I really liked the tension building single file formation laps we did but I can understand these can take up race time. And because they over a complete lap sometimes caused further incidents on any tighter sections.
So a suggestion for a sort of a manual rolling start safety formation thingy.
A grid start. Form up in qualification order
calmly at say no more than 60mph keeping a clear space between cars, go through the first corner (or corner complex)
in single file, continue at 60mph until
all the cars have cleared the corner(s), accelerate to race pace when the pole sitter is ready - which might not be straight away.
The person on pole will have the luxury of accelerating at a point when he's ready (building tension and maybe trying to catch those behind out) but have the responsibility of making sure that all the cars are at least clear of the first corner before hitting the throttle. The pace would ideally be increased on a straighter section of track but that's up to Mr Pole. On the more complex circuits it might be sensible to continue at the slower pace anyway until a less complex section is entered.
With the pole sitter controlling the start there isn't a fixed point where everyone is "aiming for" so it should, in theory, string everyone out just enough to prevent problems but still be tight enough for closer racing.
I'd switch the damage to visual. Performance impacting was introduced to try and reduce contact, but judging by the recent starts it hasn't really and often causes more trouble over our short 30 minute races.
Thoughts and amendments?
Now getting everyone the acknowledge any new rules is another thing!
I might add to this post as my brain churns over. It's a slow process.