Wii U Project Cars Discussion

  • Thread starter Benny44
Well, this was terrible news to come back to. I was really looking forward to this game, and I would have funded it if I had any money. I'm glad I didn't. I'm also glad someone manned up and told us what was going on. Honestly, even if you have to strip out some big parts of the game.....dare I say dynamic weather....so be it. A few parts stripped out, a couple extra features for the gamepad, and call it a day. Even if it is stripped down, I will still buy it. And I think most that were looking forward to this game still would buy it as well. If they decide to completely drop it, then they will forever lose my support. I just wish we knew this sooner, it would hurt a lot less if we did.
Although Matther, Robbo-92, and I were happy just to get some answers, Ian's comments have been picked up by the media and now people are dumping on SMS, dumping on Nintendo and the Wii U, and speculating that the Wii U version has already been cancelled. I wondered how long it would take for that to happen. It may be another blow to potential sales, but I feel it's better than remaining in the dark.

I'm not convinced it's vaporware yet. If Ian is being completely truthful, he said a supposed NX announcement at E3 would occur when they're "halfway through" finishing up the Wii U version, which implies that it's pretty close. Given that all the versions share assets and base code, that seems plausible. And let's be frank about it, the PS4/XBone versions demonstrate that SMS is hardly unwilling to launch a game with framerate drops.

If Ian isn't telling the whole truth, the E3 thing could also be a cover for SMS awaiting more PC/PS4/XBone sales before deciding if they've got enough revenue to invest in wrapping up the Wii U version.
I really need a racing fix, but Splatoon is being released this week, so that might hold me over for a while. Not to hijack my own thread, but if anyone is getting it let me know. I played the global testfire and it was pretty fun. I'm getting it....no later than next Friday, hopefully sooner.
Anyhow, after cooling down I see project cars as being on the Wii U eventually. He did say it was running 23fps, which if that is the biggest issue, shouldn't take too long to fix. Although I have no working knowledge on this kind of thing. I would assume they could probably exclude a couple things and get an increase in the framerate.....but I really don't know
I really need a racing fix, but Splatoon is being released this week, so that might hold me over for a while. Not to hijack my own thread, but if anyone is getting it let me know. I played the global testfire and it was pretty fun. I'm getting it....no later than next Friday, hopefully sooner.
Anyhow, after cooling down I see project cars as being on the Wii U eventually. He did say it was running 23fps, which if that is the biggest issue, shouldn't take too long to fix. Although I have no working knowledge on this kind of thing. I would assume they could probably exclude a couple things and get an increase in the framerate.....but I really don't know
I'm awaiting delivery for it. :D NNID is ClassicBrend, wish we had a GTP section for ids but heyo.
...after cooling down I see project cars as being on the Wii U eventually. He did say it was running 23fps, which if that is the biggest issue, shouldn't take too long to fix. Although I have no working knowledge on this kind of thing. I would assume they could probably exclude a couple things and get an increase in the framerate.....but I really don't know
He didn't specify what the conditions were -- hotlapping on a dry afternoon, or a full grid in a midnight thunderstorm? -- but 23fps is roughly par for the course in the gaming industry today, isn't it? :P I liked the one comment in that thread about it being ideal to "create a filmic look". :lol:

If we take Ian's words at face value, SMS will probably go ahead with the Wii U version after Nintendo skips the NX at E3, which itself is a near certainty.
He didn't specify what the conditions were -- hotlapping on a dry afternoon, or a full grid in a midnight thunderstorm? -- but 23fps is roughly par for the course in the gaming industry today, isn't it? :P I liked the one comment in that thread about it being ideal to "create a filmic look". :lol:

