First things first, sorry to hear about your wreck, hoping you're ok from it.
Oh yes, it was a festive - cough - wreck, and my parent's car which sucked, but the only problem was being punched in the face by the first gen airbag, OUCH! And thankfully, the car was still drivable after being steered into a gravel pile after somehow missing a rock pillar and a large tree. But driving in the rain for months gave me the willies, and still gives me angst in racing games till I adjust.
So yesterday, I went to Hagerty's to see what was new and saw a vintage Jaguar XJ13 '66 - for a mere 12 million Cr, but I thought I'd be a bit more frugal with my earnings and instead bought
- 2x Corvette C2 '63, just in case of race car!
- 2x Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion '97
- Second Ford Mk IV Race Car '67, because recreating some classic LeMans racing is growing on me
Missing out on one whole day of racing last weekend sure left a dent in my earnings, darn it. I need 20 million for two Jags, and some left over for a whole slew of cars, with duplicates for alternative liveries. If we lose the Tomahawk this week, I'm not going to be happy.
Anyhow, it was time for some Tomahawk Chop on Blofeld at Tokyo. I did several races which were quite festive, with Rose either laughing or at wits end with me. I'd have to be sure to make it all up to her later. There was one rather festive incident, in which I was serving a penalty but wanted to slow Blofeld down as he blasted down into the tunnel.
It didn't go according to plan... but the rest of the race was much more satisfying.
I've taken to racing just ahead of Rose in the last lap or two, teasing her to race as fast as she could. She can be surprisingly quick in that Amemiya tuned RX-7, and startled me a few times by suddenly appearing at my rear end. She reminded me that, even though her Keidran people were civilized, they had a genetic lineage of being predators and she was feeling a bit... hungry. Plus, she was as competent as any male driver on the planet and I dare not underestimate her, Mr Male Chauvinist. Oh, was I? Ahem. But then heading for the finish line, the silly girl is content to cruise beside me, and it cost her a few second place finishes as one of the other drivers passed us by. I've had to make sure to keep her hungry by racing her a bit, or urging her over to close off a passing lane as she moons over me. The sweetheart.
I was going to make her happy by doing a couple more races with my "pretty Diablo" for another pile of credits, but for some reason the dumb thing just couldn't catch the pack this time, which had me concerned. The other day, I had the same issue with my RE Amemiya RX-7. I went to the garage to look it over, to see if it needed an oil change, same for the RX-7, but nothing was out of order, no settings inexplicably changed. Hmm... sabotage? In any case, it was late so I had a hasty supper, and spent the evening exploring alien worlds and pondering Heaven. It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that idiots and tyrants are now running our planet... would it?