Sheeesh... did my first attempt at the pre-'79 Alsace 1hr today. It was fun, but had some moments of AI frustration for sure.
I've read about it and knew there was a certain amount of strategy that went into it, that the bus is gonna be chugging along pulling off fastest laps, that there are many cars that don't work well for this race, and there are OP cars like the Chaparral... but I don't care for the meta or OP way of things, so I tested out a couple cars.
First off I tuned up a Gordini and hated it. Incredibly oversteery, and you just have to be all over it white knuckle at all times. No thanks. Put that one away for a while, and I'll see if it can't be made better or just fun to toss around.
Then tried out the '71 Z for it... and basically same thing, very oversteery, and I didn't put too much time into tuning it because it was already close enough to the 450PP cut off that there wasn't much wiggle room for power and handling, so that one went back in the garage too.
Then I gave the Challenger a shot, detuned to 289hp, stock otherwise. It was comfortable enough to drive, could turn 2:28s with little fuss, and the open diff made for not having to manage oversteer a bunch so off I went to the races, fully intending to lose by a few positions. I just wanted to give the race a shot.
I was in third place by the end of the first lap, a good sign, but then the bus came along (which I expected) and then I found that me and him were pitting on the same laps, so I figured the race was a bust and I'd be losing out by pitting often. But when I came out I was only down about 20sec to the lead, and was gaining quickly, so there was light at the end of the tunnel. I took fuel only the first time, tires with fuel on the second, and just enough fuel to finish on the third, pitting with the bus every time.
I ended up spinning all by myself in the last hairpin on lap 19, stock brakes were very wiggly and I pitched it just enough to send me sideways...
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Then, in typical GT7 AI fashion, Hizal in his 20 million dollar missile decided to weave around before pitting... right into my quarter panel, spinning me into the wall. Lovely. Thought I was definitely screwed by this point.
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Took my last pit, fuel only for three laps, and came out right behind the Benz and the bus. Overtook the Benz in the final chicane, and then overtook the bus in the same spot... squeezing inside him on the last corner of the last lap. Never thought I would pull this mission off on the first try!
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Was a good race, and I'm happy to be done with it considering the troubles that many have had with it. I'd definitely recommend the Challenger as an "easier" car to drive for the hour, but beware the pitchy brakes, open diff that will let the inside rear spin up a lot if you let it, and somewhat thirsty fuel consumption, but it definitely made for a fun race, and I could have done much better if I hadn't spun, and I was out of the way of Hizal and his BS.
Another good day in GT7 for sure. And man, I write too much. Ha ha.