening won't work because it would be too late, and I'm not hosting it during the day due to the lighting in my apartment.

And btw. If anyone does an April fools in the thread this monday, they'll be banned forever! Hate that stuff.
The April Saturday race is mid day?

I've changed that race to sunday. The time for the event was and still is mid-day. Now, the only race taking place on a saturday is the La Sarthe race. That race is during the evening.
I would like to try, but I think, races are a little to long, to stay focused:nervous:
Would be a good series:)

Are the races after this, going to be 4 hours:)
I would like to try, but I think, races are a little to long, to stay focused:nervous:
Would be a good series:)

Are the races after this, going to be 4 hours:)

The first 3 races should take 2/2.5 hours to complete. Only the Le Mans race will last 4 hours. I can't speak of future races yet, but it's possible that we'll see more 4 hour races on circuits like Le Sarthe and the Nurburgring.

So are you participating? And what car?
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Pffff, i've barely survived my fishing trip. Some idiot launched two rockets at our boat :).

I think all the fish must have been scared for our titan clash and left the waters for a safer place because we barely caught any fish. The fish that we did caught were small. Overall it was a fun trip, its a nice part of Denmark where you live Andy. We went out last Saturday evening/night in middelfart, to the bar Buddy Holly :). Are you familiar with that place?

O.T. I'll join these races, if nothing important shows up i should be able to join all races. I'll use the Ford.
We went out last Saturday evening/night in middelfart, to the bar Buddy Holly :). Are you familiar with that place?

Nah, I don't drink, so I rarely go to any bars or night clubs. Besides, Middelfart is part of the evil tiny island between Sjælland and Jylland. Us proper Danes refuse to aknowledge its existence. :D

Oh meant to say. The GT40 is in the OCD.

If anyone really wants to drive the Mark II in the championship, I'll allow it.
Nah, I don't drink, so I rarely go to any bars or night clubs. Besides, Middelfart is part of the evil tiny island between Sjælland and Jylland. Us proper Danes refuse to aknowledge its existence. :D

I didn't know you don't drink. :)

If anyone really wants to drive the Mark II in the championship, I'll allow it.

Quite a handful but I think it was Mattie who said he didn't have one.
Yes, i don't have the GT40 and neither the Ferrari.

Yup. I will taste different drinks from time to time, but I've never been drunk, nor do I plan to ever be so. Just not my thing.

There's being drunk and being really drunk. Avoid that last one :). The 5 of us spent 2500 DK that night, but it was worth it.
Yup. I will taste different drinks from time to time, but I've never been drunk, nor do I plan to ever be so. Just not my thing.
I haven't touched a drug apart from caffeine since 21/2/2012
Yes, i don't have the GT40 and neither the Ferrari.
Well buy the GT40 and ill treat you to a ticket in hope of a Ferrari. :)
I have a spare GT40 & Jaguar if any wants them:tup: Also if any wants to borrow the other ones let me know.

Can I do the races that are not 4 hrs and just do 2hrs:ill:

When you guys get as old as me you find it hard to focus:)

Jaguar if I can race please.
Was hoping to see more interest in this. :(
We need a grid of at least 10 people for this to be exciting.
Takes some time for these things to gather pace usually.

Indeed. Just figured that people are usually interested in using race cars. I bet people would join if I switched the tires to Racing Soft :). Not happening though.

On another note. 4 dates for practice sessions have been added to the OP.
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