ZR-1 RM tune to win Gold at All-star

  • Thread starter Sail IC
This tune is really great! So far I have 1,2,3 finishes in the first three races (respectively) and I'm currently in 1st place/ 3rd lap on circuit with the loop. I just paused it to smoke a cigarette because I was way too tense!! :nervous: :scared:

My problem with these race cars isn't spinning out of a corner, but my racing style; I tend to ride the curbs when exiting or entering a corner, but as soon as I do that, I spin out into the grass!!

This event definitely should have been in the extreme series, very challenging.

Update: I did it! I got that gold piston! Finally, thank you for this awesome tune!
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Holy jumping crimony at the state fair! This car is a beast now! That tune was just what I needed to beat LTW. Thank you very much for taking the time to figure it out and post it!

Cheers! :cheers:
And now I have gone back and gotten all golds in the GT allstars. That Minolta is a great machine! After the stage 3 turbo, it had over 1000 horses pulling her along.
Holy jumping crimony at the state fair! This car is a beast now! That tune was just what I needed to beat LTW. Thank you very much for taking the time to figure it out and post it!

Cheers! :cheers:

you have made it in Like The Wind? :eek:
with this car? I tried it after the tune and all that, and anything. They are soo fast...
I appreciate the tune

but for me it seems like its emphasizing the negatives of the ZR1? It seems more uncontrollable than usual.

True statement.

The rear is tuned to be even more responsive than stock. If you can handle it, it will reduce your lap times. If not, try to reduce the negative Toe in the rear.
I'd also like to mention that with this tune, my ZR-1 RM got me a 43.9 at Indy in the American Car race. Finished 18.8 seconds ahead of the second place car.

/I've got blisters on me tires!

Proof that this tune works in B-Spec as well... Here are the results from "Gran Turismo World Championship" race, Bob took first place in every single event with ease.

Gran Turismo World Championship [B-Spec]
Total time / Gap between opponents

Circuit De Sarthe
16:31.661 / +11.559

Nurburgring Nordschleife
15:03.863 / +9.950

Circuito De Madrid
15:26.214 / +22.397

Cape Ring
***Forgot to record time info***

Grand Valley Speedway
16:36.768 / +10.396
Thanks for posting set up, I used your tune and its very good, zr1 rm feels better on and off power and a lot more planted exiting corners, I set a new personal lap record on trial moutain on my first flying lap too! 1.16.95
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This was a good tune. I had to win the last race to win the series because I slipped up in the Ring, but I got it done. At Trial Mountain, I ran laps of 1.20 with this tune without "jumping the grass", which was 7 seconds faster than my runed Zonda R.
This was a good tune. I had to win the last race to win the series because I slipped up in the Ring, but I got it done. At Trial Mountain, I ran laps of 1.20 with this tune without "jumping the grass", which was 7 seconds faster than my runed Zonda R.

No point jumping grass cos u only cheat yourself at the end of the day.
True statement.

The rear is tuned to be even more responsive than stock. If you can handle it, it will reduce your lap times. If not, try to reduce the negative Toe in the rear.

WOW, this setup is amazing. I could not beat the All-Stars championship, but with this setup I won every race on my first try. Thanks

Do you have any other car setups?
some seems to struggle to get gold at the all-star w/o a race car. There are also not to many tunes posted so i give it a go.

The zr-1 rm performance is very close to the real race cars. It enabled me to win gold at all races with a 2-5 second buffer, all aids off except abs at 1. Exception is the nordschleife where i do win gold with it, but its so easy to crash in one of the many corners.

Strong points with this car/tune
- easy to drive
- it accelerate great out of medium speed corners (best way to overtake race cars)
- when accelerating it holds its line and doesn't understeer out
- great breaking and it turns when breaking without losing the rear (abs at 1)
- high speed turns. You can overtake race cars on the outside

just to give a hint of the performance. I'm a decent driver but no demon. In the second race i spun in the first thunnel, got into 5th place 6 sec behind the leader. At the end of lap 2 i was back in the lead and won the race with 4 sec.. In the 4th race on the "bridge circle" its about 1 sec faster than race cars.

Fully upgraded the zr-1 rm gives 905hp att 1100kg weight. My tune

downforce: 35/53
transm.: 360 km/h (380 at nordschliefe)
initial torque: 10
acc sens: 20
brake sens: 10
ride h: 5/5 (35/35 at nordschleife)
spring: 16.6/14.4
damp ext 9/7
damp comp: 9/7
anti rb: 3/5
camber: 2/1.5
toe: 0/-0.30
brakes: 5/7

i play around with the rear breaks depending on track. Its good at 7 but if i want better turn in use 8, better stability a 6.

