Why 99.9% of all players won´t gold the Nordschleife Circuit Experience!

  • Thread starter zocker_16
I think that circuit experience was more learning how to tame the specific car and less what lines to take/braking points to hit.
That's what I am getting from these CEs.

I am also wondering, anyone that prefers pre patch physics, do you use Wheel or Controller?
It's called "track experience" not car experience... of course it's also important to understand how to drive the car, but the combinations chosen are excellent as they are. You have to know the track and then understand why the car behaves on track x and how you can push it to the limit and where.

I'm a Wheeldriver
It's called "track experience" not car experience... of course it's also important to understand how to drive the car, but the combinations chosen are excellent as they are. You have to know the track and then understand why the car behaves on track x and how you can push it to the limit and where.

I'm a Wheeldriver
Yeah, I know CE is there to teach you the track, but -at least for me- the challenge in GT7 was more the way the cars drive rather than the track themselves. And I am comparing this to GTS, where due to easier car handling it was more about the track. Of course, I am playing GT games from PS1, so I know the tracks well. A newcomer in the series and especially in driving games will benefit more from Circuit Experience than us "old" ones.

About the wheel/controller debate. I never had a wheel so I may be incorrect, but sth tells me that wheel through FFB gives more information about what happens with the car than the controller's vibration (DS4). So it is easy to understand why we hated pre patch and prefer the 1.13 physics version.

Example, Sector 5 LeMans (golded pre-patch): I try first turn flat out -> it fails! So I have to ease the gas a little. How much, I cannot tell! I am just hoping how much I lifted was enough, nothing tells me I am close to lose the rear.
Yeah, I know CE is there to teach you the track, but -at least for me- the challenge in GT7 was more the way the cars drive rather than the track themselves. And I am comparing this to GTS, where due to easier car handling it was more about the track. Of course, I am playing GT games from PS1, so I know the tracks well. A newcomer in the series and especially in driving games will benefit more from Circuit Experience than us "old" ones.

About the wheel/controller debate. I never had a wheel so I may be incorrect, but sth tells me that wheel through FFB gives more information about what happens with the car than the controller's vibration (DS4). So it is easy to understand why we hated pre patch and prefer the 1.13 physics version.

Example, Sector 5 LeMans (golded pre-patch): I try first turn flat out -> it fails! So I have to ease the gas a little. How much, I cannot tell! I am just hoping how much I lifted was enough, nothing tells me I am close to lose the rear.
Pre-patch, there was sometimes little feedback for steering wheel drivers.... and that was always criticized by some users.
I was very happy with my T248 and the FFB.

Now it has softened at times as the cars are more prone to understeer, but that understeer is very progressive and builds up slowly, so the feedback is slower too.

BTW. before Patch give almost everything in S5 LeMans Flat, the steering angle was the sticking point of this test. See my pre. patch videos.

BTW. before Patch give almost everything in S5 LeMans Flat, the steering angle was the sticking point of this test. See my pre. patch videos.
How the ...?! If I tried the same flat out it would kill me! I thought at first it was the TCS on, but it doesn't blink on your video.
Then it is what you say about turning softly, though I am using motion steering which in theory results in progressive steering angles. So either the wheel provides better progressive steering OR even with motion steering I still turned abruptly.
How the ...?! If I tried the same flat out it would kill me! I thought at first it was the TCS on, but it doesn't blink on your video.
Then it is what you say about turning softly, though I am using motion steering which in theory results in progressive steering angles. So either the wheel provides better progressive steering OR even with motion steering I still turned abruptly.
I would say it is easier or even possible to steer with the steering wheel to within one degree, to maintain this angle and, if possible, to correct it in the finest areas. Let me give you an example... In LeMans you might need an optimal steering angle of first 12 degrees for the first 4 corners.. then 13, then 13 again and then 15 degrees. With the steering wheel and a little practice you are quite capable of hitting the 12/13/13/15 degrees, or you do 13 degrees in the first turn, but realize it's too much, then change to 11 degrees and then you adjust 12 degrees in... With the small stick on the pad, something like that is of course much more difficult due to the lever travel.
Joined the club.

First go today to get a banker in for the ghost, was giving it some, made a few sloppy corners & decided not to waste the lap as I was 2 thirds through.
Got distracted thinking about whither I wanted peas with my dinner tonight, half auto-pilot half hungry stomach, I plodded over the finish line expecting a silver.

Well, well... There is gold in them darn hills.

Now I'm 2 tenths off of gold. I'll get ya.
Beaten you to it mate! Just crept under gold time today.

Part of the problem is not being able to load your previous day's ghost, and having to start all over again each day if, like me, you need to know whether you're actually getting any faster.

Good luck with finding the 2 tenths 👍

Edit: Just seen your post now, what a coincidence!

Well done.
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Beaten you to it mate! Just crept under gold time today.

