Why is the mechanic so depressed? - Please read OP.

  • Thread starter Monatsende

How can we help the depressed mechanic?

  • We should promote him. (Chief Mechanic/Team Leader)

    Votes: 88 16.9%
  • He is a material guy. Let`s give him a pay raise.

    Votes: 48 9.2%
  • He needs professional help. Only Dr. House (his pills) can help.

    Votes: 41 7.9%
  • Find him a girl and he will screw (bolts!!!) with a smile on his face.

    Votes: 213 40.9%
  • He`s lost. Take away his air pressure wrench and give him a 45 Magnum.

    Votes: 131 25.1%

  • Total voters
Maybe he got 22 hours into an endurance race and then the power blinked out for a minute.

Maybe he just finished his 1500th oil change.

Maybe he was daydreaming that he did a sub-three-second pit stop in a Formula One grand prix and then snapped out of it to find himself swapping tires on a Miata.
Why is the mechanic so depressed?

Cmom... turn up your PS3 volume and you will ear him say...

Oh No Another STANDARD
I think he knows something that we don't know about GT5... And he just doesn't have the heart to tell us.
He's a parapelegic and hes just shifted onto the block and some idiot driver has taken his chair out for a hot lap?
I don,t think he,s depressed mate.
More like a robot and the bloke with the Laptop is reprogramming him.:nervous:

And when are we going to get them nice suits they are wearing in the demo.
Dam they,re nice them suits.LOL:)
Chat soon bye for now.:)
I don,t think he,s depressed mate.
More like a robot and the bloke with the Laptop is reprogramming him.:nervous:

And when are we going to get them nice suits they are wearing in the demo.
Dam they,re nice them suits.LOL:)
Chat soon bye for now.:)

Oh yes. Them suits are so damn nice.
I see our drivers walking around in their hotel rooms and changing their suits like women do when they go to the theatre...
"Which one do I wear tomorrow? I like this or this. I look like Meat Loaf in this one (Jeff Gordon suit)."


New theory:
Maybe his visor is always fogged and he doesn`t know how to get it clear.
He`s not depressed, he can`t see anything.
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He reminds me a bit of Marvin from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
So in that case he's depressed, because he's build with GPP and he's a prototype.
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The reason he's depressed is obvious. He worked for McDonald's as a kid always inspiring to be a race car driver. He was quite good at his job and liked everyone he worked with. Than one day he over heard some customers talking about how they loved the chicken burger the best, but hated how it was so big. He went home that night and began to think of ideas that could solve this problem. After all if one person said it I'm sure others feel the same way he thought. He tried many different things from making a full burger and just cutting the centers out to be smaller to trying to make little tiny almost slider style mini chicken burgers. They all tasted good, but none had the ability to be a mass market product. He couldn't just give up and tried as hard as he could when finally his eureka moment happened! Just take a small piece of chicken and coat it in breading. That way it will be like a self contained chicken burger only you can take them in the go. Thrilled at his discovery he immediately went to sleep so excited to tell his boss at what he had made. Morning came and he ran to work with one of these new small breaded chicken burgers and took it straight to his boss his boss tried it and loved it almost instantly calling head office to try this too. He was ecstatic that the big wigs were going to try it and this was his chance to really get his career going.

He planned on using all money for racing, buying the best of everything and hiring the greatest drivers to teach him there tricks. The next day some executives came down and tried his new invention. He patiently waited to hear there response. The suspense was killing him as he watched them chewing. Every bite a step forward towards his racing dreams. The executive looked him right in the eye and said "I love this, we need to get these on our menus right away". Hurray!!! He thought I have done it. All my dreams will come true very soon and I can finally just focus on being a race car driver.

Later that week they flew him out to meet and show his new product to all the head executives and some high up share holders. He got there still in shock at how quick this was happening more than happy to show off his new product. The meeting goes perfect and everyone loves these new small chicken things. There stumped tho as to what to call them. Chicken bites one person says? Mini chicken burger? Chicken nuggets? Many more names were tossed out, but nothing that was perfect to fit the McDonalds brand. Wait he said. It is a small piece of chicken coated in beading. Let's take chicken nugget and call them... Chicken Mcnuggets! Genius everyone screamed.

