Will you keep playing Gran Turismo 7 despite the current controversy?

  • Thread starter furryboy96

Will you keep playing Gran Turismo 7 despite the current controversy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 267 74.4%
  • No

    Votes: 92 25.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think this may be a quick cash grab. As in, nows the peak/optimum time for selling it (upon released). They forecast x % of people will buy it and want to drive certain cars, so will dip into their wallet to buy them. x amount will then get bored, move onto next game. At that point PD will have made **** loads, will change the economy, introduce more races and the need for mtx will disappear.

It will then become the game the GT fans hoped it would be from day 1.
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I'm still playing and still grinding, just for less credits which is frustrating. Gotta laugh though... right after Kaz says he wants legendary cars to reflect real world prices, the McLaren F1 appears for 18,500,000 credits... a car that's been in Gran Turismo from the get-go! BTW.. that's $280 AU if I wanted to buy it. Just for one car and not even a new car to the game. Oh well... I'll grind for the Sauber C9 :dopey:
is anyone still winning in the races thats been changed in last update, im sure in comsumer act and gambling act etc you cannot change a prize etc without prior notice, under trading standards you purchased a product believing it to be as promised, cant change something so they can get you to make more money they previously predicted. UK hov is investigating how you get a refund from playstation etc, you cannot get a refund from a store as there is no problem with the disc its the PD thats changed goal posts. do your research into who is the backers sponsors and shareholders and if you know you know!
So I will keep playing but my excitement for the game has been killed somewhat. My daily routine pre patch was to do Fisherman's Ranch to earn some spending money for the daily marathon then go to the Used and Hagerty dealers to see what's new. After that spend some time doing world map races and missions. I looked forward to that every day.
Since the patch I feel like I've got to encourage myself to log in but I just do the miles then log off cos the thought of how long it's going to take to unlock one of those 20 million cars is disgusting. I was hoping to buy at least the Ferrari 330 but wanted to get the "Le Man's set" of the three classic cars then spend days creating liveries and racing round La Sarthe.
Kaz's response was very disappointing as it shows he's missing the point. You need to give players a route to enjoy the game and not punish them for finding a semi decent way of earning a bit of cash. I really think all the rewards need to be increased by at least a factor of 2.
Going through the Cafe Menus was so much fun and it felt like they had learnt how to keep players engaged but after that it turns into a very different game. I wouldn't be surprised if many people are turned off by all this. It feels like a very short sighted move and despite their protestations the only conclusion players can make is that it's because of the microtransactions.
The worst thing about all this is the core game is the best it's ever been.
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I haven't played in 2-3 days and I'll probably just delete it from the drive if they don't announce something acceptable within the next week or so.

There's only so much time a game can occupy my mind before I move onto something else, and I've alread started playing Forza Horizon 5 instead, a game I cannot stand at times due to it's cringey presentation.
Yes, of course, because I don't see any controversy, I only see players who are basically satisfied, would like to have minor changes/adjustments, but see this within the realm of possibility and can therefore enjoy the game as it is now.

And then I see some people who are just looking for reasons and badmouthing something, which is sometimes not even true, or badmouthing things they seem to have no idea about. There are complaints based on the fact that the game was completely played through within 12-20 hours of play (which in my opinion is still an outright lie if you assume that the highest difficulty is selected and ALL available tasks are upgraded to gold ) There are allegations that PD is only interested in the MTX and prices for extremely exotic vehicles are quoted as a benchmark after just one week. In the specific example, the price of 20 million for a car. Nobody claims that you can buy this car after such a short time (at least nobody who can still think normally) but here it is pretended that this is exactly the reason why there is MTX in the game so that everyone spends extra money to get a (probably useless ) car to buy.

I personally hate this mentality that you have to have everything immediately and that you behave like a whining child with the smallest problem and pollute the net/forum hundreds of times with accusations and abstruse conspiracy theories.

By the way, those who I mean when I talk about complainers are usually exactly these small-minded people who put a pile of turds on every message that is not criticism.
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I haven't played in 2-3 days and I'll probably just delete it from the drive if they don't announce something acceptable within the next week or so.

There's only so much time a game can occupy my mind before I move onto something else, and I've alread started playing Forza Horizon 5 instead, a game I cannot stand at times due to it's cringey presentation.
yeah I may swing back to fh5 if I get bored once done the menus. may just log in once a day to do a few races on gt7 to keep 'muscle memory' and slow grind some cash without it being a total chore.

I just learnt to kind of blank out the embarrassing fh5 backdrop. kind of listen re missions so I know what to do, but managed to just sort of ignore it at same time as its so cringey. Must have been intended for people under 16-18.
Yes, of course, because I don't see any controversy, I only see players who are basically satisfied, would like to have minor changes/adjustments, but see this within the realm of possibility and can therefore enjoy the game as it is now.

