What does your Girl thinks about your GT addiction?

  • Thread starter Dimitrov
I can still clearly remember loading games of tapes (as in cassette tapes) for my Spectrum, now that was hard work, and the young 'uns of today complain about a little DRE.
I had the Amstrad CPC464, thoes tape games took ages to load.
Wow, I never knew that even adults play games, I only thought that teenages do. Please don't be offend by this, im just amazed :)

I always knew I would play games until the day I Die.

I'm 28 and counting. Finally I have the money to spend in my stuff. Horrible thing is asking father and mother: "Can you buy this game for me?"

I couldn't have managed to have all GTs, all versions, TT, a cockpit 90% done with working H-style gear and etc. if I was 13 or 16.

Also, GT is a "grown-up" game. NFS is a kiddie-game-wanna-have-vin-diesel-muscle's unbrained one.

Sure. Be responsible and aim for a better life instead of lock youself into a bedroom with GT4. I have a friend with 29 yo that didn't completed high-school yet.

And, life is for having fun, helping others, etc. If you keep the idea that when you reach 20 you'll die for fun and live for work, better change your thoughts right now.

Keep playing.
Johnny Player.
mine didnt care but she left me for an :censored:er with 3 kids after ive known her for 14 years.... well all i have to say is her loss and my gain of more gt time
I am one of those who does most of his GT4 stuff after everyone else is fast asleep in the house. Because of this I wear head phones so as not to wake anyone. My wife has thus nicknamed me Norman from "There's Something About Mary". The mentally challenged brother of Mary who constantly has his radio and headphones on not matter what activity he is doing. I have thus nicknamed her Mary. She realizes how much I like gaming and has even gone so far as to get me a copy of another game I like to play, Tomb Raider, buying the newest release "Legend" as soon as it came out. I'd say she understands my addiction.
i am 21, in college, with a fiance. she works when im in school and when we're together, there is no GT or TT playing. when im with her, shes who im with. now when we're apart, she thinks im crazy with GT and TT, but she still loves me. never could i get away with playing any video games with her around. nevr man. youre all lucky if your girls let you do that. either way, we've already talked about when we get married. the PS2/PS3 will be in the basement with my pool table and poker table. when there is nothing else to do, and i have some free time, then PS2/PS3 and GT5 will be there. and im fine with that. i have never and will never have the money to buy/build a cockpit, so im stuck with the good old wireless logitech controller. but that makes me happy. :) so does my girl. put some GT and TT in there and thereis no better life...
So am I the oldest GT4 fanatic so far? 34 years on the meter and still gaming hard. I am a hardcore GT4 player but my PC games addiction has milded down during the last 10 years...

About the GF stuff don't really know. I was single when my GT3 playing was at its peak. Got a GF and broke up with her, so again no problems with the prettier sex. :)

I am also a Hockey fanatic, and trained my ex for it. There is quality time for her and quality time for HIFK. Once she playfully stayed in front of the TV while I was watching a game, and I tossed her with a bottle (=plastic one). After that she didn't bother me and my hockey... wonder why she dumped me thou?
After some 19 years of marriage, well she does not care where the heck I am and what the @#%&**é I' m doing even if I' m bangin' the maid... (We cannot afford one anyways)

I' m lucky... I can play all I want as long as I don' t want to play on the 105cm screen in the living room... I am free to play as much I can on th 66cm screen in the backroom...:sly:
Twin 27" Trinitrons side by side, a cockpit and DFP next to a comfy chair and one pair of headphones. She watches her realities, soaps and other assorted unwatchable progarams. I happily race on the 'ring. At 11 pm we both stop and have some coffee and dessert and watch Jimmy Kimmel. Life is pretty good!

Off topic--- I was in the hospital last week have a colonoscopy. 3 ways to tell you're getting old. You've had a colonoscopy, you've got a prescription for viagra and you've got a spare PS2 and DFP still in unopened boxes for a fast replacement if necessary. Anyway, I'm about to be put under and the anesthesiologist notices a blue binder on the bed. He asked what's inside. I said it was video game stuff. Actually it was Scaff's tuning guide. He opened it up and saw what it was and laughed. He said his 60 year old father has the game, a cockpit, a DFP and is completely addicted to playing. I remember laughing for a few seconds and then waking up in the recovery room. GT seems like it's everywhere!
I'm not dating, but Jennifer never cared when we were. Then again, we were in Europe, and I really don't play too many games when I go.

