WRC & NASCAR VS 96 tracks in GT5 ! Is PD sacrificing classic courses ?

  • Thread starter Max_DC

Will PD add full WRC and NASCAR seasons ? Do you want them to ?

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There are two possibilities :

  1. PD has the WRC and NASCAR licence, but apart from that they only have a few real courses each
  2. Well, the other possibility is, that PD goes for the real deal, which would mean both WRC and NASCAR full season

And if option number two is true ( which I doubt and tbh even hope that it is not ) then at least 50 percent of these 96 tracks are ovals and dirt races.

Have a look at a WRC season, that would mean like at least 24 really long tracks in 12 countries. If not more.
And, well, the NASCAR season has 36 races this year. Theoretically that means 36 races in 22 courses ( thanks for the info L8 Apex ) - most of them ovals.

Which kind of halves the 96 tracks down to like not even 40.

And while I really like to have full WRC support incl 2 dozen tracks etc I don't really like to have like 30 oval tracks and most important :

I want most or all classic GT courses back. The whole package from Trial Mountain over Special Stage R 11 to Autumn Ring and El Capitain.

Personally I don't think, that WRC and NASCAR are fully supported, but we know PD, they tend to like the "everything or nothing" rule, so who knows ?

What do you think and what do you prefer ?

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Don't start this thread, its going to be a flame fest. Seriously.

also remember there will be DLC.

ALSO Nascar has 36 races in a season, only uses 22 courses. 17 are ovals.
Actually there are only 22 tracks that host Sprint Cup races, two of which are road courses.
I'm guessing you're excluding Bristol, Martinsville, and Richmond? They might be short tracks but they're still ovals.

No I include them. Thiiiiink!

Phoenix.(thats an odd one... I dont consider it one.)
Maybe 18 if you count PIR in.
gonna take a guess the only oval may be daytona? i don't honestly see the game having more than 1 or maybe 2 ovals.
gonna take a guess the only oval may be daytona? i don't honestly see the game having more than 1 or maybe 2 ovals.

I think they should start with a handful and then DLC the rest. Every nascar track is unique and different. Even Texas vs Charlotte vs Atlanta.
gonna take a guess the only oval may be daytona? i don't honestly see the game having more than 1 or maybe 2 ovals.

Screens from the trailer show Indianapolis is in the game. Although the infield road coarse is confirmed, I don't think they will exclude the oval. (same as Daytona and Daytona Road)
That is why we have DLC (Down loadable Content)

Also why so far we do not need full season for 2009 of WRC or NASCAR, just a handful of tracks for each is enough. Heck we will see some NASCAR on FUJI anyways online ;)

I think voting is pointless.. I wont vote..
They'll probably include the main tracks, such as Indy, Daytona and Bristol (That silly small one xD)

As for WRC, I wouldn't be suprised to see more than 10 stages for it, it would be great to see some real input for rallying in GT5, heck you even saw the Co-driver, so we may get PACE NOTES! 👍

And on the subject of pace notes, perhaps we will get spotters for NASCAR?💡
Why are we assuming they will have all NASCAR and WRC tracks?

If we include a full-season of WRC, that's more kilometers of track than the whole of GT4. I'm supposing they will include small sections or include stages that are based on WRC stages, but not the whole thing.

As for NASCAR... who needs thirty almost identical Miatas... errh... ovals? :D
That is why we have DLC (Down loadable Content)

Also why so far we do not need full season for 2009 of WRC or NASCAR, just a handful of tracks for each is enough. Heck we will see some NASCAR on FUJI anyways online ;)

I think voting is pointless.. I wont vote..

Not to offend the author, but I feel this thread is kinda pointless. Its yet another "PD is gonna sacrifice this for this!" question that seems to go more off of jumping to conclusions then reasonable discussion, but thats just me.

ALso, can't wait for the NASCAR on FUJI online thing to happen, in fact bring on Suzuka while your at it:sly:
Well I don´t think there would be any Point in releasing more then 3 or 4 ovals because one oval can be as much fun to drive as the other. So that really should be enough. Don´t waste to much time on that..

But for the wrc tracks every track is totally different so they can include how much they want to, but still they don´t need to include all.

We already have a time problem with gt5 so don´t waste any time with things the most people don´t care. Like this you can give everyone something they like and later if the people really go after the oval tracks (maybe in the usa there are enough people who like it) pd can release more tracks for the oval fans. ;)
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Also why so far we do not need full season for 2009 of WRC or NASCAR, just a handful of tracks for each is enough. Heck we will see some NASCAR on FUJI anyways online ;)

Exactly. I am a NASCAR fan, but I would rather drive the cars on existing tracks like Grand Valley and Fuji than have every NASCAR oval in the game. (wouldn't mind having Bristol though)
This thread reminds me of someone sayiing "OMG! this particular group of people is invading our city/nation and they're going to take all our jobs/women! OMG!"

