Who will not buy GT6?

  • Thread starter Jarnac

Will you buy GT6?

  • Yes

    Votes: 342 67.2%
  • No

    Votes: 28 5.5%
  • Will await independent post-release reviews

    Votes: 110 21.6%
  • Can you repeat the question?

    Votes: 29 5.7%

  • Total voters
I'll wait and read reviews. I certainly don't want to turn my back on Gran Turismo, but I'm also not a rabid fanboy; if GT6 is a disappointment like GT5, then I won't be buying it.

Pretty simple if you ask me.
A true fan will buy every game in the series.
Uh-oh. I liked all the previous GT games that I had - GT3 to GT4. Looks like I'm not a true fan since I don't like GT5 as much as I did the old GTs, and am questioning whether to buy GT6 or not. :nervous:
GT SHOULD JUS MAKE THERE OWN SYSTEM- GRAN TURISMO STATION- but ,personally i dont think there done gt5 .lots more they could do. id really like to see engine swaps , 4wd cars conversion to rwd. custum paints , sucks tht you cant express yourself thru the looks of ur car. atleast a paint store .
I'll wager that most of us here will buy it straight off based on the looks, the previews, the hype and anticipation. It's only after a few weeks/months that some people will ultimately feel let down or disappointed as it can't possibly live up to everyone's expectations. You can't please all of the people all of the time..
I'll wager that most of us here will buy it straight off based on the looks, the previews, the hype and anticipation. It's only after a few weeks/months that some people will ultimately feel let down or disappointed as it can't possibly live up to everyone's expectations. You can't please all of the people all of the time..

Exactly what Sony wants/expects.

For GT6, we'll need to be impressed. Or at least I will.
It's called "loyalty". GT6 won't be some completely different game made by a different developer with the GT5 engine as its foundation...

Why do you have loyalty to a video game brand though? It's a form of entertainment, why would you state categorically that you'll buy everything they make no matter what the quality and entertainment level it provides. Sure GT6 probably will be good and I really hope it is, but to say you'll buy it no matter what is just silly.

If one of your favourite music artists went down the pan and released bad album after bad album would you keep buying them, just because you're a fan?
Why do you have loyalty to a video game brand though? It's a form of entertainment, why would you state categorically that you'll buy everything they make no matter what the quality and entertainment level it provides. Sure GT6 probably will be good and I really hope it is, but to say you'll buy it no matter what is just silly.

If one of your favourite music artists went down the pan and released bad album after bad album would you keep buying them, just because you're a fan?

It depends on who "declares" something as crap. If something becomes really bad that it's dismal in sales or becomes irrelevant, the company financing and publishing would surely stop.

PD have not gone off their rocker and rented out their game engine to some other developer to make a side project and slap the GT logo on it. PD have a reputation for making a quality product and not just silly cash cows like Mario games and the annual flavors of the month.

When I bought our PS1, GT1 was purchased with it. I was hooked immediately. No other racing game has been able to deliver what GT has been able to. Many have tried, made an entertaining product. Remember NFS Underground 1&2? NFS is lucky if I rent now. But competitors ultimately failed to give the same experience that GT does. The only who have surpassed are able to do so on a PC. And THAT is expensive to keep up with.
It depends on who "declares" something as crap. If something becomes really bad that it's dismal in sales or becomes irrelevant, the company financing and publishing would surely stop.

PD have not gone off their rocker and rented out their game engine to some other developer to make a side project and slap the GT logo on it. PD have a reputation for making a quality product and not just silly cash cows like Mario games and the annual flavors of the month.

When I bought our PS1, GT1 was purchased with it. I was hooked immediately. No other racing game has been able to deliver what GT has been able to. Many have tried, made an entertaining product. Remember NFS Underground 1&2? NFS is lucky if I rent now. But competitors ultimately failed to give the same experience that GT does. The only who have surpassed are able to do so on a PC. And THAT is expensive to keep up with.

I'm talking about you and you only. Of course what someone else thinks of a game shouldn't affect your decision to buy it but if you think the game isn't good, why would you buy it, just because you're a fan?