And then I see some people who are just looking for reasons and badmouthing something, which is sometimes not even true, or badmouthing things they seem to have no idea about. There are complaints based on the fact that the game was completely played through within 12-20 hours of play (which in my opinion is still an outright lie if you assume that the highest difficulty is selected and ALL available tasks are upgraded to gold ) There are allegations that PD is only interested in the MTX and prices for extremely exotic vehicles are quoted as a benchmark after just one week. In the specific example, the price of 20 million for a car. Nobody claims that you can buy this car after such a short time (at least nobody who can still think normally) but here it is pretended that this is exactly the reason why there is MTX in the game so that everyone spends extra money to get a (probably useless ) car to buy.

I personally hate this mentality that you have to have everything immediately and that you behave like a whining child with the smallest problem and pollute the net/forum hundreds of times with accusations and abstruse conspiracy theories.
Nothing morte pathetic then corporate apologists arguing against their own consumer intrests being so villfully blind to whats clearly happening.

LMAO Not a sinlge person needs to look for a reason to badmouth it, the fools at PD served everyone a golden platter of things to complain about.
Yes, of course, because I don't see any controversy, I only see players who are basically satisfied, would like to have minor changes/adjustments, but see this within the realm of possibility and can therefore enjoy the game as it is now.

And then I see some people who are just looking for reasons and badmouthing something, which is sometimes not even true, or badmouthing things they seem to have no idea about. There are complaints based on the fact that the game was completely played through within 12-20 hours of play (which in my opinion is still an outright lie if you assume that the highest difficulty is selected and ALL available tasks are upgraded to gold ) There are allegations that PD is only interested in the MTX and prices for extremely exotic vehicles are quoted as a benchmark after just one week. In the specific example, the price of 20 million for a car. Nobody claims that you can buy this car after such a short time (at least nobody who can still think normally) but here it is pretended that this is exactly the reason why there is MTX in the game so that everyone spends extra money to get a (probably useless ) car to buy.

I personally hate this mentality that you have to have everything immediately and that you behave like a whining child with the smallest problem and pollute the net/forum hundreds of times with accusations and abstruse conspiracy theories.
Are you on spice? The game is £70 yet has free to play economy, like everything in the game is gated behing the economy and can only be accessed through grind or MTX.

What you posted is just utter drivel. It in no way relates to the complaints people are actually making.
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yeah I may swing back to fh5 if I get bored once done the menus. may just log in once a day to do a few races on gt7 to keep 'muscle memory' and slow grind some cash without it being a total chore.

I just learnt to kind of blank out the embarrassing fh5 backdrop. kind of listen re missions so I know what to do, but managed to just sort of ignore it at same time as its so cringey. Must have been intended for people under 16-18.
Haha yeah I'm the same, just muted as much I could. Just feels good to be able to drive a variety of cars through a variety of different races without feeling restricted or punished.
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Haha yeah I'm the same, just muted as much I could. Just feels good to be able to drive a variety of cars through a variety of different races with ferling restricted or punished.

Yeah thats it. I enjoy the feeling of progression in accumalating credits, plus wide variety of races, cars etc. Feel of restriction, lack of variety, progression is a problem with GT for me. At least FH5 feels like you're getting somewhere when you sit down to play it, even if some may feel its too 'easy'. Putting hours in to barely accumulate anything is frustrating.

I'm sure it will get sorted though, hopefully sooner rather than later.
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I’ve been on holiday for over a week so I’ve been kind of watching all this unfold as an outsider, lol

I’m at like menu book 23 or something, so I do have a reason to keep on playing. Once I finish I’m sure I’ll find a way to stay occupied. I have a few licenses left to gold, I’ve only done a few mission challenges. I’m sure I’ll be able to find a variety of races to do to earn money and slowly build it up for something nice, even if it will take a while
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Am I happy about the reduced payouts? No.
Do I still enjoy the game I waited for for years? Yes, absolutely.

But, I will not buy credits. I do not like microtransactions. I will play the game and have fun with it. If I stop having fun, I'll stop playing, simple as that.

I do have faith in the longetivity of the game and am looking forward to see it develop over time. I'm expecting to be playing the game for years.
I'm playing it pretty slowly due to time constraints. I still have 15 or so cafe books to complete, the majority of the licenses, and have barely touched missions or online.

I'm still enjoying the on-track experience and I'm not going to run out of single player content for a while. I feel irritated by the always online nature of the single player and the in game economy, but I bought this game for the long term and I really hope we'll see some improvements across the game by the time I start running out of things to do.
I've decided to stay away for the time being. I'm after racing, not car collecting nor do I have much interest for car tuning. Seems this game is not for me? I was fine with GT Sport, more of that with upgraded everything was my expectation. I think I'll sit it out for a few months, check in regularly to see if they manage to turn it around.

