What would make Gran Turismo 7 a guaranteed purchase for you?

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As for JP, you clearly seem to have a different standard with those who dislike Gran Turismo and will often make up anything to deride it. I don't recall you ever calling anyone to task over "vacuum cleaner" sounds. But as to your point, you do seem to think those GA bots are pretty darn awesome... heard of sarcasm? I have a feeling you have.
It's not my job to correct every bs comment about every game on GTP. I do my fair share about every game I am familiar with.
Let me add one tidbit. You and some of your cohorts have had some jolly fun describing what's going on in my own head on occasion, and of course Tor, Slip and the usual suspects couldn't be bothered over it. Nor did I go into hysterics about it. So your faux outrage over my sarcastic description of your relationship with GA's bots - which I DIDN'T EVEN SAY YOU HAD SAID, you very odd man, go back and read it again - is rather rich.
There's no faux outrage, I just don't appreciate it when people use my name and then attribute remarks, thoughts, feelings etc. to me that are simply untrue. There's a quote feature for a reason. I suggest you start using it whenever you want to attribute anything to me.
I think I might pre-order this game anyhow after I actually get a PS4, but one thing I'd like to see would be a change from the way they are operating...

A number (not a ton, but a reasonable amount) of people really want the series to return to its roots, and while I sure wouldn't mind that, I highly doubt that we can expect something that harkens too much to the past. They've already gotten a couple of fresh faces if I'm not mistaken, and I think that they will at bar minimum try to go in a new direction. I liked GT5 and 6 plenty, but those titles are both lacking, and I think that there is a strange consensus that this community, mainly comprised of raving fans, want more for the series, and yet, we want the series to be itself. It needs to be Gran Turismo at the end of the day, for better or for better. But I get the feeling that we will be surprised regardless by the next installment- I just sincerely hope that the developers time is well spent on areas of need, like the soundtrack (just keeping it fresh, not implying that I dislike it though it's seen better days), the UI, the AI, certain models, rational design decisions (getting my hopes up, because I know there will be quirks regardless). Their priorities might not be in accordance with mine, or yours; no matter how grounded or astronomical they may be.

But they still need to make a masterpiece if they want to move units anywhere even close to what they used to- which is still impossible given today's market. They have the fanbase, but now they have the competition as well. Hopefully we will see a conscious and well thought out game from their studios that is brilliant, period.
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1) Removal of standards. For one major reason...they mess with the suspension of disbelief (I hate the word "immersion"!)

We've gone past the point where standards add something to the game, and have reached the point where they take something away from it. In GT5 I could live with them, but they should not have made it to GT6. If GT7 is the graphical tour de force we'd expect from a new GT title, then having janky looking low polygon cars sharing track space with you ruins the feeling of being there.

2) The best engine sounds of any title ever made. Again, for the feeling of being there. By "there" I mean on a real race track and not in a Dyson testing facility.

3) Porsche's. Lots and lots of Porsche's. Despite my handle, I'm such a Stuttgart tragic that I'd forgive my first two conditions, if Kaz littered the game with every Porsche made since the 1950's!.
Better UI. Really the cut scene loading screen for every change is maddening.

The ability to apply one cars tune to another car by copying the settings directly. Seriously if you're going to have half a dozen of the same cars with different paint schemes (see the GT-R, GT-500, GT-300, NASCAR etc) then allow us to copy settings.

A tune your car app. Seriously most people spend time away from their console, the ability to tune the car and dyno it on my phone would be great and greatly improve tuning.

Online tune sharing with a ranking system which allowed sharing rating. Seriously, the tuning community is huge, why do we have manually enter tunes every time when we could all upload them to a DB and download them at will.

There not to be a split between offline and online tunes.

A single garage. No more you can only have X amount of cars in your garage. Stick the rest in stock room or sell some old ones.

No more credit limit. Sure I might have gotten everything in the game to buy and multiple versions of the cars but so what? Why limit that? After this point cash becomes pointless in the game.

Don't remove seasonal events. Sure time limit the online rankings but actually taking them out of the list of the previous events and not adding them incrementally means that if one has to stop playing for a time (you know cos work or life happens) you don't miss out on those events.