The girl I still like now, doesn't know I play GT or any other games for that matter.:lol: Then again, I don't play GT that much nowadays, just CS:S and GTR.
My girlfriend doesn't mind my addiction to GT
She is having fun to see how I pass the licenses or missions
she also checking out all the photos I made with GT4 and say I am a genius :embarrassed:
but when she is bored or doesn't feel good, she keeps annoying me for something ...
like "Sweetie can you get me some water?"
or "Sweetie can you get me some ice-cream?"
fortuniately she is a skinny type that hardly gain weight

Sometimes she is getting jealous of me having fun
she will ask me when we can play Katamari together
heck ... co-operating Katamari just makes the move slow
because it is so hard to communicate when and where to turn
but I pretty enjoy playing MotoGP3 with her by setting maximum handicap
It is pretty challenging :lol:
So am I the oldest GT4 fanatic so far? 34 years on the meter and still gaming hard.

Nope I can just beat you at 35 years old, and you will find some older GT players around here as well.


Nope I can just beat you at 35 years old, and you will find some older GT players around here as well.



your old enough to most of the kids on heres DAD ....all i can say is damn homie
I never had a girlfriend, but if I did, my PS2 would problably be in two halves and my GT4 and TT disks would be powder, because I would never pay her any attention and that would be the only way for her to get my attention. One reason I stay away from the opposite sex, they break your ****. :)
I'm going on 23 and a full-time senior in college, I also work 50+ hours a week as an auditor and accountant (stepping stone to becoming a corporate attorney). With my wife in school and working as a manager at a retail store in the mall, we don't get to see each other a whole lot. So, I play before she gets home in the evening. If I do play when she's home, she understands that I need the break between work and homework to relax.

She's also an art and graphic design major, so she takes an interest in my GT4 photo editing. Although, she says, "they're just cars".

37 here, one of the older dudes in the thread.

Once my wife and kids go to bed (about 11-11:30pm) is when I get to do my driving. I try to get in an hour or so a night, and three on weekend-nights.
39 here (nearly 40 but don't mention that!). My Girlfriend dosn't mind me playing because it gives her some space. She will occasionaly co-drive on an endurance & she enjoys trying to gold licences, but I dont see her in the "games room" too often.
I don't have a GT addiciton I enjoy the game but I don't play it that often, so my girl doesn't think anything of that. She doesn't mind me switching the PS2 on every now and then, but we spend far more time watching movies together than I spend on the PS2.

man that is just so romantic ... lol ... no seriously ... it's good that you don't have the GT bug real bad.
I'm 14, so my Girlfriend dose'nt live with me, if she comes over, we never go on the Playstation, so she dose'nt know about my secret addiction.
- My girlfriend actually gave me the game for my birthday, so she has mixed feelings about me being addicted to it.
But, she's a gamer too and often she plays zelda on her DS (the GBA version, Zelda is NOT YET released on DS in Holland) while I'm doing some laps.

- She also likes to watch the game and play it sometimes. Especially after she saw a Suzuki Cappuccino (sp?) in the used car section. I bought it for her (honey, I bought you a car!) and tuned it for about 40 times the price of the car. She drove it in some races...

- Now I get her full support since I'm going to win the pink Clio Sport Race Car.

- She helps me pick colors of cars :)

Actually, she's very cool! :cool:
My current girlfriend doesn't mind at all that I play GT4 in total excess, for her it means I'm not at the track driving in real life so it makes her feel like I'm going to live a little longer. Plus she enjoys trying to drive in it, though she never really get's the idea that she's trying to beat them, so she usually drives pretty safe and ends up forcing me to do the qualifying times regardless of how lazy I am.
George Morley
I'm 14, so my Girlfriend dosen't live with me, if she comes over, we never go on the Playstation, so she dosen't know about my secret addiction.

Exactly the same man;)

Haha, except for one thing...I have about 45 PS2 games scattered across the floor most of the time, 4 of which are Gran Turismo though, which doesn't help...

'Oh crap, is that my GF at the door? Ok, I've now got 5 seconds to sweep all those games into the already overcrowded closet'
GT Pro

'Oh crap, is that my GF at the door? Ok, I've now got 5 seconds to sweep all those games into the already overcrowded closet'[/I]

:lol: why do you hide them?
As long as she knows I'm not addicted it's ok :)