The highlights:
-Checked the UCD and LCD upon hearing they respectively got a Nissan Skyline GT-R R33 and a Jaguar E-Type last night. Did not buy either - the former wasn't in Midnight Purple, and the latter wasn't in British Racing Green. Yes, I know I can re-paint cars, stop bothering me about it!
-Got a clean P1 at the 30mins of Le Mans race within the WTC 700 series, and second place was over ten seconds behinds me. It almost rained consistently enough to require Heavy Wets, but I managed to stay with intermediates. What's interesting is that I won by over ten seconds despite pitting twice. I started on Racing Mediums, then pitted for fuel and changed to Intermediates, as it was just starting to rain as I was pulling into the pits. Then I stopped again for a little more fuel, and another set of Intermediates for good measure.
-Got all-golds for the Circuit Experience at Fisherman's Ranch! That's a lot of credits, too.
-With the credits I won from that CE, I considered buying a second Bugatti Veyron to tune, if only to see if I could get the speed trophies without using the Dodge Tomahawk X VGT. But I decided to buy a Lamborghini Veneno instead. Now I have two of the three cars with the hypercar tag, the last one being the Ferrari FXX K.
-Bought a Robot White BAC Mono so I can have one on-hand for the 1hr one-make endurance that uses it. Since it comes with Sports Mediums, I bought the other two Sports compounds, too - though I'm aware that the endurance only permits Sports Mediums and Sports Softs.
-Looked through the music track list under Showcase, was a bit disappointed many of the menu tracks from Sport did not return, even those by Lenny Ibizarre. Hopefully more music tracks for both races and menus will come in updates, even if they're not necessarily returning tracks from Sport.
-I realized that the 620PP endurance race doesn't permit Racing Softs, and I had setup my Mustang Gr.4 so that it almost hits that metric on Racing Softs. So I switched to Racing Mediums and tinkered with the power restrictors and ballast, so that the car could have a bit more power.
-I re-affirmed to myself that for the 550PP endurance, I was going to use a stock Ford Mustang GT '15. And for the Alsace endurance, I was going to use a stock BMW 3.0 CSL '71. For both of these cars, you'll get quite close to the respective PP limits if you equip the best tire compound they'll allow you to use. Other than buying said tires, I did absolutely nothing else to these cars - they're entirely stock!