For LMM on FORZA: - This is just my opinion - but after a weekend with Forza I guess I have the following opinions:
1. The graphics - even when set to 480i - are inferior to GT4; they are extremely cartoonish. So much so, that whenever I start the game I find myself looking for a graphics option to increase everything to 'realistic' levels ... of course, no such option exists.
2. The options to tune and visually edit your cars are wonderful and diverse (I've got a stable of yellow vehicles and I'm loving it
). Unfortunately it leads to a "rice and drift" mentallity, and while I'll not decry that entire fanbase, I find that it's not as ... mature ... as - say - the WRS. SO one of Forza's strengths actually attracts a less desirable audience, for me.
3. The race tracks look ... wrong ... just wrong. I pulled out some old favorites, including The Ring, and they just look 'toyish' and weak in comparison.
4. It's almost impossible to see corners coming up ... even on an open track such as Silverstone, you see the corner when you're ON it ... there don't seem to be any markers, chevrons or anything else a lot of the time and it can be very frustrating (this is with all assists OFF ... the driving line is a great guide, but in the end you feel like a slot car).
5. No wheel. I own the MadCatzII and I used to think it ROCKED until I bought the DFP ... there is really no comparison between the two. The MC only has about 200 degrees of rotation and no forcefeedback, so the net result is that you spend your time making MINUTE adjustments which have large effects on car movements. It's easier to race in bumper-cam mode using the wheel, but I also tried chase view using the controller ... which - for me - looked even more cartoonish, but wasn't any harder to control.
Combine the lack of a good wheel with the poor graphics and frustrating tracks, and you actually feel like you've got no control *OR* it just feels like an arcade game ... I couldn't escape that. In fact, my apartment mate looked over my shoulder at one point and exclaimed "UGH! Cartoon graphics!" so I know it's not just me.
The physics model is good ... perhaps better than GT4, but it takes some getting used to ... forget braking and turning in non-race tires, you'll lose traction FAST. I also think that there is less sensation of speed and certainly it feels less realistic ... less ... 'solid' and 'earthy' and .... well, it's just 'less'.
The damage model and AI are nice ... in fact I hit a wall the other day on a street track and from that point on the car was pulling to the right. Additionally, the loss of a headlight at night was quite noticeable ... nice touches all around. Oh, and the first time you leave a skid mark on the track or a paint scrape on a barrier ... you almost wet yourself ... it's so cool.
Overall it has some very nice touches that would be good in a GT title - damage, AI, some aspects of an improved interface ... but these are all things that we'll see in GT5, I'm sure. Forza is a decent game ... but in many respects it's core purpose, that of racing, is let down by the graphics, wishy-washy tracks and lack of good wheel. I see no improvement over GT4, unless you want to rice and drift.
Oh, and you and your son (and neighbor?) are free to come over the Clackmas one evening to test it out for yourself!