Flower (PSN game)

  • Thread starter Obli
The last level was brilliant! The visuals were absolutely stunning, and the credits deserve a mention too. They were very well produced, nice to see they weren't just an afterthought.
Hmm, i though this was a baking game. j/k

Looks interesting. I've just become poor(more bills) so I'll have to spend money more careful. the single life sucks.
This game gets better and better! I have finished the game (although I have a lot of trophies remaining). I put it on last night as I was too tired to concentrate on anything else... and started going for some trophies!

I'm trying to collect every flower / petal on each stage. I got my Beginning trophy after completing the 3rd (windmill) stage, simply because I was exploring the level in no rush to finish it. I noticed as I collected more flowers, extra flowers sprouted where I had previously been (down the windy valleys of the rocks). There are some delightful little secrets on this level! When the level finished, its flower (on the stage select screen) bloomed (that was when it twigged and the Beginning trophy popped up). So I went back to 1st level and collected all the petals there. I had two attempts at the second level but - GRRRR! - I cannot do it (I thought this game was supposed to be stress-free?! :)). Are there three sets of (green/blue) hidden flowers on each stage? If so, on the 2nd level I have got two. One near the start of the level that sprout up on the hillside (before going through the windy gap in the rocks that open up), and another at the final circular section of the level, around the edges and up in a crevice. Help! :)

Anyway, I have now realised how good all the levels are on this game! The early ones are soooo peaceful and so relaxing. The later levels do get better and better but I love the atmosphere and variations of each one. They're all quite different. Going back through it and taking my time to enjoy this game at a slower pace (and with hindsight), soaking up the beautiful audio and visuals, little secrets and touches, and the flowing controls is a real delight.

I really hope they release some extra levels as DLC! I was thinking last night how wonderful it would be to add some new content to this game. Simplicity is part of Flower's beauty, but the gentle, running water of a stream, or a magnificent waterfall (imagine the sounds!) would be the cherry on the cake for me! Or imagine randomly generated landscapes with perhaps a level editor for modifying the landscape, adding unique touches and planting flowers and their seeds to form the flow of the level. I think I need to email That Game Company!
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This game gets better and better! I have finished the game (although I have a lot of trophies remaining). I put it on last night as I was too tired to concentrate on anything else... and started going for some trophies!

I'm trying to collect every flower / petal on each stage. I got my Beginning trophy after completing the 3rd (windmill) stage, simply because I was exploring the level in no rush to finish it. I noticed as I collected more flowers, extra flowers sprouted where I had previously been (down the windy valleys of the rocks). There are some delightful little secrets on this level! When the level finished, its flower (on the stage select screen) bloomed (that was when it twigged and the Beginning trophy popped up). So I went back to 1st level and collected all the petals there. I had two attempts at the second level but - GRRRR! - I cannot do it (I thought this game was supposed to be stress-free?! :)). Are there three sets of (green/blue) hidden flowers on each stage? If so, on the 2nd level I have got two. One near the start of the level that sprout up on the hillside (before going through the windy gap in the rocks that open up), and another at the final circular section of the level, around the edges and up in a crevice. Help! :)

Anyway, I have now realised how good all the levels are on this game! The early ones are soooo peaceful and so relaxing. The later levels do get better and better but I love the atmosphere and variations of each one. They're all quite different. Going back through it and taking my time to enjoy this game at a slower pace (and with hindsight), soaking up the beautiful audio and visuals, little secrets and touches, and the flowing controls is a real delight.

I really hope they release some extra levels as DLC! I was thinking last night how wonderful it would be to add some new content to this game. Simplicity is part of Flower's beauty, but the gentle, running water of a stream, or a magnificent waterfall (imagine the sounds!) would be the cherry on the cake for me! Or imagine randomly generated landscapes with perhaps a level editor for modifying the landscape, adding unique touches and planting flowers and their seeds to form the flow of the level. I think I need to email That Game Company!

Each level has three hidden flowers to bloom on it, you can check how many you have for each level by looking at the flower in its pot (in the appartment). You will have one leaf resting in the flowerpot for each of the hidden flowers you have found on the that level, once you collect all three the flower also looks 'heathier'. Collect every hidden flower and you get the gold trophy (not yet got that one).

Also as a hint for one of the trophies (if you haven't found it yet).....

In the credits open every flower to release the names and you will get a trophy.


I got 100% on all the trophies last night. Pure is actually very easy if you only get the flowers necessary to progress.
i want to check this game out but was a little hesitant. How long is the game roughly? also does there appear to be a good amount of re-play value? Or is it one of those experience it once, and walk away with a smile type experience?
i want to check this game out but was a little hesitant. How long is the game roughly? also does there appear to be a good amount of re-play value? Or is it one of those experience it once, and walk away with a smile type experience?
The game can probably be beat the first time through in 2-3 hours.

If you like games that actually show emotion and artisitic value it will have a ton of replay value.

There are hidden flowers to find and if you go after trophies it definitely has reason to bring you back.

I have yet to find someone that bought the game and regrets it.
The game can probably be beat the first time through in 2-3 hours.

If you like games that actually show emotion and artisitic value it will have a ton of replay value.

There are hidden flowers to find and if you go after trophies it definitely has reason to bring you back.

