Where do you get your nickname from?

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
It started as Tenshi, which is japanese for angel. I know, I'm a nerd obsessed with japan. But alas, I am no "1337 AzN Dr1fTr".


It got edited by a bunch of bubbly girls I met in Ragnarok Online, who kept calling me "TenTen-san". It grew on me, and I used that to register for GTP.

Eventually, I found it less humorous, and wanted something different. Tenshi was tired in my mind, but I wanted to keep it something close to that.

So, when I went Premium, I asked Sir Jordan to clip it down to "Ten".

If I recall, the whole san, chan, sama, kun thing is about level of respect or casual pet naming.

Sama means upperclassman or superior.

Kun is someone you are particularly close to.

San confuses me. It seems to fit anything. Ask the bubbly girls. They play iRO Loki server.

Chan, I think, is a mostly female thing. From what I've seen in the anime I watch, it's mostly used at the end of a cute girl's name.
My Japanese teacher (his wife is Japanese) said that Chan is used as a student's name, so he would be (if it were english meets Japanese) Mr. Anderson-san and I would be Greg-chan. Or some crap like that. As a typical kid at the time I asked him "what about Jackie Chan?" he said "whoa...um" and he went on to explain (i think to turn into a joke) that if were an instructor in judo, but had not reached Level 8 black belt, he would be Jackie Chan-san-chan. :lol:
Alright. i race BMX and I ride a Standard 125R. My last 3 digits on my NBL Card are 235. Standard is the best out there. Standard Byke Company is teh r0xorz
I have ABSOLUTELY NO friggin' idea... It didn't figure I'd stick around - now I use it just abuot everywhere...

Sucks2Bme I guess...
I didn't. My parents did.
I know you registered your daughter in Fantasy F1, but I didn't think your parents registered you at GTP :lol:


EDIT: That was actually pretty lame :rolleyes:
I know you registered your daughter in Fantasy F1, but I didn't think your parents registered you at GTP :lol:


EDIT: That was actually pretty lame :rolleyes:

I think he meant he used his name, which his parents gave to him.

Doesn't san mean "sir" or Mr. in english? Where are those old japanese lessons...must find!

What I found for meanings for san - http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=san -. The first meaning says - Used as a courtesy title in Japanese-speaking areas as a suffix to the given name, surname, or title of the person being addressed, regardless of age or gender: Yamamoto san; sensei-san.

I didn't know there were other meanings. I just thought it was use in describing fonts. You have the sans and the serifs on fonts. Sans meaning their wasn't finishing points on the letters of the font and serif meaning there was finishing points on the letters of the font.
I think he meant he used his name, which his parents gave to him.
I know, but I took the liberty of making it seem like his parents registerred him...but it just turned out all wrong :yuck:

so, how did you all come up with your screen names, i seen some very odd ones in my time here.

mine is my name so its nothing special, justspelt a little differently too make it more readable :D

so how about you lot, is there a story behind the name?
I've always loved McLaren, and their F1 GTR took my love for cars to it.
It is most definately my favorite car of all time.
Well, my old one was the first part of my old email address - jreay21@msn.com.
When i had it changed, i changed it to phat_pengiun, from previous signatures - THE PENGUINS WILL KILL US ALL!!! - i did ask to have it changed to phat_penguin, but der alta made a mistake, and called me phat_pengiun. Since then, my catchprase has been "It's spelt pengiun".

So there you have it

i was formerly XVII (i like to use roman numerals)

if anyone knows dragonball Z, they know exactly why i chose my username :)
I am Max_DC in any forum or chat etc, and this goes way back to maybe 1998 or so, the name actually is Max ( my real name ) and Dreamcast... kind of funny now, but I wanted to get an account at a Chatroom, and "Max" was not availble anymore, and since then I'm always Max_DC.... :)