why nascar? is it to help us sales?

  • Thread starter sangbyung
If people want to generalise and say NASCAR is boring because it's only ovals and they only turn left then I'll generalise too... YOU ARE NARROW MINDED...

I don't expect everyone to love every form of motorsport, but I can't stand to see people here slagging off NASCAR just because they are ignorant to it... It's a hard sport to follow outside the US, I live in the UK and have been following i since Montoya went there, and I've grown to love the sport. I suspect most of the haters don't understand the skill set required to be good at NASCAR, there are sooo many subtleties, I'm not sure if GT5 will accurately portray it to be honest!

NASCAR is a great sport, big grids, long calenders, big horsepower, very close racing, lots of overtaking.... none of that you can actually deny, because it's fact! How many other series' have all those things? ... round here (in England) you ask somebody to name a boring over hyped racing series and they'll say F1...

my final point:

Why NASCAR? is it to help US sales? -- PROBABLY

but Why 800 + cars? is it to help sales? -- YES
Why Bugatti? is it to help sales? -- YES
Why Lamboghini? is it to help sales? -- YES
Why devastatingly good graphics? is it to help sales? -- YES
Why WRC? is it to help sales? -- YES
Why Damage modelling? is it to help sales? -- YES

... so I don't get why the inclusion of NASCAR is being met so cynically!!!!


GO 42!!!!
I don't mind that Nascar is in the game.
The more automotive porn, the better. :dunce:

Altough I dislike Nascar for not beeing really nice to watch, altough it will help me sleep well.
Anyhow, I am interested how Nascar racers wil compare itselff to DTM and JGTC cars. That would be nice. :crazy:
I also cant stand Nascar. As most have already said it truly is just a lot of lefts in a huge oval track. I have tried many times to watch Nascar and simply cant get into it at all. And thats coming from someone that actually races in road track events each year in real life. Nascar only has 1 or 2 road track events and those are actually quite fun to watch but thats the only Nascar I can stand. Hopefully GT5 will have the road tracks and not just the huge Oval tracks.

Like i said:

And this is Gran Turismo, you can drive these cars on ANY damn track in the game (minus Rally probably), so this whole "only left turns" is pretty stupid.
hey speaking of 42 cars in a circle, did anyone spot more than 16 cars on the NASCAR grid in the GT5 trailer?

Dream on, im amazed PS3 can pull of 16 of that quality.

There is no reason to think that we cannot have more than 16 cars in a race. If you are going to include Nascar in a game, then we should be able to have 42 cars on the track at the same time.

Although you missed the point completly...The part were I said, IF...

If PD portrays Nascar right, then I will be spending a lot of time chase 42 cars in a circle.

If they did.

Oh well, its easy to hi-jack what someones says and twist it around. Cheers!
<i>NASCAR is a great sport, big grids, long calenders, big horsepower, very close racing, lots of overtaking.... none of that you can actually deny, because it's fact!</i>

And how much of the close racing and overtaking is produced from gimmicks and "competition" yellows? I love oval racing don't get me wrong. But Seems to have this "fakeness" when I try to watch it.
I used to be a NASCAR hater. Then suddenly (I don't know why) I started to have more respect towards the sport. Now I believe that GT5 will turn me into a NASCAR fan.

I think most of my previous dislike of NASCAR was due to SPEED broadcasting it nonstop. But I've come to expect it now, so it doesn't really bother me anymore. That's an issue for another forum though.
First of all let me say, to each his own for everybody has their right to like or dislike something.

I was raised on NASCAR. I still watch it but don't "like" it as much as I use to because in my opinion it has lost it's roots so to speak. Prior to 1972 it was "stock" cars prepared for racing and is where the saying "win on Sunday, sell on Monday" came from as the cars were the same on the show room floors. In '72 the National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing switched it's cars to tube frame, roll caged metal skinned beast that has morphed into the behemoths they have become. It was done, and needed to be done for safety as cars were 200+ mph (324 kph) It is now "stock car" only in name. It is, however, basically like every other motor sport and that is to go as fast as you can without wrecking and crossing the finish line first whether that be a road course, circle track or drag strip. I would say that PD is trying to bring some of America to other parts of the world and, whether you like it or not, NASCAR is the biggest form of racing in America. Is it the best? Well the arguement of which racing is best could and probably will go for the rest of time.
If my memory serves me correctly, there have been two "circle" tracks in all but the first GT and they were not from America. It is kind of funny that Twin Ring Motegi's oval is only used by the Indy Racing league that races on ovals, street and road courses. I personally like to watch all motor sports whether it has 4 wheels, 2 wheel or no wheels. I've even watched lawn mowers raced, now those guys are nuts :crazy:
The top of the line Sprint Cup car would have to be one of the hardest things to drive. 850+ hp, 10 inch slicks, 3400 lbs and very little down force. Compare that to say an F1 car that has 850+ hp, about 1200 lbs and a ton of down force. It would be easy to say that F1 is a "race car" where as NASCAR is a "car people race" and isn't that what it all about, racing :D
I like Nascar i bought Nascar 98 for the PS ( crappy graphics & terrible music ) and enjoyed the winding circuits.I also thought Toca Touring Car Championship was a good game too.Back to topic.
Ten years ago I bought NASCAR 99 for the N64. Ive never been a fan of NASCAR, but always a fan of racing. I played that game till the cows came home. NASCAR has big tracks (Talladega), and tiny ones (Bristol). They come in ovals, triangles, and rounded squares. The road courses offer the most fun, but all the different tracks add something to the experience. While it is mostly left turns, it is very hard to race a line, maintain top speed, and avoid damaging your car while taking a turn 3 or 4 wide. All I can say is dont knock it till you try it. None of us can try PD's NASCAR vision until gt5 is released, so until then most people will only be engaging in baseless, biased speculation.
I'm not knocking PD's vision of NASCAR; I'm saying NASCAR doesn't belong in GT period.