Allow cars to have multiple set ups, parts and wheels. If I buy something for the car then it stays with the car permanently I should have to repurchase every time.

Make the online better.

Reduce the loading times.

Get shot of the standard cars.

bring back all the old tracks, from GT2 onwards.

oh an better customisation for my cars, colours, interiors panel by panel graphics ability to upload graphics etc.
I'd love to see the newer Audi models in the game.

I don't like the look of the ones in GT6. They lack the aggressiveness of the Audi models I see on the road everyday IMO.
They must upgrade the poly and texture on all the standard cars, and if they can't please don't add it.

This is just one bad example


The PS4 has a much higher poly count and RAM than the PS3 did. PD have no reason to have paper-craft looking cars driving around.

It doesn't look good by any stretch, but the only reason it was consigned to infamy was because of a rendering glitch in GT5 that was fixed within a few months.
I'm surprised I ticked the two leaders in the poll.
1. Improved core gameplay (sound, AI, driving, framerate, etc)
2. Removal of standards ( :lol: Who would even consider adding these old things into a fresh PS4 game?)
Oh yeah, this is PD's game, huh.....

I almost ticked "All features have to return" as well....but this is going to be too much for them to take on really.....:boggled:

For me, it will never be a guaranteed purchase, simply because I doubt very much they can get it right. By that I mean, back to an acceptable amount of content, combined with most of the great parts people want, same make/manufacturer races, the test track, the long overdue drag strip (*****, where the **** is that?), The mission series, old track updates, plus a comparable OFF-LINE mode much like GT4. Is this too much to ask?

I think it is. :guilty:

Side note;
Off-line NEEDS to be greatly improved with a better race structure, not only returning those long endurance series races, but a complete overhaul of race series....
Crikey, who wants a U.S. race series run on three tracks, one of which is U.S. based???
And for what, 3 laps a piece.....give me a break FFS.

Apologies for getting off track, I know this isn't the whining thread....:ill:
For me the absolute most important thing is a proper online leaderboard system. There is just no excuse not to have this in a modern game. I will definitely not buy a PS4 and GT7 without that feature. GT5P had the makings of a good leaderboard system, the only problem was that you could not tune your car at all on those.

Better sounds would be a big step forward, much more important at this point that better graphics.
I'd also like to see a better career mode, more races, more choices. One downside to the last couple of games is that there just aren't many races on some of my favorite tracks where I can use one of the cars I like best and earn credits.

Another biggie for me is to have the option to use ghosts in public online racing lobbies.

As for standards. I would like to see them updated, some can be removed but some of those that were still standards in GT6 are must have cars imo. As with previous GT games I would rather see a bit lower quality graphics with more content than better graphics with less content.
Vitreol, you say.
'Quotes 3 threads from other boards'.

Staggerred. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what you expect: the number of active members over in GTP's FM6 section is a tiny fraction of the active members of the GT6 section. Naturally, there will be less critical threads. There will also be less positive ones.

Now, outside of GA boards, and those for which GA was their BFF, I'm unaware of anyone who holds those bots up as the epitome of racing AI.

An interesting line of reasoning; disregard any positive opinions on an aspect of a game because those players must obviously have some sort of "BFF" bias influencing their judgment.

You should be able to see where this is going.

As for JP, you clearly seem to have a different standard with those who dislike Gran Turismo and will often make up anything to deride it.

...like saying every car sounds like a straight-piped V8?

heard of sarcasm? I have a feeling you have.

Let me get this straight: a user that has a years-long history of falsely attributing comments to other members - sometimes, even members of staff - and has repeatedly brushed it off when asked to back up his more outlandish statements, is now attributing all of these comments to "sarcasm"? In the same paragraph, complaining about those who could certainly be considered "sarcastic" when saying GT's engine sounds are more in tune with Hoover or Dyson?

You're right: that is rich.

For me the absolute most important thing is a proper online leaderboard system. There is just no excuse not to have this in a modern game. I will definitely not buy a PS4 and GT7 without that feature. GT5P had the makings of a good leaderboard system, the only problem was that you could not tune your car at all on those.

