Your Thoughts to Mics in Lobbies?

  • Thread starter Scaniabebe
United Kingdom
Cleethorpes, UK
Just thought I'd ask this question to you all. What do you think about having Mics in a Lobby? Is it a distraction, do you always mute them? Do you like them?

Leave your thoughts below...

Personally, I hate them. Just 10 minutes ago, I was coming towards the end of the lap at the Nurburgring. This Mic came on so loud, that I lost the braking point and had to take the corner wide. Because of that, the person whose mic had turned on, won the race, with myself coming 5th...
I do like mics in a lobby but not always. I like them when the other people on the mics are mature and clean, I hate when the other person is an ass and dirty, they are very distracting and annoying.

So, it really depends on who's on the other end!
I personally can't stand them. Period.
As soon as someone comes on with a mic, I instantaneously mute them.

I barely ever race anyway, so the story in the OP is something that I don't tend to have happen to me. Free-run lobbies in TG, with 16 people does tend to attract a lot of microphone-abusers though. :)
I mute all mic's asap when I enter a room. I have encountered too many players who deem a monster bong hit or the CRACK sound generated by a can of beer opening, worthy of amplification. I have no problem with players "enriching" their gaming experience, but the ramblings of a drunk/stoned person that accompany such audible artifacts are usually not preserved for posterity.

The best thing I have ever heard online through someone's mic? The Trillion Dollar Bill episode of the Simpson's, in it's entirety.
I do like mics in a lobby but not always. I like them when the other people on the mics are mature and clean, I hate when the other person is an ass and dirty, they are very distracting and annoying.

So, it really depends on who's on the other end!

This, along with (Danish) 9 year-olds shouting.
As long as some kid isin't blasting his music or being annoying, I'll keep it on.
Helpful when you're racing with good people that will tell you if they are inside you, makes for a cleaner race.
I race with a large club. We only race out of Private lounges. We use mics when we race casually but for official events mics are muted during qualification and the race.

As well all know each other, there there are no annoying people, if we get new guys who behave on mic strangely or talk waaay to much (me lol) then they politely get told to consider other members etc.

In public lounges when I do visit them (very rarely) mics can be annoying as you never know who you are going to have to listen to while you try to race.
I hate them and keep them disabled in the rooms I run.
Girlfriends, spouses, kid and babies screaming…
Bongs gurgling and rap music blaring…
Just all very annoying.
When i join, i turn my chat volume on my headset down VERY low, mute my mic, and turn the game volume up to hear the car. Headsets are SO helpful when it comes to online lol
My friends & I only use mics in our private lounges for some fun races & comments. I dislike them in open rooms because a lot of casual online racers don't use them properly. Swearing & not speaking a common language annoy me a lot.:irked:
I remember a random race I wasn't sure if it was clean or not.
I hop in the race to realise these guys had serrious beef against good canadian drivers.
Ended up into a canada vs usa war, glad I could understand (hear) what was going on, I left rather shortly after. It was fun when they saw "Hola" in the text box and they all started to speak like gringos, then we saw the Argantinian flag next to his name. Two of them said "OMG hes Jew" :lol: :lol: that was funny since it is sometimes hard to tell between the two flags in game.

But if you are eating potato chips.
Talking to the phone.
Telling me about ordering pizza.
You're muted
If some1 is bothering me (crappy sounds, stupid comments, etc.) I mute them.
Also my rooms are almost always set to "no mics" so people can use their custom music.
I always join Lobbies with the microphone function disabled. ;)
I joined one before, and I heard somebody saying Korean, then I immediately quitted :lol:
(Not racism :P)
I always mute them when I go into rooms because some people can be really annoying and usually people cough into them and then there is background noises and music and all that jazz.
My welcome text that comes when I join says

You're already muted.
I enjoy having the ability to communicate with fellow racers.

That being said there have been many occasions I felt the need to mute individuals who were not courteous and had waaaaay too much background noise.

I run with the same group of people normally and we respect the need to be quiet while racing and talk during the free runs between races.
A couple of my funnier experiences with mics were:

• A drunk guy who was just literally mumbling for hours :D He was left unmuted just for a laugh. :P

• An Australian guy, who (after having his accent mocked for a-while) then proceeded to mock everyone elses; and also spent a while doing the following: "look I'm driving normal around a corner in an Australian car, wow, it's so 🤬 difficult, yeah..." :lol:

Happy days...
I normally mute, too much of a distraction - babies crying, dogs barking - jeez why do people have kids or dogs?, but some of the stuff you hear conversations/arguements can be funny between races.
I don't really play public rooms - do everything in my lounge with people I know and with Skype for talking - the quality in a skype call much above the mics in lobby and with added advantage that I can record the audio and sling it over a video on to the YouTube if anything particularly hilarious happens :)