Will Gran Turismo be a flop??

  • Thread starter Thenoozer
As we all know, it doesnt goes very well for Sony, and they rely on 2 games to hit the market as far as I know. It is gran turismo and god of war. But what happens if gran turismo flops? I just saw that gt psp video and i almost puked. It is gt4 with bugatti ( A bugatti that sounded like crap). If they havent improved the sounds etc I wont buy it. Likewise if its a upscaled gran turismo 4. They must renew their concept. Because that concept doesnt work anymore, because we have forza, nfs and some more simulationbased games. But I really hold my thumbs for gran turismo and i wish it "cleans the carpet" (swedish proverb), with its competitors. Here you get some material of my points to start an angry discussion :D, hehe.
To answer the topic title: No, Gran Turismo didn't flop. It was very successful and has since spawned many other GT titles. Gran Turismo 5 will continue the legendary series down a great path.
if gt5 will be a gt4 with ps3 grafic with nothing more, i think they will flop really...
not for me, but for many person it will be so..
No, it's not just you. Can we discuss the subject posed, please? We don't need IBTL/OMFG!/popcorn posts.

Thenoozer raises a perfectly valid point. If you feel you can't discuss it, find another thread to pique your interest.
No, it's not just you. Can we discuss the subject posed, please? We don't need IBTL/OMFG!/popcorn posts.

Thenoozer raises a perfectly valid point. If you feel you can't discuss it, find another thread to pique your interest.

I see.... Then I am not tripping in these early morning hours... But I was just expressing my assumption that this was going to end up going all wrong again... I guess you consider this a valid point of discussion. So to stay on-topic... No I dont think GT will flop... either way... There are enough people that will buy it based on the previous games and sales...
No sorry GT5 won´t be even close to flop, when you consider alot of people would buy it even if it was just a GT5P with more cars and tracks and that sold what 4 million or so, as for sony doing badly, from where i sit they are doing fine as is most of the gaming industry sure they as all are feeling some of the global crisis, but nowhere near as hard as some other industries.

(All in my opinion and nothing else heh!)
I really don't GT5 will be a flop given the amount of anticipation of the game on this forum. Even if by some strange turn of events it flops, Sony can still rely on popular 3rd party developed titles like Final Fantasy to help sell their hardware.
ok, but many people like me, will buy it at dayone, only cuz the name of game is GT....
if it will be a flop, you will see at home turning on the consolle...

this is the badly thing... people wish the perfect game, something different from prequels, and hope there will be something really new to giustify hype and waiting..
No, GT5 won't flop, just look at the upcoming features.

And anyway, in your original post you stated that all Sony have are God of War and Gran Turismo. Have you not heard of Uncharted 2? Or Heavy Rain? Or MAG? Or FFXIII Versus? Or any of the great multi-platform games coming out? I'm sure I've missed some more exclusives, but come on, there are heaps of great titles coming up.

The only thing close to a flop that GT5 MAY experience is that it might not live up to the "HYPE" but assuming that the MAJORITY of the people that will be buying it don't check up on GTPlanet at least a few times daily to discuss what may be in the game, this may not be an issue. I'll just be happy when it comes out, regardless of whats in it :)
Well a game can flop in sales or it could flop in review scores.

Sales wise no GT will ever flop.

Reviews are a different story. Some people define "flop" as failing to score 90% or higher ( AAA ).

In that sense GT 4 was a flop. Many reviewers ( and fans ) were none too happy about being promised an online GT 4 and then having it removed.

I don't think reviewers are going to be happy about there not being damage modeling on all cars, but I would still say that GT 5 will score higher than GT 4.

So no. I don't believe GT 5 will be a "flop"
The moment of truth will be when it releases. As you say an huge amount of people will buy the game. But what dissapointed me was/is, gtpsp that looks like gt4, has the same cars like gt4, sounded like gt4 etc. I think they should skip gtpsp and work fully on gt5. Gt5 will truly sell alot, but think of this scenario. Gt5 is like gt4, but alot better looking with a few new feutures, then we have forza3 that are not equal in graphics, but has a heck lot more feutures. The thing is when its time for next gt and next forza, forza may be the winner. I really hold my thumbs for Gran turismo, but when i watchted that psp video, the gt part in me died a little :D.