Part of the problem is not being able to load your previous day's ghost, and having to start all over again each day if, like me, you need to know whether you're actually getting any faster.

Good luck with finding the 2 tenths 👍

Edit: Just seen your post now, what a coincidence!

Well done.
I noticed right after doing it you had already gotten it yerself. Well done you. :cheers:

Not being able to load your best ghost is a strange omission & even a modicum of cynicism, can't help but make you feel this game needed more time before release.
I noticed right after doing it you had already gotten it yerself. Well done you. :cheers:

Not being able to load your best ghost is a strange omission & even a modicum of cynicism, can't help but make you feel this game needed more time before release.
Reckon I've done about 50 laps trying to get this.......
I almost cried tears of relief when I read your post... FINALLY someone who understands what I'm about/was reading. I don't want to deny anyone the CE and I'm still happy about everyone who makes it to gold and is happy with it, I know the feeling of getting gold after such a difficult task or beating your own personal best by even a touch with the know that they have done their best.

But now the last few days/weeks feel somehow pointless/useless for ME. And weirdly I prefer the "difficult" snappy nature of the pre-patch M6... yes some vehicles could be faster because they were/are "easier" to drive, but that just kind of gave me something special... with to drive a car and to have it relatively well under control in order to be able to be competitive in his driver's ranking.

Yes, of course you can now ride the CE again and continue to improve your times, but it just feels different and somehow not right for me, because the changes are so massive for me. Interestingly, I now have problems on some sections of the track where I didn't have any before, because I've acquired a special way of driving through a lot of repetitions. Braking points no longer fit, cornering speeds are usually higher, but sometimes slower, because in some places, for example. I deliberately drove the courage curve in such a way that the car went a little bit sideways. He no longer does THAT, which completely changes this corner, the turn-in and braking points and the speed. Before the patch I finally managed to take the corner cleanly at 248-246km/h from entry to exit without the car becoming unstable. (which for me was already damn fast at this point) Yesterday my stable maximum was 242-240km/h.
That doesn't sound slow and doesn't sound like much of a difference, but for me it's quite a lot and it adds up, especially since I'm/wasn't as fast on some sections of the track as I'd like to be when doing a full lap.

In the end it is the way it is now and I congratulate everyone who is now able to do this CE, which they were not able to do before.
It's confirmed, but it's even worse than I thought. Not only is the R8 less oversteery on throttle, it's almost not at all, and now it's only understeer on throttle, lift-throttle oversteer, or some clumsy slow balance between the two that just feels wrong.

I thought the R8 was ruined pre-patch, but I'd love to have it back along with the ability to balance the chassis on throttle, killer traits be damned. I'd rather have a hard to drive car that's exciting and rewarding to master, than a boring to drive lame duck that can't figure out how to balance traction that I'll never pull out of the garage because its such a slog to drive.

I haven't been back to the M6 since 1.13, but I'm guessing it's a lot of the same. What a bummer.
This should be much easier now with the 1.13 update and increased rear traction, yea?

This should be much easier now with the 1.13 update and increased rear traction, yea?

If you know the track really well, gold is... well... I don't want to understate it, but really not a big difficulty anymore.
The car does a great job (ok, he did it before) and it's relatively easy... but only if you really know the ring.
This should be much easier now with the 1.13 update and increased rear traction, yea?


I golded the first 4 sectors before last patch. 5 sector was a pain, only got silver. Then came the patch, and i succeded to gold all remaining sectors with relative ease ( 3 try at the best, 10th in the worst ).

Only the full circuit remained. I succeded in getting silver for it after 1 hour trying. Most of the runs where aborted due to errors, in only 2 tries i got till the end, one with bronze and the other with silver. Time i got silver with was 3 secs slower than what's needed for gold.

Called the day off after that, i'll try gold on another day.

So, to sum it up, it's easier but you have to push real hard ( at least for my skill ) to get it. Having the refrefence time on and ahead of me by half sec you can clearly see that you can gain on braking and acceleration from slow corners. But the guy drives really well in the fast sections.
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Did go last week for the last circuits finishing them on Gold, including Nordschleife and after a few hours of sweat, it was finally done, beating the Gold time by almost 1.5s, considering also the last corners taking it very safely, cause the same situation was also present in previous tries, when I managed to brake to late for the last corners, hitting the wall...
Not a perfect try, but quite solid and probably another 1-1.5s would be possible to get for me at this moment, but more consistency is needed. Anyway setting my previous time as ghost with 2s ahead, helped me chasing it down and being overall faster.
Now the game is kind of 100% completed, just a couple of Endurance Missions left.

