My oh my... I too have had a similar encounter like this, around a month ago. I was just cruising around a Daytona trade lobby when a guy types in how he wanted a Tank Car. I told him that it's untradable, but it can be won in the American Championship (or something like that). This is where another guy (I shall call him No. 1 from here) targets me and says that the Tank Car is, in fact, tradable. I calmly tell him about how it's over the 1,000,000 credit trade limit.
ANOTHER player (No. 2) goes on to proclaim how No. 1 is a well-respected trader and how No. 1 is a member of GT5 (wait... what?
Now, for the record, whenever I type online, I use a keyboard and I make it a habit to try and use near perfect grammar so that whatever I say is readable. I also tend to use upper-level language in situations like these.
I forgot what I said, but I reply back as to not provoke No. 1 or No. 2. Whatever I said somehow triggered a massive "OMG LET'S PICK ON THE SMART GUY HERE," reaction from these two. According to these two, I'm apparently a fat, white nerd who dates a dictionary and can't get any... well, "cats"...
I mean, I do have a tiny bit of chub-chub here and there, but come on, no need to be rude lads.
I type along the lines of: "You guys are hilarious," and ignore them afterwards.
After, about ten minutes, the duo leave the lobby.
BONUS STORY: Earlier in this lobby, I kept drifting my S13 Silvia around the bottom part of the banked turns. It was one of those, "Why not?" moments. Anyways, a guy calls me a "cat" for what I was doing.
He goes: "teamvm, quit being a 'cat' and stop pulling the handbrake on that fwd pos"
Mind you, I was driving a Silvia. I told him my car was rear wheel drive.
He types: "not that model"
After that, yes, I did sort of stoop down to his level a bit, but the next bit is the fun part.
I say, "You have the nerve to call me that when you're using Racing Softs, Traction Control at 10, AND Skid Recovery on an Impreza?" (which he was, since I checked... Hey, I need a basis for what I say, right?)
He left shortly afterwards.