I'm a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series, loved playing all of them up to X and couldn't wait for another. X-2 was decent but I was disappointed, 12 I didn't like the look of in reviews but bought it anyway. I played it for about two hours and hated it, I've not bought a new FF game since and won't again until they go back to the style I liked.

So yes, in short I think it's silly to outright declare you will buy every version of a game, including ones you know nothing about, just because you're a fan.
I'll buy it Day 1.

Anyone else sick of people complaining that GT5 isn't finished? Seriously, what game is anymore? We've received more updates for GT5 than I have EVER seen for any other console game. People are just never happy and always want something to complain about. Honestly, it sounds to me like Gran Turismo just isn't the game for you. Maybe you should try something else.

I'll by it day 1 as well.
And yep, sick of complaints. :)
I will buy GT6 if it is made by PD. The only thing that will stop me buying it will be if all reviews point to it being completely messed up in the physics department. Then I might wait until it is up to standard and also wait for price to go down.

My concern is more with Sony, PD are working very hard to offer so much with the "little" resources they have and similar development time as other studios but are expected to do four times the work per worker and that is an unfair expectation. People will continue to insult PD but that is due to being ill-informed and not knowing the context they should be judged on.

I can understand why Sony has probably capped their top first party studios and I think they understand that it causing problems for their top PlayStation franchises, hopefully they will rectify this over the coming years. I think a big turning point might be next-generation, if Sony becomes number 1 again, I am confident there will be less complaints about GT games as there will be more money put back into games like GT.

People seem to think GT is just relying on loyalty to sell due to having a large percentage of standard cars but then no one can think of a game with as much say this generation content as GT5 on the PS3 or PC out of the box. That is one of the reasons why GT sells so well and there are also many other reasons.
I can understand why Sony has probably capped their top first party studios and I think they understand that it causing problems for their top PlayStation franchises, hopefully they will rectify this over the coming years. I think a big turning point might be next-generation, if Sony becomes number 1 again, I am confident there will be less complaints about GT games as there will be more money put back into games like GT.
More money?

More money?


PD are spending about $12 (60/5) million dollars per year, maybe slightly more or less given I am basing this on Kaz's estimate and assumption that his calculations where from when GT4 was finished. I would be surprised if their rival platform competitor is spending less than that.

Kaz said the following about it:
"There are other games that cost more. Considering the size and scale of the game, I think it's probably a fairly small amount."

I quite agree with him on this, a game like GT5P or GT5 is without doubt the most profitable game for Sony. Being their largest franchise, I would have expected Sony to invest more of the profits back into PD. The franchise they are compared to most (Forza) has about four to six times the resources and the same development years and one less platform to work on. There is about half as much people working on Halo than there is on Forza and that is speaking a lot considering how much more Halo sells and it being Microsoft’s biggest franchise. If PD had the same amount of resources as their competitor franchise then I would be complaining about PD not delivering the quality some people might expect of them in all areas. I think in a strange way, people’s insults are a compliment to PD that people expect so much more from them than other developers. I mean if I did a piece of work and that was compared to what 4 other people combined could do in the same amount of time (Just as qualified as me), and people only had slight issues with mine and larger amounts of people still preferred my work then I would be quite happy.

Hopefully Sony do this: http://playstationlifestyle.net/2012/02/10/sony-we-should-probably-develop-less-games/

And that might mean PD might be able to expand to a reasonable size given how large the franchise is. Half as much as there competitor will be a step in the right direction. One day hopefully PD are at least on equal resources but I think that depends more on which next-generation console is most successful.

Better management would probably solve a lot of issues.

The management is quite good, you can only do so much with the resources. There is no other game on the PS3 that has more fully interior modelled cars or even just the cockpit part unless I'm missing a game. However people expect 1000 of them and think it is down to management of their resources. Unrealistic expectations is what is causing a lot of disappointment for some of the people who bought GT5.
The management is quite good, you can only do so much with the resources. There is no other game on the PS3 that has more fully interior modelled cars or even just the cockpit part unless I'm missing a game. However people expect 1000 of them and think it is down to management of their resources.

