Your question to Kazunori Yamauchi or Gilles Vidal

  • Thread starter Zlork

Sorry for French.

You can ask about GT6, Pikes Peak, VGTs, FIA, etc. Perhaps GT7....

I will select the best questions and I'll keep you posted. You have until tomorrow - French time, GMT - :)

Do you like playing GT6 with broken physics? If not, then ask him this:

Will you fix incorrect acceleration / top speed physics?

Read here:
Wait, he can't ask 100 questions to Kaz.

Please, be realistic. Thank you.
I wonder why this whit Gilles Vidal.
oh: Is there a chance to see some new peugeot car on GT6 aside the VGT?
(for Gilles)
When did you star working on the Peugeot VGT?
What were its main influence?
Is it possible to see a further extremization of the model , as a racing car?
Is any of the concept technologies made for the VGT going to be developed further for an actual road use?
Will we see new race cars in future GT6 updates? Super GT? DTM? V8 supercars? some new GT3 or GTLM cars?

Any chance of a few real life tracks in futur GT6 update?

Can we expect these kind of things for GT7?

About the Peugeot VGT, does this mean that Peugeot are looking into making supercars in the futur or was it just for fun? because that would be pretty awesome to have a Peugeot supercar.
:confused:Why do so many Vision Gran Turismo cars either not have interiors, or if they do, have them blacked out so we can't see them?:confused: That is the question that I would love to hear an answer to!:)
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Please note that the list is not final:

If there are corrections or changes, please let me know

Kazunori Yamauchi:


Among features promised in Gran Turismo 6, via update, only one hasn't been released: course maker.
What is its status? Can we expect to see course maker, this summer or later in the year?


There are a few months, thanks to your partnership, you announced a FIA Championship for Gran Turismo players in 2015. When it will be launched on Gran Turismo 6 ? Can you tell us more, especially sort of cars and tracks will be used ?

Pikes Peak:

PoDi became the main sponsor of PPIHC (Pikes Peak International Hill Climb) to be held in late June. Will you participate in this event ? If yes, what is your feeling ?

You have added a lot of news cars special Pikes Peak in Gran Turismo 6. Can we hope to have this circuit in Gran Turismo 6 via an update?


With your Vision Gran Turismo project, we can see how manufacturers can be creative when there is no limit. Are you satisfied with the results until now ? Will you continue this project for future installments ?

Gilles Vidal:

How did Peugeot develop it's partnership with PD and does Peugeot want to become more involved for the next installments of Gran Turismo?

What cars does Monsieur Vidal want to see in Gran Turismo from Peugeot and why?
Dear Kaz,
Considering that Gran Turismo is your "baby", If you were to step down (say in 30 years I don't know), Would the series continue? Do you have a successor in mind to take over your role or would the franchise end? Would you make a final "ultimate" type Gran Turismo?
My question would be "Could you tell your fans why you were unable to respond to the dedicated Questions and Answers forum (on GTPlanet) that you said you would answer to?"

There would be little need to answer any other questions tomorrow if they were responded to in the first place, that forum covered just about everything, which had hundreds(?) of questions and many hours of input from possibly their most dedicated collection of customers.
This. So. Much.

Any question about development or future ideas is just going to be a chuckle and a stock marketing answer. This is a direct question that's a lot tougher to avoid with a straight face. Coming from GTPlanet, there really should be no other question.
Can you please consider the implementation of a detailed adjustable camera/FoV option that would allow us to move the camera closer or further away in all cameras such as the chase cam and interior cam?

I miss when the cars would feel significant.

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i'll try to translate some of your questions so you guys can post it .

I would also love to hear about the status of the course maker.
question already posted.

Can you please consider the implementation of a detailed adjustable camera/FoV option that would allow us to move the camera closer or further away in all cameras such as the chase cam and interior cam?

I miss when the cars would feel significant.


Translation : pouvez vous considérer l’implémentation de l'ajustement de caméra détailler qui nous permettrait d'éloigner ou rapprocher la vue intérieur ou extérieur .
Here are my following questions regarding to GT, FIA and VGT.

1- When can we expect to have Porsches on GT7?

2- When is the most waited course maker coming?

3- When can we expect have more cars and more tracks on GT6 & 7?

4- Will GT ever get the Livery editor? When can we expect to get Base Cars for every Single Race Car?

5- Why are Ferrari F10's, Jensen Interceptor, Ginetta G4 and FPV's excluded from GT6 car list?

6- When is FIA Championship coming to GT? If it is coming, what sort of cars and tracks will be used?

7- Will we ever get the Rally stage Online Option on GT?

8- Regarding the duplicates, will we ever get an trim option for the duplicates?

9- When can we expect to hold more than 16 drivers in just one lobby (24-48 drivers on the track maybe)?

10- When can we expect more customization?

11- Regarding the GT Academy, will we ever get the GT Academy cars? The 370Z, Leaf and GT-R GT Academy versions are hidden and we cannot drive them without hacking.

12- When can we expect the engine swaps? The people who want to do the drift would like to swap the engine of the car. (Example- A V8 engine on a Toyota MR-2)

13- When can we expect the Racing Modify's return? It would be interesting to convert a road car to a Race Car.

14- Regarding the Vision GT, the cars that you delivered to us, are good, so far. But we have an question regarding the Alfa Romeo. From update 1.09, Alfa Romeo has been removed from the VGT Project. Why has Alfa Romeo been removed from VGT Project?

15- Are you satisfied with VGT Project so far? Will you continue this project for the future?

16- Gilles, what cars from Peugeot do you want to see on GT? And then why.

