Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
Cool. Please send me a friend request.

And I'm changing the flag on the thread as I think we have a fair number of drivers, now. In fact, if everyone turns up I'll be in trouble!
Oh where to begin, i couldn't get a good rythem going tonight and a few folk running cars wide made me enjoy this combo even less, i had one lapse in concentration when i hit sparkz and waited until he was pointing straight and under way. Seems like some think you can win in the first couple of laps, i'll be the first to hold my hands up if i put someone off, something some of the driver's don't seem to bother about. And judging by the way some run in this you should maybe reconsider renaming it zeros touring car cup, to much bumping to get passed.
Cjr, am I remembering right? Was that you who said you were using a wifi connection and were going to switch? Have you done so? I'm not putting you on the spot but it seems you're usually involved when it comes to ghosts... :boggled: If I'm remembering wrong, forget about it....

Still have to make the switch. Promise I'll get wired by next week. đź‘Ť :)
Getting a hard wire to the internet from the PS3 has definitely seemed to help a lot of people particularly with the "invisible car" problem, in the past.
It does seem that people with the invisible car problem are almost exclusively using wireless.
While the wireless connection might not cause a problem a lot of times, I think it's when you get 2 people with tenuous wireless connections in the same room that have a problem with the invisibility issue.
I think in light of that, it's worth it to get a lengthy cat6 cable if necessary just to hook up for the duration of racing... depending on what your household situation is like.
Weescotman, you're being a bit vague...
note: what follows is addressed to everyone, not (just) you. Don't take it personally.

I'd like to remind people that I'm NOT going to watch 3 races as many times as there are drivers, it's physically impossible for me, so if you have a problem with another driver (including me!), please tell me which race, who and when. As soon as possible.

And if someone is being too hot headed, don't let it get to you in any form (retaliation, rage quit, dirty driving, etc... blaming the race host... :crazy:).

Everyone should be able to enjoy themselves and remember that no one is perfect so there will be contacts. It's how you deal with it that's important. For example, yes, I ruined Ade's race. But I waited for him and when I was about to overtake John, it took me 2 and a half laps to get past him. I learned...

Again, and it's something I should have done better myself last night, one word I want to insist on is PATIENCE.
The reverse grid is not here to create accidents from quick drivers overtaking slow drivers, it's to encourage close racing. If you're starting at the back, it's not a punishment, it's a challenge!
Firstly I don't have a problem with any one driver, just the standard of driving is being brought into question. Secondly if your running a league then maybe watch the replays, all of them. I didn't rage quit I just didn't enjoy the car or your track choices, that's why I quit. And if I had a problem with you or anyone else you'd know about it because I'd say. I play because I can enjoy close clean racing with the folk about me not play bloody dodgems or anything like that, I wasn't sure about joining this to begin with and now my mind is fully made up, I won't be back to race end of, if it's not getting bounced about its some idiot trying to tell me what connection I have to the net, might have been the room settings or the others that run a wireless connection, I've run a wired connection from gt5.
Getting a hard wire to the internet from the PS3 has definitely seemed to help a lot of people particularly with the "invisible car" problem, in the past.
It does seem that people with the invisible car problem are almost exclusively using wireless.
While the wireless connection might not cause a problem a lot of times, I think it's when you get 2 people with tenuous wireless connections in the same room that have a problem with the invisibility issue.
I think in light of that, it's worth it to get a lengthy cat6 cable if necessary just to hook up for the duration of racing... depending on what your household situation is like.
have a 25metre one... just in case LOL

If you're not pleased with a series, any series, then by all means bow out. This is supposed to be a game, and supposed to be fun - and if someone isn't having fun, there is no reason for someone to continue, of course.
But one would've hoped you could've done so politely and with a tad of tact. :eek:
Rather than to disgracefully insult us all as a whole group :eek:, just because you were displeased generally for whatever reason. :rolleyes:
đź‘Ž :( :ill: đź‘Ž

It's absolutely impossible for a host to watch every minute of every participants race in every race :boggled:, in the replays. :crazy: :boggled: :ill:
@WarriusZero is not getting PAID to do this!! He's trying to enjoy himself, like the rest of us. đź’ˇ

If nobody reports incidents to the race director (and/or stewards if applicable), in a series... then they cannot legitimately complain if penalties are not given or drivers not reprimanded for rule infractions.

Now, @weescotman - if you're mad at me, personally, for whatever reason, because of my suggestion that someone's connection might be improved somehow - or whatever :odd: :odd: :odd: ... I think you should man up, and just straight up say you have a problem with ME.
Because that's certainly what it sounds like. :odd:
:crazy: đź‘Ž Calling someone an idiot is NOT nice. đź‘Ž đź‘Ž

I will not be participating in this series after next week, because of my schedule changing for the foreseeable months.
So if someone is throwing a tantrum & making enemies of an entire league based on not wanting to race with me personally, that would be very stupid. :rolleyes:
For the connection issues and comments I think he was thinking about me. I confused him with someone else a few pages ago...

That said, the time I have for GT6 is limited so I'll carry on running my series the same way, as described in the rules you once accepted.