Will keep playing GTS and am now getting into ACC instead.
I am going to complete career, missions and licence and then the game will go in the drawer. GT7 is one of the biggest disappointments.
Same for me, back to ACC (PS5 patch incoming next week ) and FH5 for me (yes I know it's a weird mixture :)) after finishing missions and licences.
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After completing menubooks and licenses, I might come back later. I've got so much schoolwork to do and many games to play.
Yes but as I would do usually (1 hr, 2 hrs max per day) whatever that translates on credits earned, even though I am still really diasppointed on how PD and SONY/SIE are handling this entire situation
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The issue I am having at the moment is one of time. I have a finite amount of time available to me, and I am now at the point where I am saying "screw this" to anything that is desinged to eat too much of it.
I wasn't happy about the credit nerf, but felt I would just drag my heels out and go for it at a pace I felt comfortable with knowing that eventually I will get the cars I want, but with this test week coming up (literally GTWS demanding an entire week of evenings of me) and it forcing me to choose a manufacturer when I haven't even tested all the cars because of the grind, I am going to sit on the sidelines until I feel they aren't turning this in to an MMO level time investment. I stopped playing WoW and FFXIV for a reason, and GT7 is desperately trying to fill that large engagement void, and I am not buying it.
To be honest, right now it doesn't feel like there's much point turning it on.

Hagarty rip off boutique wants 18.5m for the maclaren which would be 148 pounds or no idea how many minutes of grinding - I've missed the porsche gt1 Street version which I was interested in getting.

I've had two single star roulette daily workouts in a row which gave me 7k in total so honestly feel like not even doing the 26 miles required for that.

Sorry for the rant but it explains my feelings r.e the poll question which I'm not sure about my answer
Same for me, back to ACC (PS5 patch incoming next week ) and FH5 for me (yes I know it's a weird mixture :)) after finishing missions and licences.
What's the ACC patch for on PS5?

Was tempted to pick that game up after the main next-gen patch, but I read that it still has some issues. If more patches get it in a better state then I might pick it up.
Well... Maybe you are right, but on the other hand those aren't hard to make for PD. It is just set of challenges which unlocks you 3 new cars, they can even use existing ones, or the new dlc ones. They can make a lot of them actually.
If we get a championship resembling this
I'll be happy. Honestly I thought we would have HUNDREDS of races and championships to work through. Instead we got the Cafe.

THAT should have been the final championship for the Cafe Menu, that's what completing the game should be about.

Fingers crossed this is 10% of what we get after all is said and done.
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Yes and overall I am enjoying it ... but as a long term GT fan since PS1 these latest decisions to lock behind paywalls high value cars via real £ microtransactions, in to the game along with the low economy (especially unable to sell your cars) has given me a bad taste.
I know it has 'upset' more than those genuine GT fans on here but the whole gaming community as there are articles on every site.

I really like the McLaren F1 but I am not paying (or grinding) to get those 18million credits when I have it in GT Sport and a few other games. To top it off everywhere you look there is an advert for credits even on the store page when you flick across.

I also went along with the online like everyone else but really feel for me this is as important as the microtransactions not being able to play the game while the servers are being worked on. I am quite a positive person and not one to usually complain but I was very close to trading it in (PS5 disc) when I had my day off to play it and couldn't and thought about downloading GT Sport again and for the time being I will take a little break and carry on with Grid Legends.
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Actually, it does. I would be grinding if the payouts rewarded my time adequately. I am not interested in golding licenses and missions. The only thing that makes a difference to me is acquiring cars and driving them. I would like to do this in the most varied way possible. I would like all that variety to be roughly equally rewarding, payout wise.
Well how many races have they nerfed ? what you want is quick easy money and not to work for it maybe get somebody to do a money drop glitch or something else ridiculously easy for you to get paid millions for doing next to nothing. For doing the last championship race series you can get over 400k but i guess thats way to hard for you to do.

Yes and overall I am enjoying it ... but as a long term GT fan since PS1 these latest decisions to lock behind paywalls high value cars via real £ microtransactions, in to the game along with the low economy (especially unable to sell your cars) has given me a bad taste.
I know it has 'upset' more than those genuine GT fans on here but the whole gaming community as there are articles on every site.

I really like the McLaren F1 but I am not paying (or grinding) to get those 18million credits when I have it in GT Sport and a few other games. To top it off everywhere you look there is an advert for credits even on the store page when you flick across.

I also went along with the online like everyone else but really feel for me this is as important as the microtransactions not being able to play the game while the servers are being worked on. I am quite a positive person and not one to usually complain but I was very close to trading it in (PS5 disc) when I had my day off to play it and couldn't and thought about downloading GT Sport again and for the time being I will take a little break and carry on with Grid Legends.
If i am not mistaken you have never been able to sell cars in any GT game so nothing new there. The only thing i miss from any of the gt series is the trading i had all the cars with zero mileage on what ever the gt was and it was good fun doing it
Its really disheartening knowing the only way to get the McLaren F1 is either spending 180$ out of pocket or grinding away for 18 hours. I wouldve likely spent hundreds of dollars in car fast tracks if the prices was reasonable but now Im spending 0$ on principle.
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