17- For Pikes Peak question, when can we expect more Pikes Peak cars? Despite of having the Suzuki SX4, Tajima E-Runner, the Escudo Pikes Peak and the Audi Quattro S1 Pikes Peak, I would like to see more Pikes Peak cars such as Suzuki Cultus Pikes Peak and the Toyota Tacoma Pikes Peak.

18- Another question for Gilles: How and when did the partnership between Peugeot and PD has started?

19- Kaz, this question is for you: If we can't get Porsches on GT7, then can we expect to have more RUF's on GT7?

20- Why the customizable numbers, the customizable bumpers are available for premium cars only? I think that we should have customizable numbers and the customizable bumpers for every single car, not just for premium cars.

21- One question regarding the GT5: When are you bringing back the Museum Cards and the Horns to GT?

22- The final question: Regarding the Tourist Trophy, how is the Tourist Trophy 2's progress? Will we ever have an race between bikes and cars together? Is because when I saw the images of cars and bikes racing together, I thinked that if we could get a game which the bikes and cars could race together on a track.

These are my questions. If the question is considered inappropriate, please let me know and I will delete as soon as possible.


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Some questions I'll probably ask Kaz about GT6:
1. When will you update the arcade mode (put all cars, an ability to select tire, fuel wear, number of AI racers and penalties, an ability to customize arcade mode-only cars, a quick-tuning feature for arcade cars and B-Spec in arcade mode)?
2. In what fashion would the course maker work and can we upload custom tracks like in Modnation Racers?
3. Every time we get new VGT's, people complain that we're getting lesser and lesser real-life cars. What real-life cars do you plan to release as paid or free DLC?
4. It is now June and we still don't have the FIA Online Championship. When will it get launched?
5. Will we ever get updated, yet old features (such as machine tests and an offline museum mode)?

That is all.
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That's cool (thanks OP :cheers:) but they will probably dodge the important questions and give the usual PR.

Course Maker ? Almost ready

GT7 ? Will be awesome, don't worry.

When will it release ? 2016 but can't tell more than that

etc etc

I'll be surprised if this leads to something substantial.

Anyway if we would live on other world where you can ask direct questions without sugarcoating I would ask this:

Will GT7 have better physics than Assetto Corsa and better AI/Racing than PCars ? Did you played those games ?
To Kaz. As vi know RR drivetrain cars is the most fun and challenging to drive on the limit, and difficult to tune the setup for best lap times. (hint, Alpine a310 fully tuned on Tsukuba or BTR86 on a longer superlap TT, to sort out the men from the boys).

Since gt6/7 don't have Porsche License and we have fiew RR driven cars in the game. Please implement this beautiful classic in GT7. The Alpine A310 V6 Pack GT is offered starting in 1983 widened version of the A310 V6 that has been offered in France A310 GT Pack and in Germany as A310 s. This model was built only from 1983 to 1985. The A310 GT Pack received in addition to the wide body and the significantly more flared fenders, and revised rear spoiler.
5463 wide body models was builded (1983 - 1985)

Have a look at this beutiful car.

Teater mode
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As much as I doubt they'll answer them truthfully and as precise to the point as possible, I've got one regarding the FIA Online Championship;

"When the FIA Online Championship is released on GT6, what sort of cars and tracks will be used, and when can we, realistically, see it release?"


"What ever happened to the KW Suspension '7-Post' system that was rumoured to be included into GT6?"

This x10. This was the feature I was most interested in and so far nothing. I realize PD themselves didn't directly say it was going to be in the game, but we were all led to believe by KW that it was. PD should have never allowed that tease to happen if they weren't prepared to add it to the game. This is false advertising to say the least. If you go back and read the article, you will see what I'm talking about. This was a big selling point for me and other than that article, nothing more has been said about it. This is probably one of the things I'm most pissed about. As a car tuner, this could have been an invaluable tool for all of us to use that like the tuning side of things. Then again though, PD can't even get the RH programing right, along with other things, so if this tool did go according to real world tuning, it would just be useless anyway until PD gets the tuning physics right. I still would like an answer regarding it anyway. Probably too late for 6, but will it be included in 7?
Here's My 3 Questions, you may pick out the 3:

Dear Mr Yamauchi & Mr Vidal,

  1. One of the most exciting things I as a driver like to feel is the power delivery of a car. The feel of a turbo surging into full boost, the VVTI engaging and changing the behaviour of an engine all brings a smile to my face when I drive in real life. So in the spirit of bridging the virtual divide, is there any chance that we'll see an difference in the way power of a car is delivered in Gran Turismo's future? Such as boost pressures, surges of speed and the latter translating into the game?
  2. Many drivers enjoy the look and shine of a clean and well polished car. What we love more is taking that clean car out for a spirited drive and getting the car as dirty as can be. The cars in Gran Turismo are beautifully modelled and show off the hard work both designers and modellers have put in, the Peugeot Vision GT a curration of such. However, is it possible in Gran Turismo in the near future that we could cars get dirty and paint even degrade after some time where that can only be fixed by taking a trip to GT Auto for a wash and/or polish? Do vehicle manufacturers allow this?
  3. Vehicle tuning and modifying is a hobby & past time that many people partake in. It could be said that modifying and tuning is a way of extending one's personality into the vehicle. Will we see any differences in Vehicle tuning and modifying in Gran Turismo's future? I'm pretty sure Peugeot has some in-house modification items for their cars.
If they aren't prepared to answer any challenging questions, particularly about the company's motives, then they shouldn't be holding any form of Q&A session and remain silent as they pretty much have done anyway.

Except crap like "When will you realize your vision is 🤬" doesn't count as a "Challenging" question. its just unnecessary aggression.

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