Ok, I know what you're saying about screens. And, don't get me wrong, I love Playstation. But implying that Nintendo has sold its last two consoles based on gimmicks is a bit harsh. If you haven't used a Wii U for an extended period of time, then you haven't gotten to enjoy the gamepad. It's actually quite comfortable. There is simply no way a tablet on a PS4 can compete. There are no physical buttons other than power, volume, home, etc. You'd have to take your hand off your controller to do anything on your tablet.
As for comparing move to wii's motion controls, Sony's effort was good but expensive. How could they take advantage of something when only a small percentage of PS3 users had the move? It would cost in the range of $100-$200 to get your console decked out with it. And then wii motion plus came along and was actually slightly better than the move for tracking motion(according to critics). As for the tire model, etc, I know WHY they didn't ultimately put it on Wii U, they just did made a lot of empty promises. And that is why I am so frustrated with it not being on the system.
Nintendo absolutely did sell their last two systems based on gimmicks, and it was a brilliant move for Wii, because they tapped into a market full of non-gamers and casuals, and sold a ton of the things because of it. Of course the problem with that strategy is when you try to repeat it (Wii U), the people you've marketed to aren't interested in buying up more hardware, because they aren't serious gamers. This much is obvious when you look at Wii's comparatively poor software sales (when considering the massive install base). This was due to people buying the thing for Wii Fit or Wii Sports, and then not being gamers, not buying the other games. Wii U has sold so much worse because it's targeting an Audience who aren't interested in upgrading a system they bought for a little bit of fun.
The Wii U tablet having buttons has nothing at all to do with my point that the screen itself is not better than every tablet pc available, as the comment I replied to stated. Also, holding the Wii U controller/tablet, if you want to tap the screen, you have to let go of one of your hands off the buttons anyway don't you, so what's the difference? Especially since the best use of a second screen for pcars would be telemetry, so you don't need to touch the screen anyway.
As far as Wii motion + being more accurate than the PS move controller, you must have gotten those facts from a Nintendo fan site, as I've used both and the Move was almost perfect 1:1, and the Wii was simple at best. Motion + improved the Wii a lot (originally it was laughably inaccurate), but Sony just went all out on Move to make a point of having the thing work as advertised. The reason the Move was so accurate was due to having a series of six axis sensors located in the handle for the console to use bluetooth to know it's orientation at all times, and coupling that with that stupid looking ball on top that the camera tracked to know your location. I bought the move set up for my ps3 for $25 second hand, because as I said, it was just a gimmick, so I wouldn't have paid full price for it.
Now lastly the tyre model. It was announced they'd make it for Wii U when the game had the old tyre model, and was built to work on ps3/360, which being a full gen older than Wii U, were slower, so had those plans gone ahead, you'd have a Wii U version right now, and it'd be second only to the PC version. The problems started when WMD voted to drop last gen, as it meant the PC would get a proper up to date simulation, instead of the strongest version of a sim made for last gen. The resulting simulation was so complex that PS4 and X1 are struggling with it. Despite this, SMS kept working hard to optimise everything they could on Wii U hoping to get it to at least work at a reduced level to the other systems, but even at 720p, and heavily optimised, it was only achieving 23fps. Throw in a full grid + weather and I could easily see that drop to single digits. I've seen X1 frame rate drop into low 30s in videos with a lot on screen, and that runs as high as 60 in ideal situations.