On the GTP account, I got my Master National B license, all gold with some difficulty. The 4-star marathon Wheel of Despair (the first of the month after two 3-stars) gave the low-showing 10,000 Cr., while the parts ticket from getting all bronze for the MB license gave carbon brakes for the Nissan Z Performance. I hung onto my 4th Ford Roadster (from getting all gold for the MB license), with this one now becoming the garage queen, one stock now available for driving, one for future tuning purposes, and one for future engine-swap purposes.
On the Plus account, I started the X2019 Nations Cup menu book and tried the Interlagos X2019 Nations Cup with a stock X2019. It didn't go well. I kept spinning out, and even with TC 1, I was 7 seconds behind Hizal and stuck with worn tires. After applying a max-downforce tune from
@hookedonturbo's calculator, it was much better. I still needed TC 1, but tires weren't an issue and I won by 3.6 seconds in 15:44. No CRB, however, so all I got was a lousy 150,000 Cr.
At Sardegna, even with the tune and TC 1, rear tires were a big issue, as they were used up by the end of the race. Still, I got a 2.7-second win in 18:48, and despite a bit of an off, I got the CRB and 262,500 Cr. It isn't quite the Grindy Four, but it isn't too bad, especially since the AI can drive the circuit properly unlike in Gr.3 machines in the WTC 800 grind.
I finished up at Dragon Trail (Wait, what? No Red Bull Ring race?). Tire management was an even-bigger issue here, as my 6-second lead all-but-evaporated on lap 14. I finished 0.9 seconds ahead of Miyazono in 19:24, collecting an unclean 190,000 Cr. The 4-star marathon Wheel of Despair gave the lowest-possible 10,000 Cr., while the 6-star from the menu book gave the 2nd-lowest-showing/lowest-possible 500,000 Cr.