Well, one thing you know for sure is that GT5 will be a quality game, no matter what features are not on it. The track and car models are superb. Maybe there will be day/night cycles, weather cycles. I don't buy GT5 for the features, I just want to drive my favourite cars in the most realistic way possible, with the most realistic physics. PD can give me that, I'm sure. Also, PD showed that there is a damage model in the making.

I haven't seen the PSP GT movie, but I don't care for it. Unless it can be played with a steering wheel. :D Nah but I just want the best visual quality there can be, and that is not the case on a handheld like the PSP. I guess PD needed some extra money.
Well a game can flop in sales or it could flop in review scores.

Sales wise no GT will ever flop.

Reviews are a different story. Some people define "flop" as failing to score 90% or higher ( AAA ).

In that sense GT 4 was a flop. Many reviewers ( and fans ) were none too happy about being promised an online GT 4 and then having it removed.

I don't think reviewers are going to be happy about there not being damage modeling on all cars, but I would still say that GT 5 will score higher than GT 4.

So no. I don't believe GT 5 will be a "flop"
I agree that there is a need to define which "kind" of flop it could be.
I also agree that from sales perspective it won't be a flop since the fan base is a worldwide-huge and a lot of people will buy the game just because it's GTx game made by PD - they will just "blindly" go to the store and buy it.

Regarding to game itself - I think that PD are risking them selves too much in some ways that could make GT5 a flop:
1) Kaz himself said that they are not looking any other racing games for comparison. This is bad for business !!! Even though we've heard that during E3 some PD wrote a lot of comments while watching Forza 3 demo - this could be too late and too little.
2) According to rumors & assumption the so-long-waited-damage-model isn't that great is people expected it to be as made by PD (Kaz & PD are perfectionists so the result should be align with that)
3) The current GT5P online features are very limited
4) AI still looks poor - Although people argue that the AI improved a lot, still it always look like the AI has a pre-defined driving line that he needs to drive through (each car drive the same line in each race, but different than other cars) - Those AI need more "brain" to be dynamic and not static
5) More racing features aren't known yet : using the PIT in races (fuel & tires), flags etc.

Do NOT get me wrong - I'm a big fan of GT series, I even bought GT5P even though I don't have a PS3 yet (I bought it just to play on my friend's machine) !!!
I look forward for GT5 release, and I expect it to be great, I just hope it won't be kind of "upscaled/more cars/basic online" version of GT4 !!!
I see it different. If you see what polyphony can do on a PSP, imagine what can be achieved on the ps3!

GT5 won't flop, it may not get the best review scores though. Game reviewers are Game freaks, not all Gran Turismo buyers are game freaks but car freaks.
Every car nut will see why this game is as good as it is, while game reviewers might not see it.

It's a good thing Polyphony builds this game from a car loving perspective!
As we all know, it doesnt goes very well for Sony, and they rely on 2 games to hit the market as far as I know. It is gran turismo and god of war. But what happens if gran turismo flops? I just saw that gt psp video and i almost puked. It is gt4 with bugatti ( A bugatti that sounded like crap). If they havent improved the sounds etc I wont buy it. Likewise if its a upscaled gran turismo 4. They must renew their concept. Because that concept doesnt work anymore, because we have forza, nfs and some more simulationbased games. But I really hold my thumbs for gran turismo and i wish it "cleans the carpet" (swedish proverb), with its competitors. Here you get some material of my points to start an angry discussion :D, hehe.

For starters, you can't judge GT5 on GT Mobile. GT Mobile is pretty much GT4 with some new cars. It was never going to be anything else. How PD have managed to get GT4 to work and fit on the PSP is an amazing feat, and they should be applauded for it.

The PS3 is obviously a much more powerful machine than the PSP and can therefore handle much more content. Have you even seen GT5 Prologue? Can you not tell from that that GT5 is going to be more than an upscaled GT4? :odd:
Will GT flop- no. Never. Not in a million years.
Kaz will simply not let it happen. It may take years for a game to come out, but I'll be damned if it isn't a brilliant game.
Will GT5 break expectations- no. The expectations are high enough as is, and if GT5 even gets close to expectations, I'll eat my hair. That is, it'll not meet expectations for a GT game, it'll blow every game out of the water, even my beloved Forza.
If GT5 is in fact a flop, and it won't be, I'll personally beat Kaz half to death.

