(This is the order I watched the movies.)
My favourite of the bunch. I enjoyed pretty much every second of the movie. I like how Frozen focused more on family love rather than romantic love, much unlike most other Disney princess movies. I enjoyed the story too, although I thought they could've expanded a bit more on it, especially the ending, which leaves me wanting a sequel. There might be a few plot holes here and there, but they're definitely not enough to break the movie. It lost half a mark for that reason nevertheless. The visuals and music are the movie's strongest points. Frozen is easily one of the best movies I've ever watched.
My second favourite by a very close margin. Like with Frozen, I was expecting Tangled to be another generic Disney princess movie, and in some ways, there are traces of genericness. However, I found the movie to be very fun and I loved every second of it just as I did Frozen. The story is definitely more in-depth than Frozen's, and the music and visuals are just as good. Along with Frozen, Tangled is easily one of my favourite movies.
Perhaps watching Frozen and Tangled first did set my expectations higher, but I thought Brave was an okay movie. The story was decent but also confusing at times, like the part about Mor'du and the tapestry. And the witch, which was also downright creepy. Good theme though, but not enough for me to want to watch the movie again. In all honesty, being a Pixar film, I did have higher expectations.
I liked the original Cars movie. Being a car guy and all, it was nice to see how car culture was tied into a movie about being selfless. Before I watched Cars 2, I read the reviews, so I approached the movie not expecting much. Cars 2 is so different to Cars that it feels like they're only similar in characters. It seemed to have removed all the values and themes that were taught in the original Cars. It's very thrilling and all, but it leaves a lot to be desired. Definitely not Pixar's finest hour.