Flower (PSN game)

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Gadbury / GTP_Gadbury
Hi all,

Is anyone else interested in Flower, which releases on the PSN this week?

Here is the Flower entry on Metacritic, and it has been getting some good reviews (12 reviews with a Metascore of 87): http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps3/flower?q=flower

Here's a nice video on IGN: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/8...2/videos/flower_020609_seeing_it_through.html

Looks dreamy, relaxing and very thought-provoking. It's nice to see something different now and again... the typical games can get a bit mind numbing after so many kills / wins.
I'm getting it, loved the look of it since the first info was released. I was quite a fan of Flow as well, so a new release from the same studio is more than worth a look.


Bought, downloaded and install and now I have to wait for the wife and kids to go to bed before I will get a chance to give it a go.


I have played Flower, and to be quite honest, after a tough day, your simple answer is
to play Flower for hours on end. And LittleBigPlanet and LocoRoco and 2, those are both relaxing games but this isn't the thread to talk about them.

Flower is just fantastic, the best game off the PSN I've bought. The graphics are slick, the music and sound is nice, the gameplay is nice, and just everything is really nice and relaxing. You use the sixaxis to collect flower's leaves and take them to a special flower which opens up a new part of the massive field you play in. Although I don't exactly know how to save the game, it autosaves but I don't know when.

Flower is worth every penny, serioiusly.
Just had a quick 'play' on the first flower and quite simply is beautiful.

Looks amazing, sounds stunning and has the same open and relaxing quality that made flow a great title. It doesn't quite qualify as a game, more an experience and a damn fine and relaxing one at that.

If your after something a little different I strongly recommend it, but approach it with an open mind, because its certainly not a game in the traditional sense.


Flower makes me want to run out and show everyone what they're missing and make 360 fanboys sigh in embarrassment.

$9.99? Don't fear, just tell yourself that you are stimulating the economy.
Quite simply in my opinion one of the best things on PSN currently.

Its not a game, more of an experience, but the final stage is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen and heard.

Flower may be short but that does nothing to stop it being stunning and does have a great deal to recomend it.


how hard to get all trophies?

I've head its quite a challenge

Just purchased it, fantastic bit of software. a visual and auditory feast.
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Quite simply in my opinion one of the best things on PSN currently.

Its not a game, more of an experience, but the final stage is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen and heard.

Flower may be short but that does nothing to stop it being stunning and does have a great deal to recomend it.



You just made me £6.29 poorer! (...well, I have to blame someone!)
i just passed the night lvl last night and O M G its the most amazing thing ive seen its just so stunning to look at and the hole game is so peacefull

i just passed the night lvl last night and O M G its the most amazing thing ive seen its just so stunning to look at and the hole game is so peacefull


Quite agree, particularly given the level before it (the change in tone between the journey to the city and the city itself is amazing), I can quite honestly say that the last level alone is worth the price of Flower, simply one of the most stuning things I have ever experienced in terms of interactive content.

Flower does seriously push the whole gaming as an art concept more than any other title.

It also has to get a nod for the best credits in a game ever.

In regard to trophies they are not difficult, more unusual when compared to most games, but they fit in with the spirt of the title wonderfully.

You just made me £6.29 poorer! (...well, I have to blame someone!)

True, but if you have a soul then I've just made your life infinatly richer.


I bought Flower last week and it is stunning. I played through all the levels and I am only missing one hidden flower on the last two levels.

My review (non-spoiler):

Starting out Flower appears to just be a simple relaxing game very much like Flow. In the first two levels you learn pretty much all the necessary gameplay mechanics you will need to complete the game. But that is deceptive. You go into it thinking that is all you get.

The third level hits and at first it appears to just be a bit more of the same, but then you realize the entire world is now being affected, not just the plants. It is more than just bringing plants to life and adding beauty to the world. You are making big changes to even nature itself. But it still seems simple with just a goal oriented aspect added.

The fourth level takes you into night and you continue changing everything around you. Starting off it still looks simple with just a night aspect and goals. But then things...happen. The world is not what it appears. Life is not simple. Something has happened. Something is there.

Going from levels four through six (last level) you go on an emotional ride from pleasant joy to worry, to pure tense and even a bit of fear and being overwhelmed. Then as you come through you find a sense of triumph, joy and realization that you, a petal on the wind, are much, much more than just that. The change from tense to the joy of the end is such a sweeping feel that it is one of the best emotional experiences I have ever had in a game. I just felt so...good.

There is the debate of can video games be art, but it has rarely had much that can be pointed to in the positive. Even then, those few examples are not great games. But Flower does not just make an argument that video games can be art. In my mind it answers the question with a resounding YES!!! Are video games art? No, but neither are all movies. Can video games be art? Yes. Flower is art.

The gameplay is simple, the story relatively weak as you have no background, no obvious antagonist to point at and hate, and the story is told purely through imagery and feelings. But that is where it excels. The art direction of this game is beyond anything I think I have ever seen. The gameplay is simple, but it gives you that helpless feeling of a petal on the wind. The story may be weak, but you weren't seeking an adventure, you were seeking a relaxing and simple life. It all builds to a point and carries your emotions with it.