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Did go last week for the last circuits finishing them on Gold, including Nordschleife and after a few hours of sweat, it was finally done, beating the Gold time by almost 1.5s, considering also the last corners taking it very safely, cause the same situation was also present in previous tries, when I managed to brake to late for the last corners, hitting the wall...
Not a perfect try, but quite solid and probably another 1-1.5s would be possible to get for me at this moment, but more consistency is needed. Anyway setting my previous time as ghost with 2s ahead, helped me chasing it down and being overall faster.
Now the game is kind of 100% completed, just a couple of Endurance Missions left.

Glückwunsch das du es geschafft hast, schöne Verbesserung zu deinem Geist.

Auf Anhieb habe ich einige Stellen gesehen wo du unglaublich viel Zeit liegen lässt. Das kann m.M.n. 2 Gründe haben.
Du bremst zu spät, durch zu hart und musst zu langsam werden um genug Gripp zu haben.
Deine Bremsbalance ist noch auf Null oder sogar im - Bereich als nach vorn eingestellt.
Beides allein reicht schon um keine angenehme Bremsleistung zu haben, in Kombination wirds sehr hart.
Manchmal sah es für mich auch so aus, als würdest du recht spät bremsen.
Hier holst du die meiste Zeit raus indem du komplett an den Bremspunkten und der Bremskraft arbeitest.
Wenn du möchtest, schau dir gern meine Playlist an... Das ist alles von vor dem Patch. Mit meinem 2. Account habe ich derzeit eine 6.31,xxx auf diesem CE.
Congratulations on making it, nice improvement to your spirit. Right away I saw some places where you leave an incredible amount of time. That can have in my view 2 reasons. You brake too late, too hard and have to slow down to have enough grip. Or/And your brake balance is still set to zero or even in the - range as forward. Both alone are enough to not have a pleasant braking performance, in combination it becomes very hard. Sometimes it also looked to me like you were braking quite late. Here you get the most time by working completely on the braking points and braking power. Check out my playlist if you want... That's all from before the patch. With my second account I currently have a 6.31.xxx on this CE.

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Hello everybody !
Before update, Nurburgring was impossible or perhaps with pad.
Since 1.13, it is possible on 1 hour so ... !
I done it this afternoon with TC1 no balance.
The BMW is a tank. Be careful on low corners, M6 oversteer quickly.
Honestly since patch 1.13 we need a new thread that says why 99.9% will gold the Nordschleife its too easy now. My first completed lap was 6:40 mostly due to the M6 wanting to spin out at every turn. Then I feel like I turned on a cheat code lol counter steering assist and immediately got seconds faster. A few completed laps later I got a 6:36

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You're vastly over estimating the patience of the average gamer. 99% will still not gold this lap. It still takes knowing the entire track like the back of your hand, plus knowing the car well enough to keep it inside the lines for all 154 corners.

Some stats from GT Sport trophies, only 21.6% completed a lap on the Nordschleife, and only 3.9% got bronze on all circuit experiences. The times in GT7 are still much harder than the were in GT Sport, even though the cars behave more the same now.

Getting gold on this lap is still a huge achievement, requiring many many hours learning the track by heart. Yet if it's not hard enough, try to beat @1gorFraga, he set a 6:22.948 lap before 1.13. Should be easy to beat now ;)
Considering only 2% have the trophy for the gold licenses, I would bet everything against that.

I've done a few hours today and my best is 6:39. When the stars align I see 6:37 in my sight, but this isn't exactly a casual drive for most. I completed some laps then I went back to the sectors to get more practice. Countersteer assist may be worth a try.
I managed 6:44 for silver yesterday. Haven't tried hard yet, still need to gold a number of sectors. But it feels doable, even with a controller and my limited skills.
I used to use hood view but have changed to bumper now. Hood view is invariably roof view. Like the huracan feels like you’re sitting on a chair on the roof. Feels very weird going back to it now.
I used to use hood view but have changed to bumper now. Hood view is invariably roof view. Like the huracan feels like you’re sitting on a chair on the roof. Feels very weird going back to it now.

Yeah, I've always used bumper cam and have continued to use it. I tried the hood cam, but it feels like you're driving a truck. It does seem like it may have some benefits, but it just feels off.

I tried it here yesterday and it looked like the car took up the whole track.
Yeah, I've always used bumper cam and have continued to use it. I tried the hood cam, but it feels like you're driving a truck. It does seem like it may have some benefits, but it just feels off.

I tried it here yesterday and it looked like the car took up the whole track.
Some of the larger endowed vehicles take up half the screen. I find it so hard to hit an apex and to judge turning in points. But it had big benefits of seeing what’s around your car and making it easier to follow in race. Bumper can be a bit claustrophobic in close racing.
I use bumpers 99.9%... and if I just want to drive without pressure and enjoy the car/ the sound. :bowdown:787b .. Then of course cockpit with WombleCam2 ... it's soooo fantastic, but in the :bowdown:787b on the Nordschleife I got sick :ill:Because it rocked so much.
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