Of course, if that's Yamauchi's "vision", he can do whatever he wants with the game. He could have bike racing, boat racing, motorcycle racing, lawnmower racing and ping pong in GT and that's his call. I don't have to agree with it though (or buy it).
I'm not knocking PD's vision of NASCAR; I'm saying NASCAR doesn't belong in GT period.

Why is it that you people fail to elaborate why you don't want it in the game? It's not like circuit racing is new to the series so I fail to see why all of a sudden it is a horrible thing.
It will help boost sales,(IMHO).

Reason being :
While I will openly admit that I am not the biggest fan of NASCAR.There are just too many NASCAR fans out there who would buy this game,just for the playability and graphics alone,it will smoke any version EA Sports has ever dreamed of,or even yet has thought to come up with.
Don't get me wrong. I welcome nascar into Gt for the first time. i am sure alot of nascar loyalists are quite happy about it's inclusion. It just strikes me as the motorsport with the least amount of skill required.

Are You KIdding Me! WOW, so your saying to me that you could go out there with those guys and compete because their not skilled. There going 190 mph, on 36° banks, inches apart from each other.
To say that it requires the least amount of skill is insane. I would argue that it takes the most skill to drive those beasts at those speeds.
I must admit I was very anti-NASCAR but, after spending the past few weeks in America and watching a couple of races all the way through, I actually quite enjoy it now. There's a lot more to it than just going round in a circle. Most of the tactics that come into play on ovals cannot be used in any other form of racing (mainly pushing the car infront of you and the extreme slipstreaming). Also, to add to the attraction more, the cars are absolute dogs to drive! In F1 the cars are designed to be 'easier' to drive (aerodynamics, TC etc. a few years ago). But in NASCAR, the regulation are made so that the cars are tricky to drive, really testing the drivers. It's a feat to just drive the cars, let alone race them 4 abreast in a 42 car field. So, to those of you who've only ever watched a few minutes of a race and dismissed it as boring, I urge you to watch a race all the way through (I think in the UK it's shown on Channel 4 or Five at obscure hours) and then make up your minds about whether or not you like it.

Anyway, I'm up for PD adding as many different forms of motorsport into the game. The more the merrier :) And I'll still probably end up driving the NASCARs around the Nurburgring mroe than Daytona and Indianapolis

I'm intrested to know whether spotters will be included (and also co-drivers in rally)
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Why do people have to take the name Gran Turismo so litterally, can't they just settle on ''The real driving simulator'', i want as many vehicle and racing types as possible as long as they have wheels.

That's almost exactly what I said :sly:

Do you guys not think that all racing should be in "The real driving simulator"? Expand your horizons and think of NASCAR as racing, not something you dis-like. And most likely, NASCAR will be in the Endurance races, such as, Daytona 500 and maybe alot more. I want more races and more unique types at that.
Why is it that you people fail to elaborate why you don't want it in the game? It's not like circuit racing is new to the series so I fail to see why all of a sudden it is a horrible thing.

Polyphony should stick to what made the original great and improve on that, instead of trying to be 'King of everything'. There comes a point where they won't make any of them good enough and the whole game suffers.

Is it really too much to expect Gran Turismo to be about touring cars?? Is it?
Are You KIdding Me! WOW, so your saying to me that you could go out there with those guys and compete because their not skilled. There going 190 mph, on 36° banks, inches apart from each other.
To say that it requires the least amount of skill is insane. I would argue that it takes the most skill to drive those beasts at those speeds.

