That looks wild.How do they manage to turn that thing if the wheels are that far behind......
With the steering wheel. Just because the cab has crazy overhang it makes no difference to its steering capabilities. Needs a classic Benz on the bed though.
Oh yes, there's some quite ridiculous vans.[/IMG]
lolthere sure are...
Piaggio ape (pronounced ah-pay "bee" in italian)
nissan s-cargo
the electric mega multitruck
or everyone's favourite, the midget...
in reality though, they're fantastic for small businesses. I went to a market today, one of the vendors was a coffee shop selling out of the back of an ape, professional coffee machine in the back! Another was selling snack foods from the back of a multitruck. Great for standing out from all the usual stalls.
the zeder z250
wanting to beat cunningham at his own game, chrysler racer fred zeder had built this 260hp dodge v8, body by bertone, these were sold with two bodies, one for the road and one for the track, four bolts took the body off to swap for the other
Well some of those little vans are really ugly, but I suppose if they serve there purpose well and you COULDN'T CARE LESS about appearance...then there the car for you lol!
just stumbled across this on wiki, only difference from the M100 was the engine... interesting
Yes your right, I might of been a bit 'abrasive' with my previous comment.I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I happen to like the looks of all those little vans I posted (though I wouldn't call them beautiful, more "interesting" - but then I'm a fan of weird kei-cars and the like anyway) but for small businesses they make a lot of sense. In the UK, who would bat an eyelid if a Transit went past? Nobody, because there are hundreds of thousands of the things. A tiny, curious little van attracts attention (and is cheap to run). I'm seeing more and more of the little things about town centres and I think it's great...
Erm... it doesn't really look much different. Fair enough though, I didn't know it existed until now!