If we take Ian's words at face value, SMS will probably go ahead with the Wii U version after Nintendo skips the NX at E3, which itself is a near certainty.
I've always said if you can get a game that plays well, sounds good and is smooth, it is probably going to be a good game. For me, it wouldn't be the end of the world if there was no weather. It's a cool feature, but driving in the rain gets old after a while. But, I'm also one of the people who was glad GT6 kept standard cars in. I drive using front bumper view usually, so a smooth game trumps everything.
Here's a summary of where things stand, from the official forums:
Nothing is decided until after E3, but I'm not as optimistic now. I'll be doubling down on my hype for XCX instead. I can wait for a racing game, least of all until SMS makes good on their promises to fix the bugs and glitches plaguing the PC/PS4/XBone versions, and especially because there's nothing else out today that's worth my time except maybe Dirt Rally.
Even if PCARS never appears on a Nintendo platform, at least it isn't anchored to the Playstation or Xbox like GT/Forza. :) I'll willing to play on PC; it's just not worth it for me to spend big money on PC hardware. So I'll play the waiting game either way.
Only reason I've got any interest in this game on Wii U is in the slim chance the Logitech G25 would be supported...

More likely the Mario Kart "wheel" on the Wii though.
This is somewhat surprising to me. I thought by cutting back fidelity, framerate to 30 FPS and maybe running a max of 16-20 cars they could get the Wii U version operating smoothly enough. I wonder what SMS was managing on the 360/PS3. Must have been barely playable.

I don't see the NX coming out for about a year and a half at best so this is not looking good for Nintendo fans. I feel for you guys.
Any concern is good concern. I was buzzing for the Wii U version more so than the PS4(bought that version since I own the console anyway and Wii U version was MIA at that point), at least SMS tried, more than can be said for other 3rd party devs who get scared at the sight of a different looking architecture.
This is somewhat surprising to me. I thought by cutting back fidelity, framerate to 30 FPS and maybe running a max of 16-20 cars they could get the Wii U version operating smoothly enough. I wonder what SMS was managing on the 360/PS3. Must have been barely playable.

I don't see the NX coming out for about a year and a half at best so this is not looking good for Nintendo fans. I feel for you guys.
Even when the NX does release, I'm not entirely sure it will fulfill SMS' need for more horsepower. It's been rumored/billed as some kind of intangible "unifying architecture" thing that's supposed to join the DS series, smart devices and of course whatever Nintendo's next home console will be. But Nintendo being Nintendo, they could go in an entirely unexpected direction with the latter. Maybe a 3DS successor that has the capability to plug into a dock for home use. Hell, it could be a tablet running Android for all we know. SMS is between a rock and a hard place with very little information to go on.

Ultimately I was hoping Nintendo would embrace Project Cars, being that it fulfills a niche that has been thoroughly ignored on the Wii U. And I was even keeping my fingers crossed for some semi-realistic, semi-silly Nintendo themed liveries as an added bonus.
You summed it up, Nintendo is Nintendo. :lol: They've kind of accepted that they lie on their own plane of existance and seem to be content with that right now. However, like you said about the NX, its intriguing to see what they will do next!
Even when the NX does release, I'm not entirely sure it will fulfill SMS' need for more horsepower. It's been rumored/billed as some kind of intangible "unifying architecture" thing that's supposed to join the DS series, smart devices and of course whatever Nintendo's next home console will be. But Nintendo being Nintendo, they could go in an entirely unexpected direction with the latter. Maybe a 3DS successor that has the capability to plug into a dock for home use. Hell, it could be a tablet running Android for all we know. SMS is between a rock and a hard place with very little information to go on.

Ultimately I was hoping Nintendo would embrace Project Cars, being that it fulfills a niche that has been thoroughly ignored on the Wii U. And I was even keeping my fingers crossed for some semi-realistic, semi-silly Nintendo themed liveries as an added bonus.
I said this on the official forum also, and although i feel bad for you guys it would have been weird if PCARS would have made it to the Wii U. It would have been a second rate version with severe cutbacks also on the physics side.

And correct me if i'm wrong, but the Wii U would be the last console i think of if i wanted to play racing games. The only mistake SMS made was that they should have cancelled it already when they cancelled the PS3/360 versions a year or 2 ago, so people wouldn't have been disillusioned now.
Sim racers, definently. Mario Kart 8 was legit racing game of the year 2014 and absolutely phenomenal allround. :lol: I seen your little joke on the official forum but MK8 is honestly a masterpiece in arcade racing game design, worth playing if you get the chance! 👍
I said this on the official forum also, and although i feel bad for you guys it would have been weird if PCARS would have made it to the Wii U. It would have been a second rate version with severe cutbacks also on the physics side.

