I'm torn on how I feel about remakes. Some of them are really good and it's great to experience old favorites without the old graphics and controls... but is the video game industry turning into the movie industry, where the developers are becoming lazy and cashing in on just freshening up something where the hard work of creation is practically already done for them?
There's a big difference in 'remake' vs 'remaster'. The latter being more of a 'polish up the ugly bits, but no major changes in gameplay', whereas a remake is a built-from-the-ground-up new version of the game. Nightdive spent 7 years on the System Shock remake (at least), so I don't think the hard work of creation was done for them at all. They reworked many aspects of the game alongside the visuals. They truly took all the good bits (story, level design) and brought them into the modern age while getting rid of or reworking the bad bits (e.g. the UI). Very hard to pull off correctly.
But I get where you are coming from: how come a remake of a 1994 game kicks butt when compared to many games that are coming out in 2023 (and have come out since 1994)? How is that possible, given all the technological advances between then and now? Is the industry going backwards?
I think there are a few components to that answer:
1. Yes, the industry is lagging, especially since COVID. Combined with the general risk-averseness of the industry (something we see in the movie industry too indeed) as well as C-levels jumping on hypes instead of making great games there's a bit of a drought.
2. For years, the industry has been dumbing down games and treating gamers as idiots. 90s games like SS do not do this, at all, so it feels fresh, even if it 'old' way of playing. No handholding here.
3. System Shock was really way ahead of its time, from a developer (Warren Spector) that produced several other ground-breaking titles such as Deus Ex, Thief and Ultima Underworld. It's a class apart and that's why it
4. Nightdive did not take the easy route here, it took 7 years and a restart or two to get this done the right way. But finally they understood how to respect the original and make it fresh at the same time. Class apart I would say.