I have yet to find someone that bought the game and regrets it.

i'm no trophy hunter, but i do have an open mind to games. Something different would be refreshing. Way too many first person shooters. Fun but too much of anything can be bad. I'll give it a try this weekend. :)👍
Flower is AMAZING, great graphics & it has a relaxing feel to it.

I cant get enough of Flower, i just injoy playing it after a bad day.
I have to agree with almost all of the posts here. Flower is a really nice interactive experience. It's so basic and simple. The great visuals and relaxing music do make for an enjoyable experience. I really like the six-axis controls. I've only finished the 2nd level, can't wait to see what comes next. :)👍
quite a good game. I started playing it after getting frustrated at another game and did a good job to relax me. The 5th level annoyed me (pure trophy) but worked out what I was doing wrong.
Welcome to the Flower peace party... seems like a lot of mutual love going around (for this game!)
I've only finished the 2nd level, can't wait to see what comes next. :)👍
You haven't seen anything yet.

quite a good game. I started playing it after getting frustrated at another game and did a good job to relax me. The 5th level annoyed me (pure trophy) but worked out what I was doing wrong.
Let me guess, you were trying too hard and going for all the purple flowers?

When I got Pure I think I collected a total of 15-20 flowers.
Actually quite the opposite

I would skip all flowers except for the 3 towers. Then when I reached the canyons/valley I could in no way stop from hitting the last falling tower right near the end of the level.

I then realised that the more petals you have the stronger you become. So After I finished the 3 towers, went around collecting all the flowers in there and that did enough to get through unscathed.
I would skip all flowers except for the 3 towers. Then when I reached the canyons/valley I could in no way stop from hitting the last falling tower right near the end of the level.

I then realised that the more petals you have the stronger you become. So After I finished the 3 towers, went around collecting all the flowers in there and that did enough to get through unscathed.
I just let off the button (slowed down) and did some side-side stuff to delay my approach. I went right over it.
whenever i did that no matter what I did I would dive down. Unless I pushed a button it would hardly pull up
Fun game, i like it. But i feel like i missed a whole bunch of flowers in that windy canyon part of the third level.
there is a way to go through the canyons again. About halfway through there is a hole on the left side that takes you through some caves (also can lead to flow trophy if you take the right path) and lets you star the canyon again.
there is a way to go through the canyons again. About halfway through there is a hole on the left side that takes you through some caves (also can lead to flow trophy if you take the right path) and lets you star the canyon again.
But be careful, because if you get the Flow trophy teh cave closes. If you do not get it then it will remain open so you can go back through it.

However, it is important to note that the dream trophy is not for all flowers, just all hidden flowers (three per level).
I saw the ending of the game (i played levels 1-3) and yesterday some friends were over and in the playstation menu it was over Flower, so you see the pretty background and tranquil music. So they were like "what the he11 is Flower".

Thinking it's a stupid, childish game. So i played through the 3rd level and they got interested. Once i handed over the controller they didn't stop playing till they beat it and also played through the credits (very clever credit and most enjoyable credits in a game so far).

I saw the ending of the game (i played levels 1-3) and yesterday some friends were over and in the playstation menu it was over Flower, so you see the pretty background and tranquil music. So they were like "what the he11 is Flower".

Thinking it's a stupid, childish game. So i played through the 3rd level and they got interested. Once i handed over the controller they didn't stop playing till they beat it and also played through the credits (very clever credit and most enjoyable credits in a game so far).

So, you let your friends steal the joy of the best part?
So, you let your friends steal the joy of the best part?

Yes the last 2 stages were the most interesting/fun looking ones, but they didn't complete them, so i will be going back to finish it up. i tried not to pay full attention (was looking up stuff on the internet) so MOST of the last 2 stages will be new to me. 💡
I tried explaining this game to someone on Saturday... damn, it's hard to sell this game without them having seen it. I think he thought I was weird lol!
Am i the only one who found the fifth level kind of lame? It looked a bit silly, i liked the field levels better.
Am i the only one who found the fifth level kind of lame? It looked a bit silly, i liked the field levels better.
The fifth level is the one that twists your emotions. It is designed to show that not all is great with the world, something is wrong. It is supposed to stand out as different, odd, and even slightly disturbing.
Only one more trophy to get now, and that's Pure.

Had a pratice run last night when I collected the last of the hidden flowers, and with a bit of luck will be able to make it 100% soon.


It appears Flower is gaining interest even in main stream media.

In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, it even made it onto their "Must List" (Top 10 Things They Love This Week). The list usually only has movies, TV shows, books, and music, and in fact the only other game to ever make it on the list was GTA4.

Also, based on the aggregate of critical reviews on Metacritc, Flower is currently the 20th highest rated PS3 game, and the second highest rated PSN game.

Pretty bloody amazing for an interactive fantasy 'game' about flowers that has no score or online mode. 👍
Great game. I just need ONE trophy. Bloom 10,000 flowers.

Too bad there is no Progress bar for this one.
Great game. I just need ONE trophy. Bloom 10,000 flowers.

Too bad there is no Progress bar for this one.
I played through every level twice, collecting every flower both times, played five three times, and Level 6 three times (maybe four), and that did it for me.