Way to miss the point entirely.
I'm guessing the reason NASCAR is in GT5, is for sales in the U.S. Maybe there checking to see to if it's worth there time, to make NASCAR game! Who knows, i just see new tracks coming with the addition of NASCAR! To be honest, i don't care that much for NASCAR either. But i will like the new tracks!!
And here we go with yet another NASCAR Bash-a-thon thread, were the Author himself does starts the bashing. Also, I'm still waiting for an answer on how you guys hating NASCAR judge Skill by sitting on the couch and not driving the actual car. Oh thats right, you never will, which makes the very inexcusable "it takes no skill" excuse useless.
The more choice the better as far as iam concerned even if its cars from a series i dont enjoy doesnt mean i cant enjoy them elsewhere in the game.
gran turismo is was for racing fans to give feel of actual driving who cannot afford to buy 800 cars and go to different part of the world to test the tracks. but nascar is different with just left turns in oval circuit. that is not gran turismo style. are they bringing nascar to help ebbing away us sales in gran turismo because the recent gran turismo sells much lower quantity than earlier gran turismo? what are your thought?

And what would this be?

Again, what exactly is "Gran Turismo Style"? Is it just specifically Road Racing as you and everyone else hating NASCAR's inclusion have Mistakenly assumed? Its Called "The Real Drivng Simulator", not the "Real Road Racing Simulator".

it's easy to maintain concentrations when all you do is turn left all day long ;p

And you would know this how? Personal Experiance?

i may hate nsacar because it is boring to watch, i do not watch racing to see crashes happen, i hate the fact that it the most popular motor sport in the USA and when formula 1 or any series i actually enjoy comes over here it gets no attention at all.

Blame Fox and their Hostile Takeover of Speed, not NASCAR. Also, of course NASCAR is gonna be the most popular over here, because its a American sport much as F1 is in Europe, along with the fact that F1 is not quite fan friendly either (at least from what I've seen).

Don't get me wrong. I welcome nascar into Gt for the first time. i am sure alot of nascar loyalists are quite happy about it's inclusion. It just strikes me as the motorsport with the least amount of skill required.

Please explain how you judge what takes skill based on watching other people drive and not actually doing it yourself.

NASCAR in real life may be fun and exiting, but in games, it's boring, very very, VERY boring!!!!!!! The ONLY fun part is making donuts after winning.

I hate to bust your bubble, but anything by EA Sports Doesn't count.

Isn't there only 2 events in the whole season that aren't ovals though?

NASCAR isn't just the Sprint Cup series so there is more then two times that they go road racing. Seems like people keep forgetting these:

Lime Rock Park

Portland International Raceway (excuse the annoying commentary)

Miller Motorsports Park

Circuit Gilles-Villenueve

As for my opinion on why its included, simple: To expose everyone to NASCAR. Kaz has exposed what were once unknown series to most of use amercans when we saw JGTC(now Super GT), DTM and even the V8 supercar(abit represented by one vehicle) so he is now doing the exact same with NASCAR (and hopefully, Grand-Am). After seeing Prologue hit "Greatest Hits" status(before WRC or NASCAR was shown), I find the "Increase US sales" excuse quite lame so I don't believe that load of crap at all. So by that same token, WRC is in GT5 to increase the sales in Europe then? Anyhow, dispite my small interest in the cup series(I find Nationwide and Trucks more interesting honestly), I'm glad to see in GT5.
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-> Nice! A spec'ed Stock car in Europe!



Just stay away from the ovals if you don't like them.

^ Just curious, I think that Chevy has a different transmission. Was that a paddle-shifted F1-style transmission? As far as I know, all Sprint/Nationwide/Camping World Truck series features a 4-speed manual? Please correct me if I'm wrong?

BT-> Hmm...I think one of the reasons I kinda like NASCAR being in GT is to do this:



^ Looks odd, but looks fun too! :)

EDIT: NASCAR in the rain looks fun too!!!

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Come back when you've played the first Gran Turismo.
The first GT was more about road racing factory and modified factory vehicles than anything. Touring cars would be the "racing" variants of these, FYI. And GT1 was on PS1, and the first game. Did you complain when GT2 included LMP's? Do you know what LMP's are? Did you complain when GT3 included F1's? Did you complain in GT2 when Rally was introduced? Probably not, but you'll sit there on your couch, playing video games, talking about what drivers have what skill IRL, cause Lord knows, you Know.

Rally racing has less of a place in GT than anything, it requires it's own tracks, tracks useless to all other racing cars. I'd rather they introduce a new line of racecars, (NASCAR) that use tracks I can drive anything on, than a bunch of tracks made up of dirt, and I hate rally events.
But you don't see me complaining they should get rid of it, because it makes the game complete.

So Hoo-Rah for moustaches, beer, cigarettes, and rednecks, cause here comes NASCAR!! Git er done! yee haw!:lol: