What would make Gran Turismo 7 a guaranteed purchase for you?

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I keep telling you it's not about variety it's what you do with the tracks. Like if you reuse the same tracks every 3 or 4 races that can get old fast.

You can have 100 tracks only end up using mostly 20 or less. Same with cars which is why I wanted the car count to fall back to around 400.

This is a new game on a new system. There are certain things you take, and certain things that get left behind to make room for the new.

Just to go into the variety part a bit more I've yet to play DiRT Rally as of yet, but from what I know about DiRT 3 at least in the Rally part only 5 locals in the game, but they interchange them so much that don't have time to memorize them thoroughly.
The only way I would even consider GT7 is if all the standards were converted fully to premium models with fully working cockpit views. No more black outlines. Unfortunately it has already been confirmed by Kaz himself that standards will be in GT7. So it looks like I still have a while to wait. Several years easily.

They did handle the standards a lot better in GT6 over GT5 by a longshot. At least we were able to buy all of them new and take 2 at a time to photo travel. Still a long way to go for GT7.
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The only way I would even consider GT7 is if all the standards were converted fully to premium models with fully working cockpit views. No more black outlines. Unfortunately it has already been confirmed by Kaz himself that standards will be in GT7. So it looks like I still have a while to wait. Several years easily.

They did handle the standards a lot better in GT6 over GT5 by a longshot. At least we were able to buy all of them new and take 2 at a time to photo travel. Still a long way to go for GT7.
I just don't get it though. They could easily get rid of probably half of their standards by just using some of the existing premium models. Example: The M.N.P R34 GT-R could easily be rendered as a premium model, just change the color to M.N.P. on a premium R34. Now there might be differences in suspension tuning or weight, but those are values that can be assigned. And the last GT I played was 5 so I apologize if they did this with the M.N.P. R34 in 6, but the same can be said for most of the Japanese cars. And don't get me wrong I like all the sub models GT includes, it allows for people to at least say they dont have the exact same car as someone else. I would love 25 different models of Skylines, as long as they are a premium.
  • Improve customization.
  • Include actual car sounds.
  • Refrain from padding the car list with duplicates and different model years of cars that have no mechanical differences.
  • Take 200-250 standard cars and make them "premium" while removing the garbage in order to even out the overall quality of the game. (I absolutely will not purchase GT7 if it has any standard cars in it... they completely muddied the experience for me in GT6 and including such low quality car models in PS4 game would be vomit inducing.)
  • Add Porsche or at least include more recent RUF models.
Well, now that GT7 is confirmed to be released no earlier then 2017, they should at least hope people, including me, still care about their product by then.

I am completely at a loss as to how GT7 is not ready to go 3 years into the lifecycle of the PS4, and that we will have to wait 4 years for a full GT game on a new Sony console again. AGAIN. I am stunned that Turn 10 can release 2 full games in the time it takes PD to release a re-skinned prologue, and by the time GT7 rolls around Turn 10 will be on Forza 7.

Gran Turismo Sports better be AMAZING or there will be no one left to buy GT7.
Kinda unrelated, but after the recent "price drop" of the PS4, I'm pretty sure unless I win some serious cash I'm no longer buying a PS4 ever. $430 in Canada, $350 in USA.

Screw Sony.
Kinda unrelated, but after the recent "price drop" of the PS4, I'm pretty sure unless I win some serious cash I'm no longer buying a PS4 ever. $430 in Canada, $350 in USA.

Screw Sony.
Purchasing Power Parity implies about a 25% "premium" over US prices on similar goods in Canada. And 430 is 23% larger than 350. So it checks out, and they are in fact the same equivalent cost (relative to differences in wages, costs of commodities and food etc. between the two countries.)

Don't forget that a PS4 isn't even a "necessary" item, so the fact that it might (appear to) be treated as such in its market value should be surprising. Or maybe it's just indicative of the consumerisation of everything!
Kinda unrelated, but after the recent "price drop" of the PS4, I'm pretty sure unless I win some serious cash I'm no longer buying a PS4 ever. $430 in Canada, $350 in USA.

Screw Sony.