After the meeting they flew him home and told him they would contact him shortly as to what there decision would be. A couple weeks goes by and he hears nothing. Than a month. Than a few months. He tried calling a few times, but was always told it's a long process and just to wait it out. He knew McDonalds was a large company and there were probably lots of legal stuff to make sure it can be released in all there restaurants all over the world so fine he waited. Than one day he comes into work and see NEW chicken Mcnuggets on the menu. Wtf is this they never called or anything telling him that his idea was a go. He asked his boss, but just being a manager at one place he said he had know idea what happened and was just told this is the new product.

He called and called, but could never get threw and was always passed along to other people who really had no control over this. Finally it had gone on too long and he planned on suing McDonalds for stealing his idea. Everything was good and in place when his lawyer sent the letter to them explaining that they will be sued if they do not pay a certain amount to his client. A few days later the got a response back from McDonalds lawyers saying they did nothing wrong and would glady be taken to court.

The day of court came and was pushed back. Than a small hearing, but again McDonalds managed to get the date moved. This was finically starting to get tough as he was paying all these legal fees and getting no closers to getting his money from McDonalds. After about a year of this he had it. There was no more money. He had borrowed more than enough from his family and the banks. He just couldn't wait any longer and was forced to drop the lawsuit.

He had no zest for life after that. McDonald's had clearly stolen his idea and there was nothing he could do about it. He fell into a deep depression and got fired from his job. No job, no money, bills threw the roof he was forced to declare personal bankruptcy. He was homless now with not a cent to his name. He lived on the streets for a little while applying at all the other small business just to get anything to get his life back on track. All his dreams were crushed now. He had not a care in the world. Eventually he got a job and saved up for a small apartment which he could barely afford since his wages were being subside to go towards paying his debt that was ever increasing.

Years went by and his life was know where near what he had planned. He worked at the local copy center pretty much making copies and the occasional large print. One day a man pulled up front in a very rare Shelby cobra that was a brilliant blue with two gorgeous white strips running down the center of it. The man entered the shop and he said wow Mr that is a very nice car you have. The man responded thank you and they chit chated about it and other cars for a while. After what seemed like such a short talk the man looked up at the clock and noticed 3 hours went by. Omg we have been talking for so long, you really know about cars the man said. Yes I do he responded and told the man about his old dreams of one day being a race car driver. The man said you know what come by this address after work because I think I have a job for you.

Excited he said thank you and the man left. He wondered what he would be doing or what even the man does for a living. After work he went to the address and got to see all fancy cars this man owned. The man said well as you can see I have many rare cars and would like to know if you would want to be one of my personal mechanics? Sure! He said working with cars especially for a man with so many great one would be a dream. They shock hands and he left. As he went home he stopped into a small dinner to get something to eat. He ordered just a coffee and a piece of apple pie. As he's eating he hears a mans voice that sounds so similar to someone he heard before. He just can't pin point it. He looks up at the tv to see if maybe he recognizes who the voice belongs to. Than his eyes go wide. The voice on tv belonged to the same man who just employed him to work on his cars. Professional funny man, Jay Leno. He had no tv or Internet at his small apartment so he didn't recognize the man at the time, but it absoutly had to be the same person.

He worked for Mr. Leno fixing his cars and became one of his top mechanics. He was always brought to any races that Jay was racing in to work in his car when he entered the pits. He loves his job and life is definitely looking up for him now, but every once and a while he gets kinda sad and remembers that McDonalds screwed him over and that he will never be a driver, only a mechanic.
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I Wouldn't want write that on an iphone...

Lololol it took me like 2hrs to write that, but it's so detailed and leads back to when he was a kid as to the root problem so I couldn't stop
Wow! Brilliant.... Creative and a little scary, but brilliant! Someone please get me a doctor my eyes are bleeding and I'm laughing
my a$$ off!
Wow! Brilliant.... Creative and a little scary, but brilliant! Someone please get me a doctor my eyes are bleeding and I'm laughing
my a$$ off!

I will never look at Jay Leno or Chicken Nuggets the same again.... SMH

Lol thank you. I felt it had a lot of emotions and finally put a end as to why exactly he's depressed.

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