What does your Girl thinks about your GT addiction?

  • Thread starter Dimitrov
As long as my girlfriend and obligations come first (which of course they always do), she doesn't really care how much I play it. Although she does playfully joke around about it :) Since we have separate dorms / separate houses in the summer, it's not really much of an issue though.
Well i tried, bought her a nice black 206 RC (she likes it) tuned it, tried to teach her, but it just won,t work. She hates racing games period.
So i,m banned to a set of headphones (which i don,t really mind)
because i mostly drive Group C/LMP GT cars and she hates the noise they make.
and since it,s the only game i have, sometimes she goes like: Not again !
But mostly shes cool with it
My g/f doesn't mind me playin it, she even says that she could beat my lap times. which she couldn't but i let her think she could to keep her happy. 👍
Well, I was lucky. I bought the Playstation because my wife asked me to. She is totally hopeless with cars and was looking for a game to help her. Well, there is no better simulator out there so I got the PS2 and the G25 two weeks ago. I warned her honestly that putting me next to GT 4 + good wheel spells like many hours of playing. So far no complaints from her. When she watches me being so enthusiastic, sweating, cursing and wining just with 0.01 s she gets enthusiastic too and sits down for a couple of laps. I will try to make a GT fan of her. Cross your fingers for me!

And yeah, I am also in my mid-thirties with a life and job. Ahhh the good ol days of Atari and Commodore....
And yeah, I am also in my mid-thirties with a life and job. Ahhh the good ol days of Atari and Commodore....

Reminiscing is such fun. i remember playing pole position and indy on the atari using the dial paddles. great stuff.

and commodore was like wow this is so much better than atari. i mean playing racing destruction set buliding your own tracks and stuff.

now all of my console and pc games are like :yuck: compared to graphics on ps3 or extreme high end p.c.

oh well enogh of that back to the topic at hand.
💡 i have now bought my wife a ps2,

:sly: so she can stop bugging me to get off gt4 so she can play something totally :rolleyes: boring,IMO.
my girl (almost 2 decades older than I) doesn't understand video games at all, and GT as well. It's best just to ignore the B_tching, and turn up the tunes. lol (of course she would get upset if she read this message).
I have no idea what her opinion is and really I think she feels no indifference towards the game. That's fine with me! :) --- Randy
i'm lucky. my g/f likes gt4 herself, and is always on it when she's round and likes to listen to me talk about it. she's even thinking about buying a copy herself... :) (she still is more interested in bikes, but i mentioned tourist trophy to her and she still only wants to buy GT4, saying that 'spinoffs are never any good'.
My current 'girlfriend' thinks it is strange, but she fortunately accepts it as a part of who I am. My last one incidentally left me because I played it, though.
:lol: i work in a games shop and i get the girl/wifes asking which game is the most addictive and I keep selling GT4 like its running out
what does my WHAT think about it..? :dunce: I'm a lonely driver, no need for pesky females and their needs..:sly:

I now have reason to live. Incredible job! (I seem to recall running into you at IDW Forums.)

Either way, though, mine actually ditched me a while ago, in favor of my more universally geeky best friend. Apparently, that's supposed to make me angry, but I really don't mind at all. Much as I hate to agree with Itsuki/Iketani/Kenji, the quote is delightfully true; they say it out of defeat, but I say it out of obsession!

On a related sidenote, my brand-new cockpit is becoming a prominent part of my room.

Sorry, there's too much blood in my caffeine system right now, so I can't think very well at all.
My girlfriend has no clue how addicted to GT I am. It never really comes up in convos, honestly. Now regular motorsports, she knows I'm addicted to those, but GT is something she has no clue about, so I'm safe, haha!