I forgot all about those! I recognize why companies shy away from them; if T10 for instance had a leaderboard for every stock car, it'd be tons more info than their current leaderboards. GT6 would need 1200-some-odd leaderboards, in addition to ones based on the PP system (assuming they'd go that route). There would need to be clear categories for the PP system as well, maybe 50 point increments?

GT also runs into an issue by not having tires taken into the PP calculation though; any leaderboards for, let's say the 451-500PP range, would need to have separate boards for each tire grade. So for each track, with 50PP increments, you'd be looking at something like 75 or more leaderboards, right?

Personally, I'd love for them to have a leaderboard setup for stock cars. I love the even field stock cars represent, leaving all the skill up to the driver. It's also fascinating to see which cars are capable of surprising, of posting far faster times than expected. A great example would be @MidFieldMaven 's Midfield lap times, and I'm currently trying to do something similar at Lime Rock over in the FM section, with E Stock.

I suppose really, the player just needs more control over the sorting of the leaderboards (or, more accurately, the lap time databases). Implement a flag to tell if a car is stock or not, then let the user sort based on tire grade, PP, drivetrain, or even specific car model. Then you could get more or less all the info you'd like. GT5P's system was great, and now I miss it.
While I agree with @HBR-Roadhog's desire for leaderboards, having potentially 1500 cars x 100 tracks x 9 tire compounds makes for an unwieldy mess of leaderboards, the majority of which could well be empty or nearly so. For anyone weak in the math department that's 1.35 million leaderboards. I'd rather see more effort put into the leaderboards than just throwing them up and forgetting about them. Something along the lines of having a rotating series of leaderboards that are active for a full month, in order to focus the efforts of racers and provide some more heated competition, but enough leaderboards to give everyone something they like and enough to do to last an entire month. I'm talking about 5-10 leaderboards with a wide variety of cars and tracks with fixed tire choices (stock preferably) and fixed driver aids (could change from event to event). Turn the leaderboards into a completely separate championship in itself, running on say a quarterly basis, sort of like the Ironman of GT7, with an overall standing available for total time.
Just to be clear I do not expect them to have a different board for every car/track combo. That would be awesome but likely far beyond the scope of a console game.

Something more like what Forza has would be fine, break the cars down into classes and have a leaderboard for each class/track combo. If tires are not considered part of the class then they could have additional boards for tires as well.

Anything at all would be better than what they have now.

Isn't that sorta what the time trial seasonals already did? Or leaderboards in a different way?
No not really. While there are temporary leaderboards for time trials they are no where near a proper leaderboard system. In many cases you are limited to one car on one track for a 2 week period to post and then the times are gone two weeks after that.

A proper system should allow you to drive any car on any track tuned or untuned and allow a time to be posted to a permanent leaderboard. If you have ever played Forza you would have some idea of what I am referring to. GT is the only game I have played in years that does not have this.
While I agree with @HBR-Roadhog's desire for leaderboards, having potentially 1500 cars x 100 tracks x 9 tire compounds makes for an unwieldy mess of leaderboards, the majority of which could well be empty or nearly so. For anyone weak in the math department that's 1.35 million leaderboards. I'd rather see more effort put into the leaderboards than just throwing them up and forgetting about them. Something along the lines of having a rotating series of leaderboards that are active for a full month, in order to focus the efforts of racers and provide some more heated competition, but enough leaderboards to give everyone something they like and enough to do to last an entire month. I'm talking about 5-10 leaderboards with a wide variety of cars and tracks with fixed tire choices (stock preferably) and fixed driver aids (could change from event to event). Turn the leaderboards into a completely separate championship in itself, running on say a quarterly basis, sort of like the Ironman of GT7, with an overall standing available for total time.

It just means that they have to put some effort and thought into their PP and divisions system.

Or it gives them some actual incentive to scale their car and modifications list down to what is strictly useful. Actual unique cars only. A few realistic tyre compounds only.

But even then, large amounts of data shouldn't really be a huge problem. Companies regularly deal with massive databases all the time these days. If they want to do it, it can be done. It's largely a question of cost.