Oh, also, GT:M is an upscaled GT4, simple as that. Of course, you have to think that they managed that on a piece of hardware that fits in your pocket.
No,I like what I've heard so far and even so I don't think any game with 1000 or more cars in my oppinion could ever be considered a flop...like previous posts have said the other features and the polyphony digital badge means quality to alot of people and even if it doesnt live up to everyones million dollar expectations and lets face it it won't please every single one of us gt'ers to every degree i still wouldn't consider that a failure because most of it will be darn near perfect for me at least and alot of people will buy it on previous if nothing else even if i'd read or seen nothing of gt5 i'd still buy it because i've enjoyed the prequels for long periods of time in the past.
Long Answer:
As with all games, there will no doubt be some aspects of GT5 that people think could be improved. There will never be one single perfect racing game which we all play in bliss until the end of time (nice as it is to dream of it!) - it's just not going to happen. The different series of racing games will continue to differ and provide different things for people with slightly different tastes. An unfortunate downside (if there is one) of having a series as big as GT is that the expectation with each iteration from reviewers and the huge fanbase alike must be a little overwhelming! On discussion boards like these, with so many fans of the game waiting for literally years for a game to come out, it's inevitable that some people's expectations of the feature set just continue to grow over time and become more than a bit unrealistic. That's my opinion but only time will tell! :)

What's most important to me is that PD seem to be a group of pretty hardcore petrol heads and game development experts that are on a mission to build the sort of game that they would want to play - and if you want to make great games (regardless of the genre), I think that's the best place to start. If you're genuinely passionate about what you are creating and you are still excited about playing it yourself when it's years into it's development, that's a pretty good sign! Obviously there is interest there in what your competitors are doing but if you worry too much about their set of features, it's very easy to lose the core DNA of what made your game so popular in the first place.

Any person or group that follows their dream by setting out to make flawless fantastic games and not just talking the talk regarding quality but is prepared to put their money where their mouth is and take a risk in some respects by delaying a game in order to make sure that at it's point of release (not months/years later after following countless patches) it is the best it can possibly be - deserves a big pat on the back for at least setting about their mammoth task with the right intent and mindset.

Short Answer:
GT5 will not be the single perfect game which will lead the entire human race in unsion to the motorsport promised land. However, from what I've seen so far, I do think that it will be a great game. Will it be well recieved by reviewers? I'm not sure, I think probably most of them yes it will be. Will it sell well? I'll be very surprised if it doesn't! Am I still looking forward to it with so many other racing games across all platforms (including PC) on the market, hell yeah! :D
For starters, you can't judge GT5 on GT Mobile. GT Mobile is pretty much GT4 with some new cars. It was never going to be anything else. How PD have managed to get GT4 to work and fit on the PSP is an amazing feat, and they should be applauded for it.

The PS3 is obviously a much more powerful machine than the PSP and can therefore handle much more content. Have you even seen GT5 Prologue? Can you not tell from that that GT5 is going to be more than an upscaled GT4? :odd:

Yes i have seen gt5 prologue. Matter of fact I own gran turismo prologue. I bought my playstation in 2008 just because of gran turismo5.
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Long Answer:
As with all games, there will no doubt be some aspects of GT5 that people think could be improved. There will never be one single perfect racing game which we all play in bliss until the end of time (nice as it is to dream of it!) - it's just not going to happen. The different series of racing games will continue to differ and provide different things for people with slightly different tastes. An unfortunate downside (if there is one) of having a series as big as GT is that the expectation with each iteration from reviewers and the huge fanbase alike must be a little overwhelming! On discussion boards like these, with so many fans of the game waiting for literally years for a game to come out, it's inevitable that some people's expectations of the feature set just continue to grow over time and become more than a bit unrealistic. That's my opinion but only time will tell! :)

What's most important to me is that PD seem to be a group of pretty hardcore petrol heads and game development experts that are on a mission to build the sort of game that they would want to play - and if you want to make great games (regardless of the genre), I think that's the best place to start. If you're genuinely passionate about what you are creating and you are still excited about playing it yourself when it's years into it's development, that's a pretty good sign! Obviously there is interest there in what your competitors are doing but if you worry too much about their set of features, it's very easy to lose the core DNA of what made your game so popular in the first place.

