The best part about Guitar Hero 1,2,3 was the disc based game could open you up to music you never would have ever heard. To me that was the best part about discovering music. I never would have gotten in to bands like Lamb of God, Bang Camaro, Iron Maiden, Dragon Force and many many others. I like Steely Dan now as well.
I agree with this, which is why whenever new DLC that I haven't heard before comes out I check out the gameplay videos on You Tube to see if they are either enjoyable songs or fun to play. I can honestly say that I would have never given Paramore a second's thought as anything other than a more pop version of Evanescence, but after playing Crush Crush Crush at a friend's house I realize their songs are very fun to play and have since looked forward to their inclusion in games. The game also introduced me to Jonathan Coulton. Previously I had heard some of his stuff on podcasts and whatnot but hadn't given him any serious attention. After Still Alive and Skullcrusher Mountain (bought purely for its charity PAX fundraiser association) though I have since gone to his site and downloaded all the music he offers for free.
On the other hand is Lacuna Coil. I had heard them used in as the intro music to a podcast novel and got that song as they offered it free in the Podsafe Music Network. When they came up as DLC I immediately bought the pack and have enjoyed them thoroughly. I was also happy to see they were included in Rock Band 2.
But I will say that to me the best stuff is still the classic rock. Boston, Rush, The Who, etc get much more play from me than anything else.
When a person gets sour over a track list they are missing the point of the game.
I'm not sour over a track list, I just prefer having one disc to play all my nearly 400 songs. I can also say that I would never have willing included Maps in the game. Similarly, most of the country music available as DLC is crappy music. Even my country loving wife has little interest in the songs available. I got some of the Toby Keith for her, but that was it.
EA has their annually games and no one complains. They are games regardless of type.

Do you really want me to go on my Madden tirade? I buy one sports title perhaps every three or four years because of EA Sports' meaningless annual add-ons. I am of the opinion that EA Sports' exclusive contract with the NFL has killed the NFL video game.
That said, this generation of consoles EA has been attempting to remedy its reputation by allowing Harmonix and MTV to control most of the Rock Band direction, putting out new IPs like Dead Space and Mirror's Edge, and allowing Criterion to fully lead its own direction with free DLC for Burnout. And I can't forget to mention giving the previously assumed dead Brutal Legend life to continue on with Tim Schafer's own plan. In that same time period Activision's CEO, Bobby Kotick, has openly stated that they are only interested in franchises which they can exploit (his words) with annual releases.
I fell victim to the "I've never heard of them" problem. Too many songs I don't trust I would like. If guitar is too easy I wouldn't bother with the unknown song.
So, what happened from GH 1, 2, and 3 to now? And as the games have become more band based having some songs that don't focus purely on guitar is a good thing. It is the only reason I even picked up Rock Band. If not for the drums I just wouldn't have bothered. I am still hoping to get In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida and Radar Love for their awesome drum solos. Good songs for singing also tend to bring the women in to it more when my friends get together.
Drums, Bass, and Vocals was a major addition last year.
I was only talking about World Tour on, as before then I considered them to be two different types of games.
They also added new game play elements. GH5 is adding many useful new features. The point you are making also applies to Rockband 1 and 2. GH is one year behind. At the core RB2 is RB1 with 80+ more songs.
Yes, it does apply to RB 1 and 2. There is a reason why I waited over 6 months to buy RB2.