So guys, if you like the Zero Cup, stay around, if you don't, move along. I'm not here to argue and fight... :grumpy:
Warrius one quick question are you ever going to consider race cars I'm talking gt300/gt500/DTM etc because so far we have been only using road cars throughout the series, so just wondering you ever going to consider race cars?
Again I will say this just so you all know, I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ANY ONE DRIVER! got that? Good, now you can put away all your smiley faces with different colours, clearly keeps you amused. Yes I wasn't enjoying the race and that's why I quit, and yes i did use the word idiot as it was the polite way of saying it, everyone is entitled to their opinion and that was mine. I don't need to keep explaining myself to you or anyone else.
Again I will say this just so you all know, I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ANY ONE DRIVER! got that? Good, now you can put away all your smiley faces with different colours, clearly keeps you amused. Yes I wasn't enjoying the race and that's why I quit, and yes i did use the word idiot as it was the polite way of saying it, everyone is entitled to their opinion and that was mine. I don't need to keep explaining myself to you or anyone else.

Then stop coming back to insult people more. :rolleyes:
Why are you obsessed with this??? If you dont' need to explain yourself, why come back again & again & again to do so & make things worse?
And since when is "idiot" a polite term?
Your manners do not recommend your opinions at all.
I'm surprised you can find anyone to race with you being so unpleasant!
Seriously nobody likes when people shout at them for being an idiot. There certainly are kinder ways to comment on people's driving then calling them an idiot and if you don't like the driving then you can just leave. There is no reason to insult people because negative comments don't make things any better they only make things worse. If you want to comment on the way someone drives make it constructive criticism not shouts and insults. People do not learn when they are attacked but when comments or positive or at least not flat out insults they may actually be able to learn from others and alsoearn from their own mistakes. Now good day sir!
GTPLANET is a website for GT players to communicate, race etc. This is a racing league which Warrius made for people to join and have fun, I'm sure warrius does not need this unnecessary arguments, if you want to argue weescotman do it else were not in here cause Warrius did not create this league for this.
Thanks everyone for at least being passionate about the Zero Cup, whichever way.
At least I'm getting some form of attention, it's better than nothing.

Please, now, let this thread cool down for a couple of days (if you have any question specifically about the series itself, ask me privately).

Thank you.
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This racing is based around gmt so I would probably say yes

Il keep my eye on the thread and have put it in favourites daddyo, i guess id be a reserve driver looking at page 1 and im totally ok with that, not sure how that works though.
I'm unsure how many people are going to turn up for the next few events.
In theory, it should be fine.
As for the 2 drivers lists, it's easy to be in the regular drivers list, just turn up more often than the others...

However, I have to ask you a few questions:
- Have you read all the information that there is to read about the Zero Cup? (and I mean ALL of it)
- What do you think of the Gentleman's Yellow Flag?
- What type of racing (and for how long) were you doing on Forza?
- Have you read any of the previous pages on this thread to give you a flavour of the series?

We are keen on clean and fair racing, that's more important than who gets to drive and how often (since that's usually not a problem). So I just want to make sure you have the same spirit about it.

EDIT: added "and fair"
I'm unsure how many people are going to turn up for the next few events.
In theory, it should be fine.
As for the 2 drivers lists, it's easy to be in the regular drivers list, just turn up more often than the others...

However, I have to ask you a few questions:
- Have you read all the information that there is to read about the Zero Cup? (and I mean ALL of it)
- What do you think of the Gentleman's Yellow Flag?
- What type of racing (and for how long) were you doing on Forza?
- Have you read any of the previous pages on this thread to give you a flavour of the series?

We are keen on clean and fair racing, that's more important than who gets to drive and how often (since that's usually not a problem). So I just want to make sure you have the same spirit about it.

EDIT: added "and fair"

Il be online monday night and if theres no room thats fine...Monday night is a dead night for me anyway, so if the lobbie is full il just carry on with seasonal events or finishing the actual game.

Have you read all the information that there is to read about the Zero Cup? (and I mean ALL of it) ive read it once briefly, il check it over again a few more times til it sinks in fully.

the gentlemens yellow flag....seems like a very good idea, i dont think it will effect me to use it as i cant see me leading, if i was leading it would only be briefly(im mid division at best), in forza when i was playing there was always a gap at some point of over a lap from first to last, the yellow flag would of been ideal when we was racing in forza. If the leader doesnt want to use it then they shouldnt, if i was leading and thought the person in second had a chance of beating me i wouldnt use it, no matter what the gap between first and last.

What type of racing (and for how long) were you doing on Forza?

I was racing with UK players on a site called I was playing for 3 years and we would use different types of cars from the mini to the R1 race cars with races lasting about 1 hour once a week. Reason for leaving was because i couldnt justify paying for the xbox one and forza 5 (which as turned into a con of a game with no auction house and tracks missing) il be getting the PS4 by the end of the year instead or when the next gran turismo game is out.

Have you read any of the previous pages on this thread to give you a flavour of the series?

Ive read the first few pages and the last few pages, il check the whole lot of the posts shortly, i think i understand whats going on, clean racing is something that is needed, we had clean racing in our forza series but sometimes accidents do happen.
Thank YOU @WarriusZero for taking the trouble to try & organize good racing for us to enjoy!

90% sure I will race on Monday. đź‘Ť
99% sure I won't be racing again on Mondays for at least a few months. đź‘Ž
(Unless it's a national holiday & I don't have plans)
(But that means there's guaranteed room for someone else at least!)

the gentlemens yellow flag....seems like a very good idea, i dont think it will effect me to use it as i cant see me leading, if i was leading it would only be briefly

that was exactly what I thought when I read about that. :lol:

President's Day is Feb 17th - I might race that day. :)
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I probably spend a 10th of the time you spend running your series! :D