Why Is Pizza Considered A Vegetable In US Schools?

  • Thread starter AMCNUT
On the subject of pizza how big are American large pizzas?

Are they really like you see in the movies?

Also made this while I wait for my HDD to back up since it is dieing.

Yup, same size basically
The health benefits of eating pizza are nullified by the health hazards of the ingredients that it consists of.
Congratulations though, USA. You have now given an excuse for people with unhealthy diets to further pull themselves into risk of danger. Give people who need help proper advice instead.

Oh and by the way, a toffee apple contains one portion of fruit, too. Let's all go and eat them and get healthy. Surely scientists will back up this too.
Ah yes. We were laughing about this at lunch. Apparently, they are trying to redefine healthy so that the disgusting lunches they serve will look good. Well, that's not really why they're doing it. Everyone loves pizza delivery day at our school (mainly because the food wasn't made in the school), so they have to consider it a vegetable in order to serve it. What do you expect, this is America.
This is the best news I heard in a long time. I'm already Pizza Hut's best customer in this city.

When all the folks complain that I should eat more fruit and veg I'll tell them that I eat it regularly.
In all honesty the best and easiest way to stay healthy is to drink half a glass of mixed fruit juice every morning.
I was talking with my cousin the other night and her daughter recently started attending school all day and had to bring a lunch. Her kid loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but she's not allowed to bring them in her lunch because 1 kid out of several hundred students is allergic.

My God, in what kind of dictatorship does she live?!
In all honesty the best and easiest way to stay healthy is to drink half a glass of mixed fruit juice every morning.

Are you serious? How is fruit juice healthy? You miss out on all the fibre and the great overall package that whole fruit provides and instead recieve a huge hit of sugar.
Granted that sugar is mostly natural fructose and not nasty sucrose, but excess sugar in any form isn't great.
Much better to drink a fruit smoothy or juice your own fruit and eat the pulp too.

Back on topic, pizza is a vegetable? You don't need to tell me twice!
It's still bollocks, people:

This rather strikes me as a stupid, fabricated headline designed to promote claims of institutional stupidity - the decision was not to (continue to) allow pizza to be classed as a vegetable, but to not increase the qualification for "one portion of fruits and vegetables" from two tablespoons of tomato paste to one half cup of tomato paste.
Pizza, a vegetable? I didn't believe the government could do something any more stupid until I saw this.

It's a downright dangerous precedent to set if you ask me. I would hate to see other foods being reclassified on this premise of having a minute amount of an ingredient, that allows it to become something that it is clearly not.
Be back later guys. I'm gonna go get some vegetables.
Mmm... I suppose the reason why a slice of pizza is considered to be a vegetable is because there are much more food containing too much fat (or fatty/saccharine ingredients) and calorie attributed to the cause of various health problems such as the obesity, hypertension and diabetes familiarized in the daily life of most of Americans who wish to have more "delicious and succulent" food rather than having meals served with attention to their self-concern toward the maintenance of their health condition...

For true vegetarians who regularly eat vegetables, a slice of pizza might be reckoned to be merely a refreshment that is generally eaten as a snack after each time of meals, for those who frequently eat greasy foods however, a piece of pizza is considered a healthier food with less calorie and oil noxious to their body.

Not pretty sure how the matter is taken up, as the eating habit in the U.S. is quite different from that of my country, where everyone is basically set to eat healthy food such as fish and seaweeds. :rolleyes:
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Packages of ketchup were considered a 'vegetable' back in the 80s when I was in school. No big surprise about the pizza thing...
Gentlemen: a presenta Vegetables.

At my school you can buy pizza any day of the week, it doesn't taste good at all and you can tilt the pizza and watch excessive amounts of fat or something drip off the cheese.
Mmm... I suppose the reason why a slice of pizza is considered to be a vegetable is because

... a news outlet made it up in order to turn a report about changing the quantity of tomato paste required to class as one serving of fruits or vegetables (from two tablespoons to one half cup) into something that would not be hideously boring.
Funnily enough, here at the cafeteria at FSU, pizzas are only one of two ways to get vegetables that don't taste terrible. It's so easy to make good food, but when you have lunch ladies and/or staff that doesn't give a crap, then you're left with what we have.

I'll take that one step farther.

In our high school cafeteria, we had several choices of entrees every day. One or two of them rotated around, but every day there was a refrigerator packed with salads, wraps—hell, you could even get hummus. Even better, it didn't taste half bad. On the other side of the serving area, we had pizzas (or what they assumed were pizzas). Guess which area was busier over the course of a lunch period? Hint: It's not the healthy area.

Is it the fact that pizza is served in cafeterias that's making the kids want to eat it, or is it the fact that when given a choice, the kids go for the less healthy alternative?
How much do the salads and wraps cost compared to the normal lunches?

We had a salad option as well, but it cost the same as a normal lunch and you got less food, hence most people went for the more food for the same price. It was usually just as crappy quality wise.

Not to mention those are all things people can make at home for cheaper, so if they wanted them they would just make them at home.
Pizza, a vegetable? That's just stupid. Instead of acting so stupid, why not just offer vegetables (REAL ones) in schools? Come on, I usually put a red pepper or an apple (though that's a fruit) in my school lunches. The pizza vegetable thing is one of the dumbest things ever. Pepperoni pretty much beats this crap. I'll take a red pepper thank you. I eat them like apples. What's next, is YouTube gonna be called "educational"?
Slightly on-topic: I just had half of this tasty vegetable a couple of hours ago.
It's sad how corporations are really running Congress now. You can bet a million bucks that this change was made because some cheap-ass food corp wanted to sound like they weren't shoving crap down the throats of children, so they had a few friendly Congressman make a change. Even worse is that in the midst of all these pressing issues in America these days, they took the time to stop voting on important problems and vote on this silly BS.
It's sad how corporations are really running Congress now. You can bet a million bucks that this change was made because...

No change was made. The question debated was whether two tablespoons of tomato paste qualified as one serving of fruit/vegetables or if it should be increased to a half cup full. The decision was to keep it as it is.

The reason this idiotic headline was made was to make it sound interesting/shocking. No-one made any decisions about frickin' pizza.

Read the story, people.
No change was made. The question debated was whether two tablespoons of tomato paste qualified as one serving of fruit/vegetables or if it should be increased to a half cup full. The decision was to keep it as it is.

The reason this idiotic headline was made was to make it sound interesting/shocking. No-one made any decisions about frickin' pizza.

Read the story, people.

Yeah. A shocking headline or title draws people in. This means the pizza itself isn't classed as a fruit, but it consists of ingredients that contribute 1/5 of your "five a day".

Still, it is quite funny, though. :lol:
Basically, kids love pizza (it tastes awesome?) and it can be made for dirt cheap, so finding an excuse or loophole to keep it on the menu is what they are doing. Jamie Oliver was doing a good thing (though some of this methods we're a bit overly dramatic) but they weren't interested. The only way to get good food on the menu is to take the crap food off the menu so the kids actually eat it, which obviously isnt going to happen. Crap food is cheaper, its easier and the kids love it.

Pizza really is not healthy, in moderation sure, but all that bread even at the best of times is not something you should eat often, thats before you get into the cheapy crap low quality saturated fat filled salty cheese bread.

When I was in school we had a load of junk food on the menu, I used to live off of pasties and hotdogs (though with real sausage, not like the american type), we had big inhouse baked cookies, coca cola vending machines and chips were probably the most sold food, all of that is gone now though, you're basically forced into eating atleast half decent here in the UK schools.
Well somebody have since the supreme court sees Pizza as a vegetable.

Something might not have been changed now but somewhere along the lines, someone has tried to go around the rules.