I also play around with rear springs. Its pretty balanced but if i want a bit more oversteer lowering the number seems to create overstear (opposite to what i expected)

its by no means a perfect tune but its good enought to win gold at all-star. If someone has an idea to further improve it would be great.


thank you
Most frustrating championship in the whole game. Hate the fact that you can't restart races. If you mess up once on the Ring you're finished, same with Cape Ring.
ive tried just about every car recommended for this event. and im bummed that it took me so long to find this tune :/ many thanks to Sail.
I did post about this in the tuning forum but I guess its better placed here. This setup is good and helped me win at Trial Mountain, Grand Valley and Nurburgring, 3rd at Cape Ring and 2nd at Tokyo. But a problem I had was the front tyres just didn't seem to want to heat up. The tears were red and smoking heavily by the end of most of the races and in general I felt because of this, the car wasn't turning like it should. Any ideas how to solve this? I was playing with a DS3 if that helps. :)
Fully upgraded the ZR-1 RM gives 905hp att 1100Kg weight. My tune

Downforce: 35/53
Transm.: 360 km/h (380 at Nordschliefe)
Initial torque: 10
Acc sens: 20
Brake sens: 10
Ride h: 5/5 (35/35 at Nordschleife)
Spring: 16.6/14.4
Damp ext 9/7
Damp comp: 9/7
Anti RB: 3/5
Camber: 2/1.5
Toe: 0/-0.30
Brakes: 5/7

Well, I had this tune sitting on my Vette from the 'Like the Wind' tests I did last night. I wanted to finally start the Expert - Gran Turismo All Starts event to get the Carbon Skyline. So I took this tune on my vette for a ride around the first course, which happened to be Trial Mountain and my best lap was 1:19.xx. Without any major mistakes, this put me just over 1 second ahead of the 787B for the win. Corner entry and exit were solid, but through the center the car did that weird wobble thing, where it looks like the car is literally twisting back and forth from left to right. I assume this was potentially from bottoming out, it possibly needs to be bumped up on the ride height for this track, due to all of the hills, bumps and elevation transitions through out the track. I should have put the top speed down, to take advantage of some more acceleration, but looking back this might have made it too hard to get traction on exit. I was already getting a little bit of tirespin if I got lazy on the gas pedal work, but the car quickly reminds you, that you can't just mash the gas and expect to go forward. I do enjoy that oversteer under acceleration, the vette is borderline, but leaning more towards out of control than comfort or confident. Through the center, another issue was, it didn't seem to want to roll through as easily as I would like. Again, I'm assuming this may have been to bottoming out issues, but I'm not positive. All in all a solid tune, and still #1 for Indy, so it'll always be in my set-up spreadsheet.

Next up is Grand Valley Speed Way: 1:42.875
A lap 2 race spin forced me into catch up mode for the remainder of the race, and then over pushing, put me into the grass in the turn 1 hairpin. At this track there are a lot more high speed entries into tight turns. So, for this track what I noticed was on hard braking, that oversteer is more pronounced, to the point where it forced me to be more cautious than I would have liked. I didn't have any issues in the center of the turns on this track, which means I was probably correct about ride height being the culprit on the prior track. Due to these higher speed, tighter corners, I was twice as likely to spin the tires on corner exit. I caught myself sideways on exit far too many times, and it eventually got out of my hands on the last 'S' curves of lap 2. From here I was trying to catch up, and the front 4 cars had separated themselves from the rest of the pack enough that I thought I was destined for 5th. But I managed to finish 3rd, right on the bumper of 2nd. On certain corners I felt a sense of a tight-loose condition. Through the center the car would push, causing me to put too much wheel into it, and then as I touched the gas, the car would snap loose. So, possibly more roll through the center, would have helped me get back to the gas sooner, without running into the wheelspin. Overall the car felt pretty good, but again, falling more onto the 'out of control' than the previous race. I like a 'free' feel, but I don't like having to babysit in paranoia of losing control. For this track, this tune is a touch too unstable, but still capable of the win, if you stay clean. Unlike me :P

The next 3 tracks I did horribly at and are worthless in regards of notes. :/
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I always set ride height with about 5 'points' to spare. usually -15 to -20 in the front and -15 at the rear at the lowest. Unless you're on super speedways the track is flat so no use in having a ride height that's any higher. and I always leave some softness in the suspension values to deal with curbs on other race tracks.
I always set ride height with about 5 'points' to spare. usually -15 to -20 in the front and -15 at the rear at the lowest. Unless you're on super speedways the track is flat so no use in having a ride height that's any higher. and I always leave some softness in the suspension values to deal with curbs on other race tracks.

If this is not in response to my post, then ignore the following...

But the Corvette ZR1 ride height can not be set lower than 0. Kind of odd, but that's the minimum in the options.
I get the spring rate, but shouldn't the damp ext be half the damp comp?

Spring: 16.6/14.4
Damp ext 9/7
Damp comp: 9/7 (shouldn't it be like 18/14.... if! possible, or at least stiffer... so the rebound if stiffer?)

Maybe that could cause the wobble thing that Adrenaline is talking about?
How can you have your downforce 35/53?

I cannpt change my front, it's already 0
And my back is max 20,

Oh and did you buy the race modifications, or just all the tunes from the tune shop,

Edit: misunderstanding, I got everything right now, thx for the help:)
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