AS a Californian by birth, and now a Kansan by the Grace of Uncle Sam's military notions,
I have to agree with Solid.
My favorite saying: "An armed society is a polite society."
Contrary to popular belief, we 'Murikens are not not all wearing Stetson's and spurs, walking around with our "hogleg" Colt Single Actions tied down to our strongside thigh ready to blast away at any threat, real or imagined, that pops up in our sights.
I don't keep a gun in my house, other than an Airsoft and an old .175 calibre BB gun.
However, I grew up in a house where guns were kept, and I have been extensively trained in the use of firearms.
And if you know that 5 of the twenty houses on the street are occupied by gun owners, and you don't know which 5 houses, how likely are you to try a "home invasion" on any house on the block?
I believe that every person on this planet has the right to protect their home and the people therein. I don't give a rip about the stuff, it can be fairly easily replaced. But if in desperation you enter my home, and look like you're going to hurt me or mine, I will send you out of here in an ambulance, if you're lucky. If not I am perfectly able to put you out of my misery, and everyone else's with a plastic drinking straw. (you really don't want to know)
As for the comment about sex offenders being "lame pansies." Ted Bundy was a HUGE man. Most of the sex offenders I have met in the Kansas State Prison system are not people you would trifle with on the street.
Another favorite saying: "God made all men, Sam Colt made them equal." In other words if someone is thinking of overpowering another person, a gun makes for a wonderful last ditch equalizer.
As for Solid's gun collection:
Some folks happen to collect guns for fun and sport. As a by product of learning to shoot a bird on the wing, or a deer that is 100+ yards away, you learn to hit something as big as an attacking human. AND he's not the guy you have to worry about. Worry about the guy that only has ONE gun, and practices regularly.
And before you tell me that it's not self defense to shoot an armed assailant that is tweny feet away, do the math.
How long does it take the average person to run 100 yard? (13 to 15 seconds)
Divide that by 10. So the average person could cover 10 YARDS in 1.3 to 1.5 seconds.
Cut that in half again for a distance of 15 feet. Add in the time it takes the average human to react to a stimuli (0.44 seconds.) Are you getting the picture?
In most places, you will never need your gun to shoot someone in self defense.
Brandishing the weapon is enough to get most criminals to flee the scene.
As a comparison, what is your car's top speed? How often do you drive it that fast? How often do Corvette owners pull down a 4.3 second 0-60 run?
Why do you "need" all that power?
Yes, it's an "apples to oranges" comparison. But it is a relavant question.
Guns are fun to learn to use. Someone once told me about shooting, "Hit one target and you're hooked. Miss one, and you're hooked for life."
And for Joe (Blazin' Extreme): Sorry I missed the last few pages of "excitement".
If you want to stop someone that is absorbing bullets like a sponge, drop your aim to the waist/pelvic area. It's still "center mass", easier to hit than a moving kneecap, and a big 200 grain "dishnose" .45 will shatter a pelvic bone like hammer on a bone china teacup.
He very likely will not die (unless you hit the femoral artery), but he will pile up like a deer solidly hit thru both shoulders by a .30-06.
And as far as a gun ban: I believe that it will only take guns out of the hands of the lawfully armed citizens.
The criminals don't give a rip if they law bans gun. They are criminals after all. What's one more broken law to them?