Lack of current generation features?

  • Stable Netcode
  • Livery Editor
  • Clan/League Management
  • Leaderboards
I will almost certainly be pre-ordering the Collector's Edition of GT6. I have been playing the current version of GT until a new version comes out since GT1 & have loved all the games in the series. I have my complaint and disappointments here and there, but personally I haven't regretted buying a version of the game yet, so I'll be there day one for the next.
PD are spending about $12 (60/5) million dollars per year, maybe slightly more or less given I am basing this on Kaz's estimate and assumption that his calculations where from when GT4 was finished. I would be surprised if their rival platform competitor is spending less than that.
This is the first I've ever heard of game whose budget had swelled to $80 million 9 months before it even came out as being "underfunded."

Being their largest franchise, I would have expected Sony to invest more of the profits back into PD.
Because you have proof that Sony... didn't?

If PD had the same amount of resources as their competitor franchise then I would be complaining about PD not delivering the quality some people might expect of them in all areas.
Time and money are resources, which PD still had in abundance.

Hopefully Sony do this: http://playstationlifestyle.net/2012/02/10/sony-we-should-probably-develop-less-games/

And that might mean PD might be able to expand to a reasonable size given how large the franchise is.
Yeah, I'm not seeing the correlation between Sony 1st Party games selling poorly generally due to bad marketing and over production and Sony funneling more money into PD.

There is no other game on the PS3 that has more fully interior modelled cars or even just the cockpit part unless I'm missing a game.
Because car modeling is... everything?

Unrealistic expectations is what is causing a lot of disappointment for some of the people who bought GT5.
It would help had PD not created a situation that put all of those expectations in place to begin with.
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It's called "loyalty". GT6 won't be some completely different game made by a different developer with the GT5 engine as its foundation...

That's exactly what 'loyalty' does, if everyone blindly buys whatever is released, obviously nothing will change because there's no need to change.
And exactly why would you be loyal in the first place? There has to be a reason why you'd feel the need to be loyal.
Other than just being for emotional attachment reasons which you can't argue.

For me it's based on previous experiences and assuming the next installment would always again be state of the art and unrivalled.
I've always went for a Playstation because of GT being an exclusive, most other games I play are multi-platform.
And even though I heavily criticize GT5 for all its shortcomings I still think it's the GT-title I enjoy playing the most since the combination of its physics, cockpit view and online play keep me entertained.

Having said that, these aspects aren't exclusive to GT and maybe being 'loyal' to GT isn't the logical thing it used to be for me.
I've yet to play a Forza game (just didn't happen so far) but I'm itching to give it a try whilst as before I simply disregarded it as a GT-rip-off.
If GT6 is released on the PS3 I'll still most likely buy it the day it comes out, if it's a PS4 title (or for the next installment) however, I'll seriously reconsider whether I'll automatically go for a Playstation again this time.
My gaming budget only allows for one console and lazily assuming again GT will deliver more than it's rivals is (I feel unfortunately) a thing of the past now.
I will almost certainly be pre-ordering the Collector's Edition of GT6. I have been playing the current version of GT until a new version comes out since GT1 & have loved all the games in the series. I have my complaint and disappointments here and there, but personally I haven't regretted buying a version of the game yet, so I'll be there day one for the next.

This is the summation of a core GT loyalist!!!!

If there were 12 or 15 iterations of GT, I'm pretty sure it's reputation would have gone bust a long time ago. The well of good ideas would've dried up, as it has with other games that are churned out. Such as Madden, Dragon Ball Z, and King Of Fighters. It leaves more room for bad apples.

I bought into the previews of Madden 11 and our family bought 2. That will most likely be the last time a Madden game will be purchased in my family.

Analog, buying hundreds of dollars in peripherals that the other console refuses to embrace also has a bit to do with your and my "loyalty".

You and stickboy expressed some my sentiments of my place in the GT camp.
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