History , the original GT40 MK1 was put together in Slough UK , yes it had issues with gearboxes ( mostly leaving the internal parts outide the engine ) also had aerodynamic issues at high speed were the front of the car would lift ( hey cool so good on front tire wear then ) at high speed and a few other niggly problems .
Carroll Shelby was called in to sort the car out and with the help of Ford a lot of Engineers after a certain company in Italy had ****** off Henry Ford so much so he more or less gave a unlimted budget to " Go Like Hell "
Whilst the movie does give some insight and certainly brings into light Ken Miles it doesn't really tell how this unasuming man really put his heart and sole into this project .
By the simple fact " The Company " wanted a PR Scoop and a photo finish , he was robbed of the chance to Win 1966 Le Mans
Ken would be later on be killed whilst testing the GT40 J-Car later on to be the GT40 MK II .
This Car you see here which was made for Ken for GT 7 ( not by me I hasten to add ) is a fitting tribute , i'm so happy to see soemone else holds Ken in high regard as I do .
p:s the Movie was Ok but seriouly read the book of the same title , you know it's called " Go Like Hell " it's rather epic .
Why did I post this ?
Well in less than 3 Weeks I have to park my Car in Slough UK as i'm going to fly over to the USA to have 12 days of meeting friends oh and a weekend of watching racing at a track , well ok 3 races and a week of camping infield drinking weird moonshine cocktails . so I maybe drunk ............ rather a lot
B.bbbbb..u...ttttt you said you wouldn't buy another car , you lied to me .
" Yes dear , its a 1966 GT 40 MK 1 "
They handle like **** and you promised me a Porsche 962
" I know , I resisted the temptation to buy it but "
So you bought this turd of a car that has no adjustable suspension and crap stock tires for 5.6 Million CR , i'm divorcing you , your a idiot .
" hmmm ok as long as I can keep the dog and the Car , did I mention , I have over 125 Cars in my current garage and have not found any other car that can brake at the 100mtr mark on the back straight before the chicane at the Daytona infield track and still over or undertake any other car ? anyhow blame PD for charging 5.6Million CR for a <ahem> Race car with no adjustable suspension and **** tires and brakes "
so your saying it's special then ?
" why yes dear , if you only ...........
Widen the Body
Add Racing Hard Tires
Racing Brakes and Pads
Then add fully adjustable suspension
It sure is "
Is that all ?
" Well no you need to set it up "
" Ok here we go "
100 / 100
LSD 5/8/45
Ballast 200 @ -50
Oh is that all you do ?
" Yup and it runs rings around , well anything if you add a power restrictor to set it up for 600pp "
@praiano63 , thanks for pointing me in the right direction with your GT 06 Tune .