And correct me if i'm wrong, but the Wii U would be the last console i think of if i wanted to play racing games. The only mistake SMS made was that they should have cancelled it already when they cancelled the PS3/360 versions a year or 2 ago, so people wouldn't have been disillusioned now.
And correct me if i'm wrong, but the Wii U would be the last console i think of if i wanted to play racing games. The only mistake SMS made was that they should have cancelled it already when they cancelled the PS3/360 versions a year or 2 ago, so people wouldn't have been disillusioned now.

You're not wrong...I mean if you're a member of GTP, the Wii U probably isn't the only platform you own. That said, it's nice that SMS was making an effort to get everyone in on the Project Cars party, even if the Wii U version would have had to seriously suffer in some areas.
Well, it's not over yet. I'm sure we'll get the final word in a few weeks at E3. If they've put hundreds of hours of work into it already, they could still very well put something out. I don't see why they wouldn't. Ps4 and Xbone users have a choice as to which racing sim they want. If you like racing and you own a WiiU, this would be your only choice.
If they put a livery editor, we could physically draw on our cars :-)
I really hope SMS is putting ALL its resources and effort into moving Project CARS forward on the PS4, PC and Xbone, rather than wasting time on a system that is clearly impotent when it comes to running an IP like this one properly.
I really hope SMS is putting ALL its resources and effort into moving Project CARS forward on the PS4, PC and Xbone, rather than wasting time on a system that is clearly impotent when it comes to running an IP like this one properly.
I usually ignore trolling/flaming - but I'm cranky this morning. Most on this thread actually like the Wii U. The fact of the matter is that they initially started this game on 360 and PS3, two systems the Wii U is more powerful than. Making a game for the Wii U is not 'a waste of time', as you suggest. I started this thread to discuss this game on Wii U. I understand you are entitled to your opinion, but this is not a thread discussing different systems and their merits. I love my Wii U, and I will preorder this game if it actually gets released.
Its funny you consider PS4 and Xbox One on the same plain as PC. :lol:
I really hope SMS is putting ALL its resources and effort into moving Project CARS forward on the PS4, PC and Xbone, rather than wasting time on a system that is clearly impotent when it comes to running an IP like this one properly.
I feel for you guys too. Personally I have not had one of their systems since the 64 as there really were no games for it that I liked that were not available for the other consoles and/or PC. I bought the 64 after having played Mario Kart at a friends house and then seeing that they had a 2 player version of Road Rash for it.

My first choice is always PC, more power, more options for controls and in general better versions of the same game not to mention the possibility of user created content that is available for many of them.
Its funny you consider PS4 and Xbox One on the same plain as PC. :lol:

I never said that.

I usually ignore trolling/flaming - but I'm cranky this morning. Most on this thread actually like the Wii U. The fact of the matter is that they initially started this game on 360 and PS3, two systems the Wii U is more powerful than. Making a game for the Wii U is not 'a waste of time', as you suggest. I started this thread to discuss this game on Wii U. I understand you are entitled to your opinion, but this is not a thread discussing different systems and their merits. I love my Wii U, and I will preorder this game if it actually gets released.

I never said I didn't like the WiiU and I'm not discussing the different systems and their merits. It's quite clear the developers are having a hard time getting the game to run at decent level on the WiiU though with a a lot of compromise. Limited resources might be better focused on Nintendo's next console or on improving the game for the other platforms. Don't get so defensive over an inanimate object.;)
but I expect it to show up within the first months of 2015. QUOTE
Whoops :rolleyes:
From what I heard now it's not even happening. That sucks because I don't even have an Xbone or PS4.
I wouldn't mind if they still released it, I don't play with a steering wheel anyways. Maybe I could use a Wii Wheel:lol:
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