Come live in Australia. :)

We get to pay through the nose for everything. It kind of works at the moment because our dollar is so weak, but the prices were exactly the same when an AU dollar was worth more than a US dollar.
Purchasing Power Parity implies about a 25% "premium" over US prices on similar goods in Canada. And 430 is 23% larger than 350. So it checks out, and they are in fact the same equivalent cost (relative to differences in wages, costs of commodities and food etc. between the two countries.)

Don't forget that a PS4 isn't even a "necessary" item, so the fact that it might (appear to) be treated as such in its market value should be surprising. Or maybe it's just indicative of the consumerisation of everything!

Come live in Australia. :)

We get to pay through the nose for everything. It kind of works at the moment because our dollar is so weak, but the prices were exactly the same when an AU dollar was worth more than a US dollar.

I'm not paying 25% extra for my car, a Xbone, a WiiU, etc.

In the end it was Sonys decision to be that guy, so they aren't getting **** from me. Might cancel getting PSPlus as well, haven't got anything good for months anyways.
Zero standards, weather like in Driveclub and sounds like in Raceroom (or Driveclub).
That, plus Playstation VR... I'm sold. I enjoyed like a child the 3D in both 5 and 6, but having the chance to "actually" drive the car....
My goodness that could be amazing.

Bye bye social life, goodbye girlfriend haha...
Basically I just want 100% G27 compatibility... it doesn't matter if it's through an USB pen/software/DYI... anything that serves the purpose!! :)
Ah... and some 80's cars should be converted to Premium... AE86, CRX, and so on :)
Fingers crossed!

Have a nice weekend!!
Driving Force pro compatibility. I've only had this wheel for a couple of months, and I don't feel like buying a new one unless absolutely necessary.
Don't vote for removal, vote for Premiumification.

Yeah, better.

I see them as the same thing. Wanting no standards doesn't mean those cars can't or shouldn't return as premiums. Of course not all of them can. Speaking of which...

The only way I would even consider GT7 is if all the standards were converted fully to premium models with fully working cockpit views.

...that's kinda unrealistic.
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I see them as the same thing. Wanting no standards doesn't mean those cars can't or shouldn't return as premiums. Of course not all of them can. Speaking of which...

...that's kinda unrealistic.
Yeah, many of them should be absorbed as trim variations instead of kept as "duplicates", and there will be plenty of cars with no interior view, I reckon.
1. Have career mode be a lot like GT4s.
Who doesn't love going to a Car Dealership looking for a car and finding out that the Manufacturer hosts its own races.

2. Also, the ability to create our own events.

3. Multi-class racing.

4. Fix the Physics of the MR Race Cars as well as some MR Road Cars, they are just unplayable which is sad because the Opel Speedster is my favourite car.
Yes, I would love that too, along with online races with stock cars with normal tires!

Seriously, I'm fed up with the online rooms only being filled with modified cars. I personally prefer to drive stock and there isn't that many good rooms I can find for my preference. Sure, there's the quick race events they provide now, but those aren't very good either as it's a pain to get a connection.

Plus a million, I prefer all the cars stock as well, a leader board like prologue had would be preferred
After the lacklustre GT6 should they be aiming for "good enough" or go back to the polished, truly perfectionist approach of older games?

Would you want that, or a pixelated v12 lmr from gran turismo psp racing alongside your hyper hd Audi r18 that has a full interior and rain drops collection on the body?
Would you want that, or a pixelated v12 lmr from gran turismo psp racing alongside your hyper hd Audi r18 that has a full interior and rain drops collection on the body?

Not sure you got what I meant. You said semi-premium models with no interiors would be good enough. I meant, should they be targeting just good enough or should they be targeting perfection, ie in this case every car full detailed with an interior? No in-betweens.
Not sure you got what I meant. You said semi-premium models with no interiors would be good enough. I meant, should they be targeting just good enough or should they be targeting perfection, ie in this case every car full detailed with an interior? No in-betweens.
There will always be inconsistency, just as there always has been.

The recent gulf is a result of the content problem that everyone is facing; PD just tried to tackle it differently. I'm keen to see where that resolve takes them next.

I distinctly remember every GT game being "just good enough" in many aspects. This idea of past perfection is an illusion, or at least only subjective. It depends on what is important to you.