Yes, it can be played through quickly, but to experience the full effect you should at least play the last half in one sitting. If you finish level five and don't say, "But wait, it can't end there," you are missing something.

And then when you are done and you begin to "watch" the credits you realize that for the first time in your life you want to see these credits, and not because you hope some small secret is hidden at the end.

I had multiple people message me on the PSN this weekend asking if I think it is worth it. Some of those answers I gave early on in my experience as a maybe. Having played through it I can now say without a doubt that my answer is YES.
Shall be buying this tonight based upon your reviews, I LOVE more 'arty' style games and this sounds like it fits the bill perfectly. I'm sure it will calm me down after the tripe that was NFS: Undercover on the 360!
FoolKiller's words echo my thoughts of Flower so I won't say too much more.

A few days ago I bought Flower and played the first three levels. Although I thought it was nice and pretty, I wondered if I was missing the point (or my heart) because the game wasn't delivering this emotional, thought-provoking experience thus far.

Having been away this weekend, I have just returned to it and completed levels 4 - 6 and it is the last half of Flower that has also changed my views about the game. Absolutely, this is where the experience picks up. Each of the last levels get progressively better (imo), and the final one gave me a great sense of satisfaction and a bit of a rush.

Flower is beautiful; technically, yes, and with lovely design but most of all it has personality. I don't want to go too deep talking about my experience of Flower but let me say it did get me thinking.

EDIT: I don't know if this is a game for everyone. I think there are going to be people that don't get much out of this. My brother walked in and said "What's this... a game?" then walked out again. If you have an open mind and would like to experiment with £6, give it a go!
It pains me to not play this game every day to get one of the hidden trophies. I almost feel like I need to cheat to get it, because Want to play it every single day after work (but I also want to get all the trophies!).
There is a hidden trophy for coming back to play the game after a week of absence. You can "cheat" by setting your date on the PS3 forward by 7 days.
Only need three more trophies for Flower (I must confess to cheating to get the hidden one discussed above because I don't want to stop playing).

Pure - This one is going to annoy the hell out of me

10,000 blooms - Just a matter of time

All hidden flowers - Again just a matter of time and I already have half of them without trying to find them

I actually want to get all the trophies out of the way so I can play without the trophy pop-up appearing as I jars you out of a relaxed state.

Flower has to stand out (in my opinion) as one of the best PSN titles around and for me one of the greatest titles ever, very rarely does something truly new come allong to gaming, but this is one of those moments.


Only need three more trophies for Flower (I must confess to cheating to get the hidden one discussed above because I don't want to stop playing).
I have to confess. I saw you had it, wondered how, and experimented. Now I am even with you on trophies.

Pure - This one is going to annoy the hell out of me
I nearly got it, but I got hit while it was on a cutscene. The key is to remember that you only NEED to get the flowers by the towers that unlock doors. Then in that final run, go fast (hold onto a button) and stay low or high depending on the section.

10,000 blooms - Just a matter of time
This will likely come while in pursuit of the other two. If not I will gladyly play this game over and over.

All hidden flowers - Again just a matter of time and I already have half of them without trying to find them
I am missing two.

I actually want to get all the trophies out of the way so I can play without the trophy pop-up appearing as I jars you out of a relaxed state.

Flower has to stand out (in my opinion) as one of the best PSN titles around and for me one of the greatest titles ever, very rarely does something truly new come allong to gaming, but this is one of those moments.
I agree with this.
Bought this yesterday, ended up staying up playing it until 1am. I had to be up at 5 for work. It's that good!

Just got the last level to do, but it'll keep me going for hours just admiring the visuals and listening to the beautiful music.
Bought this yesterday, ended up staying up playing it until 1am. I had to be up at 5 for work. It's that good!

Just got the last level to do, but it'll keep me going for hours just admiring the visuals and listening to the beautiful music.

If you have still not yet played the last level then you still have the finest part to come, honestly it will blow you away.

Don't forget to take a look at the credits as well, best credits ever and certainly worth a look (and the only credits I know of with a trophy).


Is Flower a good investment in getting or not. Dont know much about it & have only seen the trailer. so YES or NO

For me its been one of the best £6.29 I have spent on the store, it looks and sounds stunning and offers an emotional journey that very few games have ever offered.

That said it is very short (2 - 3 hours start to finish) and is not a traditional game at all, with minimal controls and no shooting of anything.

If you are open-minded about what a 'game' is and have an artistic streak in you then it I would say yes without a doubt, however if you like 'games' to fill a traditional role then it may not be for you.


Is Flower a good investment in getting or not. Dont know much about it & have only seen the trailer. so YES or NO
I have yet to know anyone that didn't like the game after they got it.

Watch this developer diary video that was in the US PlayStation Store. This video took my wife from, "That looks odd," to "I want to play!"