Any person or group that follows their dream by setting out to make flawless fantastic games and not just talking the talk regarding quality but is prepared to put their money where their mouth is and take a risk in some respects by delaying a game in order to make sure that at it's point of release (not months/years later after following countless patches) it is the best it can possibly be - deserves a big pat on the back for at least setting about their mammoth task with the right intent and mindset.

Short Answer:
GT5 will not be the single perfect game which will lead the entire human race in unsion to the motorsport promised land. However, from what I've seen so far, I do think that it will be a great game. Will it be well recieved by reviewers? I'm not sure, I think probably most of them yes it will be. Will it sell well? I'll be very surprised if it doesn't! Am I still looking forward to it with so many other racing games across all platforms (including PC) on the market, hell yeah! :D

Good answer, but PD better get the sounds right this time, thats my largest concern. If he's a "perfectionist" ,sounds are extremely important, but thats far from what we have seen to this day. We expect it to be the best cargame ever, or wrong I do that. The recent gtpsp video was far from that and I dont care if its on a inferior console. If I want to play gt4 I just plug in my ps2 and play. I'm not buying a brand new psp and "gt4" for hundreds of dollars. PD better give us some great information at TGS :).
Good answer, but PD better get the sounds right this time, thats my largest concern. If he's a "perfectionist" ,sounds are extremely important, but thats far from what we have seen to this day. We expect it to be the best cargame ever, or wrong I do that. The recent gtpsp video was far from that and I dont care if its on a inferior console. If I want to play gt4 I just plug in my ps2 and play. I'm not buying a brand new psp and "gt4" for hundreds of dollars. PD better give us some great information at TGS :).

Thanks :)

I don't think it's intelligent to draw any conclusions about GT5 from looking at GTPSP, though. They are totally different projects on very different platforms.

Based on my experience from GT5P, I agree that engine sounds in particular are not GT's strongest area so fingers crossed for GT5 improving on that area.

The point for me about GTPSP is it is MOBILE. I will mostly be playing it whilst at work and whilst travelling, plus when I just fancy a quick racing fix without taking over the living room and setting up my steering wheel. Besides, I never played GT4 so there is still lots of "new" content there for me to discover :) It's certainly not everyone's kettle of fish but I do think there is currently an untapped market for a decent mobile racing sim (which is why I bought cheap 2nd hand PSP 3000 a few months ago).

Fingers crossed for some great GT5 info at TGS but try to keep your expectations grounded - we won't really be able to judge properly for ourselves until we've played it ourself for some time/ It does seem to be PD's style to leave some of the good surprises unannounced - you want to be able to discover some of the good stuff for yourself!
I can not see it being a flop even if its reviews are poor which is extremely unlikely, it will still sell by the million. I agree though, that, they do need to improve the sound. The sound is better in GT5p than GT4 especially engine sounds but the environmental sounds, tyre noise particularly still need further work but hopefully they have been addressed by PD, as their attention to detail is generally fantastic. I refer to things like the McLaren SLR air brake, the SLR has featured in loads of games but GT4 is the only one I know of where the rear air brake actually moves when the brakes are applied.
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Yes I do agree with you at many points, but dont you need to work at work ? :D. I'm not dissapointed in gt5prologue, but go back in history for other concept gtgames. They tend to have cool feutures and cool cars. I remember the "talking" toyota running around a strange track. Oh well, gran turismo must be great.
It may if it doesn't pull its socks up... Starting with sound.

Yes that's what i meant. I've understood that gtpsp and gt5 is gonna be linked somehow. When i watched that video (go to news and watch it), and saw those three bugattis sound like a gang of rolling vacuumcleaners :P, I got concerned. The Bugatti in reality has 16 cylinders and sound nothing like that. If he is a "perfectionist" he/they should think more of sound and handling of the cars. Some cars are great sounding in prologue though, bmw 135i is pretty much spot on, aswell the viper srt. A light in the tunnel so to speak.