They could do the handful of periodic leaderboards thing, but it seems like a cop out. They're good as well, as some people like to have set goals. But having times recorded for just hotlapping on any track should be a thing. It's not that it's necessarily easy, but the difficulties are all server hardware related. It's nothing to do with the strength of the console, as you can see when you search for something on Amazon with even the world's crappiest smartphone.

I suspect that this is why it hasn't happened, because Sony's infrastructure has historically been not that strong. I doubt that's changed much, and I suspect that Polyphony don't want to run their own massive server bank just for leaderboards. They probably should, though. It'd add a lot of value to the game. If they need to spend a few million a year on servers, then maybe that's about as good a use of that money as you could find.
It's still awful. That aliasing around the windows and wheel wells? That can't be in a AAA PS4 game. There's no way that's acceptable in 2016.
It's not aliasing. It's just a low resolution texture used to produce a more defined (yes, more defined) edge than the even lower polygon resolution could - a clever trick that worked well at PS2 screen resolutions. Now, with the Premiums, the polygon resolution is easily several times in excess of the texture resolution.

The texels on Standards are so large now, relative to the screen pixels, that you might have seen aliasing along the edges of the super-sampled texels; you might have, if it weren't for the fact that the texture is filtered to match the screen resolution in every case. The opposite would be where the on-screen size of the texels would be much smaller than the pixels and then the aliasing occurs through the sub-sampling of texels instead (e.g. moiré). But texture filtering (as mipmapping, or similar) catches that, too. Historically, transparent textures looked naff with the standard filtering, so separate techniques have been developed for them (PD use them a lot), so that's not at fault here either.

Aliasing is usually a geometry issue these days (texture filtering only works inside the hard edges of a given triangle), but shaders can also sometimes introduce aliasing of their own if not caught (with pre- or post-filtering); an example is in the headlights of cars in GT6. Anti-aliasing techniques can all be thought of as specialist filters.

I'm hoping they can Premiumificate them all, too.
I haven't been on the forums in a long time now, but personally now after experiencing more time playing Codemasters games.

GT has to do A LOT!

I can't even really describe exactly what it is they need to do, but man simply put if they can't beat GAS or other racing games that have come out lately. Then yeah they have a lot of work cut out for them.

Sad thing is I just got a new Gaming Laptop(yes laptop not desktop(might have one of those in the future though)) with a 970m Nividia Card man all the racing games I have just purely blow me away each time I play them.

These are games from back in 2011, 2012, and 2014.

If GT Sport can't beat that then I don't know what to say.
When Kaz finally finishes off GT6 with the ability to generate a course/track from a users GPS data (as mentioned at the launch of GT6) I will then start to consider GT on the PS4. One thing is for certain, I will not be pre-ordering it and I will be paying very close attention to what features are advertised and what is actually in the game on the first day of release. Once bitten...
At this moment in time the only worry I have is if I'm wearing the same suit as Lewis Hamilton at the FIA Awards. I'd hate to upstage him when I pick up my trophy. :P
I'm picky since I don't own a PS4 (or any current-gen console thus far).

1) Improved core elements. Mostly AI, sounds, collision detection, damage model, number of cars on track. 1080p and a stable 60 FPS as well, please.

2) No standard cars. I know, I know, an old hat and probably not gonna happen. I can avoid them, sure. And if updated somewhat, they won't stand out like a sore thumb on track. Still, they'll likely be excluded from a bunch of features and I feel PD will have to eventually let go of their library assets from the early 2000's, so why not do that now? Might as well prune the car list in general.

3) All features returning isn't precisely what I'm thinking of, but it's relatively close. I'd like race mods back, somewhat like GT2 - essentially for all cars, except race cars. Since course maker is coming, might as well include it in the future titles. Also, in-depth/diverse tuning/upgrading for most of the cars, not just a few. Weather and time of day for all tracks. That'd be swell.
Personally, I'd love for them to have a leaderboard setup for stock cars. I love the even field stock cars represent, leaving all the skill up to the driver.
Yes, I would love that too, along with online races with stock cars with normal tires!

Seriously, I'm fed up with the online rooms only being filled with modified cars. I personally prefer to drive stock and there isn't that many good rooms I can find for my preference. Sure, there's the quick race events they provide now, but those aren't very good either as it's a pain to get a connection.