Your question to Kazunori Yamauchi or Gilles Vidal

  • Thread starter Zlork
Saw this on NeoGAF: Link
Yamauchi has guaranteed that the seventh chapter will solve many problems related to the physical impacts and simulation of damage, two aspects that have always been taken seriously by fans of this saga. It also confirms a greater number of premium cars in Gran Turismo 7, although - for the moment - Yamauchi-san has preferred not to say too much about figures.

Finally, when asked about the alleged arrival of Gran Turismo 7 in 2017, as initially feared by some sources, it came a blunt denial: "People will never wait so much." Yamauchi then added: "We are talking about Gran Turismo, you won't have to wait that long."
Tourist Trophy 2
"I am aware of the fact that the game is expected by many," he said to Spaziogames "so I can not deny a Tourist Trophy 2"
Saw this on NeoGAF:

"People will never wait so much... We are talking about Gran Turismo, you won't have to wait that long."

There's also this rebelgamer interview:

But they didn't ask anything relevant.

Plus Kaz driving the peugeot around Spa:

Kaz be like, "Why is this thing understeering so badly on corner entry and why do I have to turn the wheel 90 degrees to make it through Eau Rouge? 0.60 rear toe? Whose bright idea was that!?":sly:
He's understeering all over the place but starting around 2:20 he understeers right off at Campus (14) and then makes it through 15 but understeers straight off on 16 (as in through the gravel trap and into the wall:lol:) while turning the wheel almost 90 degrees, and then understeers right off in 18 again in spite of lifting. Comical really.
Nothing too surprising from the answers front, I'm more surprised that he actually spent that amount of words adressing those concerns.
My question is why aren't all the cars premium yet? How come Forza and Pcars can have all of their cars detailed? Maybe not all of them have to have interiors as it might be difficult or impossible to get it, but just make them this gen graphics. GT6 is a PS3 game and should have PS3 graphics.

I also don't think that it would be so hard to make all the cars premium. I know there is a lot of cars but start of by deleting duplicated cars like all the Miatas that are literally the same. Get a few small teams of maybe 2 or 3 people to work on a new car every 2 weeks or however long it would take to give the car a detailed model. Every time there is an update, all the cars that have been made premium will be added to the game and with time all of the cars in the game would be premium. Then after that start working on cars such as the Ford GT 06 or any car that only joined GT in the last game because these cars are lower quality than cars that were added to the 6th game.

I think it is ridiculous that Kaz said most cars are still going to be standard in GT7. This is just embarrassing...
"People will never wait so much." Yamauchi then added: "We are talking about Gran Turismo, you won't have to wait that long."
Yeah, okay Kaz. *Chuckles* I believe you.

"I am aware of the fact that the game is expected by many," he said to Spaziogames "so I can not deny a Tourist Trophy 2"
Yeah keep telling yourself that when a sleep too why don't ya Kaz?
He's understeering all over the place but starting around 2:20 he understeers right off at Campus (14) and then makes it through 15 but understeers straight off on 16 (as in through the gravel trap and into the wall:lol:) while turning the wheel almost 90 degrees, and then understeers right off in 18 again in spite of lifting. Comical really.
I thought it was a very promising sign, maybe used to GT7 now. PD are probably the only big unknown in car racing game genre regarding what they will achieve in the next game so exciting times ahead I think.
My question is why aren't all the cars premium yet? How come Forza and Pcars can have all of their cars detailed? Maybe not all of them have to have interiors as it might be difficult or impossible to get it, but just make them this gen graphics. GT6 is a PS3 game and should have PS3 graphics.

I also don't think that it would be so hard to make all the cars premium. I know there is a lot of cars but start of by deleting duplicated cars like all the Miatas that are literally the same. Get a few small teams of maybe 2 or 3 people to work on a new car every 2 weeks or however long it would take to give the car a detailed model. Every time there is an update, all the cars that have been made premium will be added to the game and with time all of the cars in the game would be premium. Then after that start working on cars such as the Ford GT 06 or any car that only joined GT in the last game because these cars are lower quality than cars that were added to the 6th game.