Chill out :rolleyes:

PD probably spent no more time with NASCAR then they did making those 10 skyline variations.

They're not going to include 30 ovals...
My view - have the WRC stages replace the current dirt and snow tracks, and have about 15-20 stages (1 from each venue). I really think that would add value to the dirt racing area of the game.

As for NASCAR? Perhaps just Daytona, Indianapolis, Motegi and a 3-4 other smaller ones preferably with road courses as well. I don't care if NASCAR doesn't go there in real life - EuroSpeedway and Rockingham would be great.
I'd be disapointed if rally wasn't part of the game. My only hope is that NASCAR better have more competative AI than what is on P, because the oval is just too easy to beat other cars.
This was a tough question with various choices. But I chose "GT5 might lose (fixed for the poll question) its identity if WRC and NASCAR are too dominant." The reason why it was a tough choice for me is that I was actually torn between that and "the more the better- I also want F1, Touring car support." It becomes a rough deal. I know I said in the past that this is a gaming franchise that's maturing more. However, I am irked about Polyphony Digital going this route.

Trying to satisfy everyone isn't easy. I'm really surprised PD took it upon themselves to try to get WRC and NASCAR support. This is far outside of Gran Turismo's personality because Gran Turismo was never known as the franchise that makes its money on giving you real-life racing series for you to race. That's the ToCA Race Driver series' game. Some people wished that Gran Turismo had more real life series. Well, you got TWO of them from the E3 show. Its personality is about car culture and racing. On a positive side, this gives the GT series some proper racing character by giving you some racing series to take part in. Think about it like this- people wanted to play GT online for GT4 (we all know what happened when it was dropped). Some [discriminating racing gamers] wanted to play Gran Turismo HD and "Gran Turismo 5: Prologue" for Ferrari. Well, many now may want to play GT5 for the WRC and/or NASCAR. This is basically uncharted territory for GT and PD. Gran Turismo was never known as the series where you could enjoy racing actual racing machines from actual series. It was never the character, and I didn't want to see GT be somehow dominated by this. Now that GT will feature these two series (and perhaps more), what now? Do you still try to make Gran Turismo as classic as possible without paying too much attention to real-life racing series?

Again, this was tough for me to decide. The main point was about if the classic GT formula is threatened. And I say... "not really." The model will be severely threatened if Gran Turismo wants the character of a Live for Speed or GTR game. Games and game series have to evolve. This, sometimes, by backing away from past traditions. It's too early to judge whether or not Gran Turismo will have a massive change to where the old feel of GT is gone in favor of something much different. But right now, I don't think PD is sacrificing anything major yet. That's my cautiously positive view on all of this.

Turismo has always had the JGTC... and some parts of the DTM, and LMPs... the Formula One support has always been a bit vague, simply because teams were not willing to let PD have data on current cars...

They've also had dragsters and drifters and wacky concepts and one-offs (please bring back the Tank Car!)... but none have obviously been as thoroughly covered as F1 in GT3 and the JGTC and LMPs in GT2-GT4.

Adding NASCAR and extending WRC coverage seems to me to stay within the spirit of Gran Turismo... as an extensive, driveable encyclopedia of automotive passion (I can't remember exactly when, but I remember Kazunori saying something along these lines).

Will NASCAR dilute it? Not really. But I'd also like to see more BTCC, WTCC and V8 Supercar coverage from GT5. Of course, we don't know what's in there yet... but I'm brimming with anticipation.

I wonder if other raing series will be available as DLC? That might extend the replayability of GT5 to GT3-levels and beyond (personally, GT3 was the most replayable and long-lasting title in the series...)
I think the point John is trying to make is that these official race series may detract from the main gameplay aspect - the racing of road cars and the whole buying used cars and tuning them up. Having a majority of race cars is not normal.

But I do expect a lot of content to be DLC, adding extra tracks and cars to each different race series plus adding new race series in future years as they acquire the licenses (such as F1, which is currently owned by Codemasters).
I went for this option-Whatever PD does, I don't want them to sacrifice any classic Gran Turismo fictional courses!,because as some people have already said there can be DLC and i would rather have the disc like normal GT and then download the extra tracks or cars needed.
How about looking at this from a different angle,GT5 released with the implied 96 tracks,with the option to DL WRC,NASCAR and whatever else PD might have up there sleeve as a car and track pack contaung all the countries and tracks??