I think it is ridiculous that Kaz said most cars are still going to be standard in GT7. This is just embarrassing...
All cars are not premium yet because creating entirely new models for over 600 cars that go all the way back to GT4 (And are also directly from GT4 in an overwhelming majority) takes an insane amount of time. The only way the game would "Have all of the cars detailed like Forza and PCars" would be if they dropped all of those machines and left the 450+ premium cars plus the hundred or so new machines joining GT7. This is most likely what will happen I believe as Kaz never confirmed standard cars returning, unless PD was also hard at work trying to get standards up to CTR Yellowbird or R390 GT1 level. Even then I think they wouldn't get them all done.
My question is why aren't all the cars premium yet? How come Forza and Pcars can have all of their cars detailed? Maybe not all of them have to have interiors as it might be difficult or impossible to get it, but just make them this gen graphics. GT6 is a PS3 game and should have PS3 graphics.

I also don't think that it would be so hard to make all the cars premium. I know there is a lot of cars but start of by deleting duplicated cars like all the Miatas that are literally the same. Get a few small teams of maybe 2 or 3 people to work on a new car every 2 weeks or however long it would take to give the car a detailed model. Every time there is an update, all the cars that have been made premium will be added to the game and with time all of the cars in the game would be premium. Then after that start working on cars such as the Ford GT 06 or any car that only joined GT in the last game because these cars are lower quality than cars that were added to the 6th game.

I think it is ridiculous that Kaz said most cars are still going to be standard in GT7. This is just embarrassing...
PCars is a pretty young game serie, it would've been pure lazyness if they didn't have detailed interiors for all of their cars. Detailed interiors is a MUST nowadays, so GT might want to do something about these standards because they're clearly outdated.

I don't think it's that easy but I don't know anything about the process so might be wrong, but I think that trying to add them in every update would only make it hard to have them all premium for GT7 if you're focusing on adding them to GT6 when you could be detailing them all, or doing so would delay GT7.

I only saw that there'll be standards in GT7 (which is a shame) but if what he says in this interview is true then there'll be more premiums. Besides most cars are already standards in GT6 so it's pretty ridiculous for an old gen game that should have had 100% premium cars. The community doesn't seem to mind having poorly detailed cars from what I can see on different threads (they even ask to bring more of them), maybe that's why they probably don't bother detailing them or just rush detailing them.

I believe as Kaz never confirmed standard cars returning.
I think it was comfirmed that there'll be standards in GT7, unless the plan has changed, there'll be standards.
Last I heard he never said they were confirmed, more like he wasn't sure if to drop them based on how he'll be eliminating a great deal of cars with their own followings. And that his focus right now was increasing the count of premium cars. At this point in GT7 there'll be enough premium cars to outweigh the need of that standard car void in the list.

This was a year ago.
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Can anyone translate this since it's specifically about E3?

La dichiarazione di Yamauchi lascia intendere un probabile arrivo del gioco entro la fine del 2016, probabilmente nel periodo autunnale. Al momento, però, lo sviluppatore giapponese non si è sbilanciato sulla sua presenza alla conferenza Sony dell'E3 2015, non rilasciando dichiarazioni a riguardo. Di certo sappiamo che alla conferenza non sarà presente il suo storico traduttore, Takayuki "Translator-san" Nushida, lasciandoci intendere che - con ogni probabilità - non ci saranno annunci da parte di Yamauchi nel corso della conferenza di Los Angeles. Ciononostante, in queste ultime settimane Yamauchi ha attraversato tre diversi continenti per incontrare alcuni produttori di case automobilistiche, lasciandoci intendere che non manchi molto all'atteso reveal di Gran Turismo 7.
Thanks to Google Translate:

The declaration of Yamauchi suggests a likely arrival of the game by the end of 2016, probably in the autumn . At present, however , the Japanese developer has not unbalanced on his presence at the Sony conference at E3 2015, not issuing statements about it . Certainly we know that the conference will not be attending his historic translator , Takayuki " Translator -san " Nushida , allowing us to understand that - probably - there will be announcements by Yamauchi at the conference in Los Angeles . Nevertheless , in recent weeks Yamauchi has gone through three different continents to meet with some producers of automobile manufacturers, allowing us to understand that it lacks much of the expected reveal Gran Turismo 7 .
I think there was a news about GT7 a while back maybe last year or something where he said that standards would be back in GT7, I hope I'm wrong though.